Skipping school isn't something you should always do, but it can happen that you want to skip a class for several reasons. Maybe you haven't studied for a test, or you are too tired and would fall asleep on the desk. Whatever the reason, pay attention to these tips to be able to skip school without getting caught!
Part 1 of 4: Deciding Which Lesson to Skip

Step 1. Think about your teachers
Decide a few days in advance which lessons to skip. For example, you might decide not to go to school on Wednesday, or to skip the first hour of English on Saturday. When choosing which day or time to skip, consider the following. Will the teachers or the school worry about your absence and call your parents? It is better to choose a day when the teachers who will be teaching do not pay much attention to suspicious absences. In this case, it will be much easier to not get caught.
Always evaluate your teachers' temper before skipping school. It is easier to skip classes taught by relaxed teachers. Never skip classes taught by teachers who will be looking for you or asking for you

Step 2. Think about the location of your class
If you want to try to get out of school without anyone noticing, the location of the class is key. If the classroom is near an unlocked exit, it's ideal for escaping. If, on the other hand, you have to walk past the principal's office to get out of school, your plan will be much riskier.

Step 3. Think about your previous absences
It is not a good idea to skip too many lessons of the same subject. If you skip a day that doesn't have the subjects you skipped most frequently, you will be less likely to get caught.

Step 4. Decide if you really should skip school
Marinating isn't always the best option. If you get caught, you risk serious consequences - at home and at school. Also, if you miss a lesson, you will have to study harder to recover. Think about why you want to skip it and decide if there is a better way to achieve the same result. For example, if you want to skip school because you haven't done your homework for that day, maybe you could talk to your teacher instead and ask for an extension. This way you will risk less.
Part 2 of 4: Deciding Where to Go Once Marinated

Step 1. Make a plan
Don't skip school if you don't know where to go, otherwise you might get caught. Think ahead about what to do and where to go.

Step 2. Hide in an uncrowded area of the school
Go to an area where you will almost certainly not be found. You could sit under a willow tree, hide in the broom closet, under a ladder, etc.

Step 3. Hide in the school bathroom
If you are alone, this is a great option, as it will be rare for someone to find you and discover you.

Step 4. Get away from school altogether
If you can, hide in a park, shop or mall near the school where you know no one from the school can go. It is very important to make sure you go to a place where you will not be seen by someone who can understand that you are skipping school. For example, if your best friend's mom owns a shop near the school, avoid it at all costs. The last thing you want is someone to tell your mom that she saw you walking around the mall in the morning.
Part 3 of 4: Preparing to Skip School

Step 1. Exit the lesson a few minutes earlier
Tell your teacher that you need to go to the bathroom so that you can get out of class a few minutes before the bell rings. This will give you time to reach the hidden area or to leave the school before the end of the hour, in order to avoid teachers and pupils from moving around. This way, there will be fewer witnesses of your movements and it will be less likely that you will be discovered.
To get out of class a few minutes before the bell, tell the teacher that you need to take medication or that you desperately need the bathroom

Step 2. Say you need to go to the school psychologist
This tactic is very cunning, because no one will ask you why you go to the psychologist, since it is private information.

Step 3. Prepare an alibi
Tell one of your close friends that you will not be there for a credible reason. If the teacher asks for an explanation, your friend can report what you said to the teacher, who will have no reason to suspect otherwise. Make it known that you are home sick or that you had a visit to the doctor. Remember that you could end up in serious trouble if you get caught, so you need to have a plan. Or you could reevaluate the idea of skipping school.

Step 4. Park your car away from the school
If you drive to school, remember to park far away on the day you skip. Most schools have closed parking spaces, and often someone will notice you if you leave before class is over.
Note: If you think it is possible for your parents to be passing by school to check that your car is present in the parking lot, the best choice would be to park at the school and walk away. This way the car will always stay in school
Part 4 of 4: Knowing What To Do If You Get Caught

Step 1. Learn what to say if you get caught in the bathroom
In this situation, the excuse is simple. Just say "I'm trying to use the bathroom" or "I'm on my period" (for girls).

Step 2. Learn what to say if you get caught in an isolated area of the school
This situation is much more complex. Your best bet is to fake a fall or sit on the ground and look sick. If you can pretend to cry, go for it.

Step 3. Learn what to say if you get caught out of school
This situation is almost impossible to save. You could say your mom took you to the dentist / doctor / psychologist. Or you could run away and hope not to be recognized.

Step 4. Learn what to say if you get caught walking around the school
Try one of these excuses:
- You're running an errand per teacher.
- You're going to the bathroom.
- You left your backpack in the car.
- You're going to the janitor.
You just got transferred to the school and can't find the gym.
If you get caught walking around, pretend to go back to class and make your way to the nearest bathroom for the remainder of the class

Step 5. Prepare yourself with an excuse when you get back to class
Once you have successfully missed a class, go back to school and continue attending normally. Choose one of the excuses mentioned in the article in case your teacher noticed you were absent in the previous lesson. You could also forge the parent's signature to bring a justification and not risk anything.