Entering the world of high school can arouse more than a fear in you, but you shouldn't be afraid. If you learn to appreciate your true identity and make others feel comfortable in your presence, you will be on your way to becoming popular in no time. Do you want to find out how to do it? Read on to learn more.
Part 1 of 3: Be Sociable

Step 1. Don't be fake
There is nothing worse: in fact, your so-called friends will not like you for who you really are. Cultivate a good self-esteem to understand that you are a great person, with so much to offer, and you will be more likely to attract a diverse group of interesting people. Don't tell others what you think they want to hear just to make you accept, and avoid flaunting just to look cool. People will be able to tell if you're just trying to wow them or act like a licker, so you'll have less chance of forming a friendship with them. Instead, gradually open up and allow those around you to get to know you and what you really care about. Also, if you are fake, it is likely that others will notice and tell people about it, so it will be even more difficult for you to make friends.
- If you become popular just because you try to be different from who you really are, where is the fun? You certainly don't want to continue this farce forever, do you?
- Remember that if you have to completely change your identity to be accepted by others, then it's probably not worth it.

Step 2. Be genuinely nice
Nobody likes people who are too set. Smile at the people you meet in the corridors. Don't act like you feel superior - arrogance will push anyone away. If someone mentions you in a conversation, they should do so to bring out your positives, not the negatives. Either way, don't be too helpful or others will start using you. You may think you have to act like the stars of Mean Girls to be popular, but, in reality, that attitude won't get you far.
- To be actually likeable, you should be polite and have good manners. This means keeping the door open for others, greeting people you know, making room for people as you walk the hallways, and being friendly even when you're in a bad mood.
- This does not mean that you should behave cheerfully when you do not feel like it: you have probably sometimes observed this false behavior in adults. It simply means that you should be nice to others, regardless of how popular you place them.
- There is nothing worse than a person who is only nice to popular people or who can presumably help them achieve something. If you are rude to "inferior" people and sympathetic to "superior" ones, you will soon be rewarded with the same coin.

Step 3. Claim yourself if necessary
If you want to make sincere friends, then you can't let others trample you. If you are determined and know when to stand up for yourself, you will actually earn respect, so you will have a better chance of making new friends and becoming popular. If you are nice to people just because you want to be accepted by them, you will not go very far and you will not be respected.
- If someone misbehaves you, making you feel inept, and generally tends to offend you for no particular reason, you shouldn't let them get away with it. Make him understand that his actions are unacceptable.
- You don't have to lower yourself to the same level as a person just because they misbehave with you. You can tell someone to stop acting a certain way without insulting or acting the same way. Remember that you are capable of something else.

Step 4. Be willing to meet new people
If you are friendly, you always get close to others and chat about this and that, then you are on the right path to making new friends easily. You should be happy to make new acquaintances, regardless of their connections or age. Of course, you should proceed calmly and not be nagging with people who have recently met or seem busy, but you may find the opportunity to talk to others; for example, if you are waiting for the bus and you see an acquaintance alone at the stop, take this chance.
When chatting with new people, you should go step by step, talk about school, your hobbies, and the music you like. Ask simple questions to show your interest. You will be able to bring up more serious topics later when you get to know each other better

Step 5. Be interested in others
The key to being truly social and popular is not to always talk about yourself or show off, but to show a sincere interest in people. In fact, in addition to being interesting, you must show yourself interested in your interlocutors. If you ask them questions, show you care, and avoid straggling, people will appreciate you so much more. When you talk to someone, smile at them, ask them questions about their day, make eye contact and show them that you are actually paying attention. This doesn't mean you should pretend, but that you should make an effort to make others feel heard. Here are some useful moves:
- When you talk to someone, ask them about their weekend.
- Ask about his extracurricular activities.
- Compliment him on a dress or accessory he's wearing.
- Ask him a question about a topic he has mentioned in the past.
- Find a balance between the information you give about yourself and the questions you ask your interlocutor.

Step 6. Don't act like you're too cool to care about your surroundings
Sure, in high school a lot of people act like they're too cool to study. They overdo their makeup, get distracted in class, arrive late or shrug when teachers scold them. However, this is not the right approach to have at this age. Accept that there is nothing wrong with giving importance to your education. Also, you should try to chase the activities that interest you, without fear of looking like a nerd. If you're into literature, feel free to let your interest flow when you talk about your favorite book. If you like playing tennis, tell your friends about your next meeting.
Talking about what makes you happy will make you a more interesting and pleasant person. Also, express your opinions. Demonstrating agreement despite your opinion being different or nodding to whatever others say will make you seem rather boring. Try to strike up conversations, learn when to listen and when to respond to others

Step 7. Talk about this and that with people you've recently met
Being able to have conversations for their own sake is a flaw that many high school students seem to have. If you know how to converse, you will improve your social performance and be on your way to becoming more popular. To talk about this and that, you simply need to be able to chat about frivolous topics when you bump into others in the hallways, avoiding getting nervous or running out of conversation. When you have short conversations with someone between classes or before entering school, you just need to relax, stop worrying about saying the wrong thing, and put your interlocutor at ease. Here are some ideas to talk about this and that:
- Talk about the last lesson you attended and what you think about the subject.
- Ask your interlocutor what he did over the weekend.
- Talk about a future event (school or not), such as a concert or game, and ask him if he will go there.
- Take a cue from what surrounds you to strike up a conversation, such as a flyer advertising an event or the original shirt worn by your interlocutor.

Step 8. Smile at others
Maybe you think that being smiling is not a good strategy because it seems that everyone finds it uncool. However, if you want to be more sociable and get on the right path to popularity, you should change your attitude. Smiling makes you more accessible, allows you to be noticed by others, so more people are likely to feel comfortable in your presence. This is a very important factor in being friendly. You don't have to smile indifferently at just anyone, but if you run into someone in the corridors, take the chance to crack a smile, even if you don't know them.
You have to remember one thing. In high school, people tend to be hypercritical, and are more likely to automatically think that someone is rude or obnoxious, for no reason. If you smile more, others will be much more willing to find you nice and open
Part 2 of 3: Get Noticed

Step 1. Dress well
You don't need the trendiest or most expensive clothing there is to become popular, but you need to look like someone who cares about their look. Don't think it's a superficial suggestion: People who dress best are taken more seriously and treated with more respect than those who look scruffy, whether it's at a job interview or at a party. It's a fact. Bring clothes of your size, ironed and clean, and you will see that people will notice you more easily.
- The clothes can be a little looser or more tight than necessary, this depends on the look you intend to recreate. However, if the pants are clearly the wrong size, you may want to take better care of your wardrobe.
- All it takes is cute accessories, such as a pair of silver earrings or a nice watch, to complete a match.
- Don't worry: you don't have to have five or ten completely new outfits. It is better to own some nice but quality items. A well-made pair of jeans will definitely be more useful than three pairs of shoddy pants.

Step 2. Maintain good personal hygiene
Take a shower, shave, brush your teeth, apply deodorant - your body and hair must be beautiful and clean. While it's important to smell fresh, you should make sure you don't use too much perfume or cologne, as the result would be as bad as a lack of personal hygiene. Taking the time to heal your exterior shows that you respect and love yourself.
You should go to school fresh from the shower. If you have a PE class, bring some deodorant with you and make sure you are always as clean as possible

Step 3. Make good decisions
You don't have to drink, smoke, skip school, or be stealthy. Wrong choices can damage your whole life, despite the fact that you are still so young, and that won't make you popular. You may think that if you behave like a rebel or ignore some rules, you will be noticed: it is true, but it will not last long, and it will not happen for the reasons why you want to be recognized by others. There is a big difference between becoming popular because you are a well-rounded and friendly person and having a bad reputation.
- When you surround yourself with people who have their heads on their shoulders, it is easier to make good decisions. If you are a victim of bad influences, you yourself will be more predisposed to making bad choices.
- If you go to a party, avoid drinking, behaving recklessly, or doing any other bad deed just to not go unnoticed. The attention you will get for these attitudes will not be lasting.

Step 4. Amaze people with your self-esteem
If you are satisfied with yourself, what you do and how you look, people will feel it from a kilometer away. Smile at others and don't be afraid to say hello or strike up a conversation. Walk with your head held high, use open body language, maintain good posture, and convey positive energy to everyone you meet. This way people will feel enticed to get to know you and will take an interest in you.
- Building good self-esteem takes years of commitment. If you focus on what you really love and excel at something, you can get yourself noticed, so you will feel happier and more proud of yourself throughout the day.
- You should also make a list of all the qualities you love about yourself. Read it often, especially when you are sad.
- You can also work to change aspects of yourself that you don't like. Do not think that you cannot change and have no way out: your destiny is in your hands.
- Another way to improve your self-esteem is to hang out with people who make you feel good about yourself. Avoid friends who always demoralize you.

Step 5. Don't mock or bully others because you think it will make you popular
Even though they believe it will help you increase your popularity, people will get a bad idea of you. Don't do this, since it's not fair to become popular at someone else's expense. Additionally, bullies will also be feared, but are rarely liked. You certainly don't want to get a reputation as a detestable person.
Truly popular people don't understand why they should hurt others: they are confident enough not to feel threatened by people

Step 6. Don't neglect your studies
Remember to focus on school, even if you are trying to become more popular. Grades are much more important than your social status. If you do well in school, you will be noticed for being a model student and will have more opportunities to meet other people. Sure, you don't want to be considered a nerd, but, if you're proud of your hard work, others will appreciate you.
Remember that, in the grand scheme of things, being popular in high school can be fun for some time. However, when you look back on these years in the future, you will regret not studying as much as you could because you preferred to focus your energies on the pursuit of popularity

Step 7. Physical well-being is a priority
Whether you go to the gym or play sports, exercise will not only make you look good, it will also allow you to feel good about yourself. If you accept yourself, more people end up thinking that you are a beautiful and confident person worth knowing. Sport in and of itself won't help you win new friends, but it can contribute to a lifestyle that will make you more popular.
Making wellbeing a priority will also lead you to meet more people and have more friends. In fact, you can play in a team in your area or get in touch with other people thanks to a course in the gym

Step 8. Try to always give the impression that you are enjoying yourself
Another way to get noticed is to show people that you are able to feel good about yourself and others, wherever you are. When you walk through the corridors of the school, go to a party or wait for your turn to arrive at the coffee machine, you should give the idea of savoring the moment. You don't have to laugh like crazy during a math class, but you should convey positive feelings, let others know that you are happy with yourself and what you do. When chatting with your friends, really get involved in the conversation, don't look around to see if there are more popular people to talk to. If you live fully and peacefully, you end up not caring what other people think, so people will feel more enticed to talk to you.
- If you are always smiling, cheerful and happy with what you do, you are more likely to attract new friends.
- Of course, this doesn't mean you have to pretend to be happy even when everything goes wrong, but if you have the opportunity, it won't hurt to live carefree.
- If you really feel like it, you can complain, but you don't have to get a reputation as a negative person.

Step 9. Learn to be independent
Being sociable, getting involved, and being friendly are all tried and true methods of becoming popular, but you should also accept your independence and do whatever you like. If you want to wear a certain outfit that you have never seen anyone wear in your school, listen to a completely different genre of music than your friends or try an activity that is not very popular in your city, such as yoga or shooting with the bow, then you shouldn't hesitate just because no one else does. Being independent will help you stand out for one simple reason: you'll stand out in the crowd.
This doesn't mean you have to be different for the sake of it, but because you actually want to do something new. If you try something alternative just to get attention, you risk looking like a person who wants to put on airs

Step 10. Don't sound desperate
There are many tactics to improve your social status and stand out among your schoolmates, but you should be careful not to run the risk of looking desperate. In high school, people are particularly perceptive in this sense, so you shouldn't give the impression that you are willing to do anything to become popular. What does it mean? That you shouldn't insist on becoming friends with popular people who aren't interested in you and that you shouldn't meddle in conversations you haven't been invited to. You should also avoid trying to copy the looks of people you think are cool, because otherwise others will notice your attempt.
- Trying to make new friends is a good way to get involved and be more popular. However, you should pay attention and understand when someone doesn't want to make friends. This way, you don't risk making a fool of yourself by exposing yourself too much.
- The same is true when you try to attract someone you like. Surely conquering her will make you feel great, but, before you declare yourself, you should take your time and get an idea of her feelings.
Part 3 of 3: Get Involved

Step 1. Do extracurricular activities
Whether you like basketball, chess, French or playing an instrument, doing some extracurricular activities can help you become more popular simply because you will meet more people. If you only know your classmates, you will prevent yourself from interacting with fantastic people of various interests. Plus, you'll find it's easier to feel on the same page as someone who shares your interests, so you'll be more likely to make friends.
- Remember that to be popular, people first need to know who you are. The best way to make a name for yourself is definitely to participate in several afternoon activities.
- Finding an afternoon activity that suits you will also help you identify a new passion, discover other hobbies, and maybe even inspire you to follow a certain career path.

Step 2. Get to know your classmates better
While being a model student is important, you should still be able to find time to relax and make friends at school. Chat with your desk mate or the one sitting behind you. You should make an effort to get to know the people you see every day, obviously without harming your academic performance!
- After working on a school project or preparing a science relationship with a classmate, you may find yourself having a new best friend. Don't think it's possible to make new friends only outside the school walls.
- Your classmates probably want to meet other people too, especially in the early days, when everyone is a bit lonely in a classroom full of strangers put there by accident from school.

Step 3. Get involved with your community
Another way to get noticed is to intervene in your city. You can volunteer at a soup kitchen or play football on the local team. Running an important community activity will help you build a reputation and gain interpersonal interaction experiences. You may also run into schoolmates who are doing the same thing, and this will help you find more friends in high school or in the neighborhood where you live.
Being active in the community will not only allow you to get to know more people, you will also be able to volunteer and build something useful that will help you cultivate your self-esteem. As a result, it will become easier to get to know other people. It is a virtuous circle

Step 4. Cultivate a variety of interests
If you want to be popular, you have to make a commitment to indulge in a variety of hobbies. If you only play football or write only for the school newspaper, then you will miss the opportunity to interact with a lot of interesting people. While you don't have to be too busy, you should do at least two or three activities that are likely to allow you to meet people. By cultivating just one interest, you will remain friends with the usual five people. Strive to find multiple hobbies so you can make friends with people who have something to say.
Becoming popular partly means being recognized by the people you meet around. Dedicating yourself to different types of activities can help you achieve this goal

Step 5. Get involved
If you are not afraid to take risks, to get involved at school and outside, you will have a better chance of making yourself known. Attend a talent show. When hosting a conference with an external guest, volunteer at the event. Help your partner with their homework in the afternoon. Volunteer at the municipal library. If you just focus on the usual routine instead of looking for new activities to try, you will have less chance of being popular.
If you are very shy, then you shouldn't put yourself out there by forcing yourself to behave differently and getting noticed at all costs. You can find small ways to make a difference, like getting involved behind the scenes or learning to melt in front of your class first
- Don't lie, or they'll think you want to put on airs. Lies always come out and will haunt you. Having integrity and morality will give you an advantage to be trusted and respected.
- Make sure you look good in the photos (this doesn't mean dressing provocatively!). Smile when someone takes pictures, even if you look away. Also, try to have a nice smile and look like a friendly person.
- Keep up with the obsessions and fads that the media talk about. Learn about actors, actresses and musicians. If you don't know where to start, visit billboard.com and listen to the radio for the latest hits. Browse the gossip sites and, if you are a girl, read popular magazines, such as Cosmopolitan, Glamor, Vogue and so on (even the foreign versions).
- Remember that high school does not represent your entire life. They only last five years. If you can't be popular, be yourself anyway, have fun, and don't push yourself. Life is too short, you have to be happy.
- Be fun! Cultivate your sense of humor to be able to make good jokes.
- Learn to tell compelling stories and behave in a nice way. The troublemakers are generally marginalized, unless they have a good sense of humor.
- Acne won't affect your status that much, but try to take care of your skin with proper cleansers and creams. To be able to get rid of impurities and have a healthy body in general, you can also try to stop eating wheat-based products. There are studies on this, such as those indicated by the book The zero wheat diet. It is an interesting read and you will be surprised to find that this food can have a negative impact on the body.
- Smile as often as possible. This does not mean that you have to do it at the most inopportune moments or all the time. In any case, nobody likes people who are constantly frowning or expressing no emotion.
- Don't befriend people who live recklessly and make bad choices.
- Don't be too insecure. There will be people envious of you. Be yourself and don't worry about others - they have no idea what you like or how you feel, only you know. As a result, demonstrate your true nature and don't give weight to what they think.
- Focus on both studies and social life. Be careful to figure out who your real friends are. Those who prevent you from studying or cultivating the skills necessary to become someone are not.
- Don't befriend people who are notoriously untrustworthy. They could stab you in the back and betray your trust.
- Don't gossip about others, as this will backfire on you eventually.
- If someone from a popular group tries to persuade you to take drugs, back off immediately. It's better to be considered uncool than to get carried away down that road.
- If you don't reflect yourself in the most popular people, don't go out of your way to be with them. Strive to pursue your dreams, be nice to others, and you'll make friends regardless of your current social status. Otherwise, you will simply look like a person with no personality.
- In general, stay away from negative people. Remember that learning to say no will also come in handy in the future, and it will get easier and easier. If you are a girl, don't forget that real women are composed. It is not the height of femininity to get involved in a fight. If someone is bothering you, just ignore them or ask an adult for help.
- Don't show off, or people will get the wrong idea of you.