School can be a terrible nightmare, and sometimes all you need to do is take a day off. A little creativity is all you need to avoid going to class and enjoy a relaxing day. In this article you will find some methods that you can use to skip school, making your absence credible.
Part 1 of 4: Pretending to be Sick

Step 1. Set the scene
If you intend to pretend to be sick, tell your parents a couple of days earlier that you are not feeling well. Your indisposition will be more credible if they see some symptoms arise 24 hours before simulating a malaise.
- To pretend you have a stomach ache, you tell your parents that you may have eaten something that made you sick.
- To simulate a cold, you say your throat feels slightly sore.
- Before waking up, get up in the middle of the night and complain of some ailment. Simulate the symptoms of an upset stomach or cold early in the day, or just say, "I feel like I'm not feeling well" or "I'm not feeling fit."

Step 2. Be "sick" once awake
Get up a little later than usual. Tell your parents that you are not feeling fit. Act like you're feeling sick.
- Walk slowly, as if you have sore muscles. Don't comb your hair, but leave it tousled as I just woke up.
- If you pretend you have a cold or flu symptoms, you cough and sneeze a few times and complain of dizziness. If you are faking stomach pain symptoms, massage your abdomen and groan saying it hurts.
- Don't overeat for breakfast. Often those who are sick lose their appetite, so in this way the pretense will be more effective.

Step 3. Pretend you have a fever
Since a fever is a sign of being unwell, your parents will surely want to check if their body temperature has risen. To convince them that you are really sick, you have to make them believe you have a fever.
- Before your parents place their hand on their foreheads to assess the temperature, wet a washcloth and heat it in the microwave for thirty seconds. Make sure it's not hot enough to burn you, then place it on your forehead for about a minute. It will overheat the head and body, and the forehead will be nice and warm.
Boil some water on the stove (this tip is for older children). Pour the boiling water into the sink, and when the steam rises, stand with your face over the sink until your face feels red. This will warm the face and, when the skin on the face comes into contact with the cold air, it will also look sweaty.
To simulate a fever, Not put your face directly on the stove, on the stove or in contact with boiling water. These methods can be dangerous and cause burns.
- Warm the thermometer by rubbing it between your hands until it reaches approximately 37-38 ° C (if it indicates a higher temperature, you risk being taken to the hospital). You can also heat it under hot water until it reaches the desired temperature.

Step 4. At first, ignore it, then give in
If your parents ask you if you'd rather stay at home, don't immediately accept. You have to act as if being absent from school is a difficult decision to make.
- Think for a minute or two, then try saying, "But I really wanted to take my PE class today." Then, add, "Come to think of it, I'm not sure I can stay at school all day."
- When your parents decide to let you stay at home, you are free to do whatever you want.

Step 5. Continue with the charade so that it is believable
Even if you have a day to yourself, you will still have to pretend to be ill for the rest of the day, at least as long as your parents are around.
- Simulate feeling really bad all morning, then slowly, over the next few hours, pretend to feel a little better.
- Act the next morning as if you still don't feel perfectly fit, but strong enough to go to school.
Part 2 of 4: Escape from School

Step 1. Know the risks
Many educational establishments have monitors, cameras, security guards and teachers who are in charge of making sure that no one leaves the building. Therefore, you could take some big risks if you decide to skip school this way.
Find out about the school rules before you decide not to show up and be prepared to assume your responsibilities should you ever get caught

Step 2. Leave the building at the right time
If you have decided to leave, you must go out when you are unlikely to be noticed. Usually, the risk is lower when there are many students around.
- If you leave early in the day, you will most likely get noticed, since most kids walk into school without leaving.
- Try to follow the first hour of class, so that you can at least be seen, then sneak away between classes. You can also do this during afternoon classes or around lunchtime.

Step 3. Keep an eye on the clock
It is best not to alarm teachers and parents that you weren't in class because you came back late. While out and about, check your watch from time to time to see how much time you have left.
- Find time to change, put on your school uniform again (if it is provided by your school and you have previously taken it off), and go back to school when the bell rings.
- Make sure you show up at the right time, go to the bus stop or where your parents pick you up. If the teachers see you and ask you where you have been, tell them that you stayed in the bathroom because of an indisposition or that you are called to the presidency or to the secretariat. Just make sure your parents don't hear from a teacher that you weren't in class.
Part 3 of 4: Finding Excuses

Step 1. Pretend you haven't finished your homework
In the morning, stage a drama about failing to complete a very important task: pretend you're panicking, crying, and try to finish it quickly. If your parents see you so upset, they may take pity on you and allow you to stay home to finish what you have left unfinished.
This trick doesn't work with all parents. Some send their children to school so that they learn their lesson and finish their homework on time

Step 2. Do whatever it takes to miss the bus
If your parents know you are taking the bus to school, you just need to miss the ride to have a day off. Walk very slowly to the stop so that you are late or hide until the bus leaves and go home.
If your parents are still home when you get home, or if they come back from work in the middle of the day, you will have to slip away for a while so that they don't know you didn't go to school

Step 3. Tamper with your parents' alarm clock
If you do this carefully, it can be child's play, but be aware that it also comes with some risks: they may catch you and arrive late for work.
- Take your parents' alarm or phone while they are sleeping and set it 1 or 2 hours ahead. Basically, if the alarm supposedly rings at 6 am, change the time so that it goes off at 7 or 8 am. Then put it back in its place. When it rings, your parents will panic at the thought of being late and (probably) won't have time to take you to school.
- If your father or mother sets the alarm, you'll have to change the settings on one device. However, if you have multiple alarms, you will need to change them all.
Part 4 of 4: Being Credible

Step 1. Falsify your parents' justification
If you miss school for even one day, management will want to know where you've been. Therefore, falsify your parents' justification in order to explain why you didn't go.
- You can choose any excuse that is plausible, such as going to a funeral, having a dentist appointment, or that your dog or cat is dead.
- Write the justification on the computer instead of by hand. It is very likely that in the eyes of a teacher your handwriting does not resemble that of an adult, and as a result, it can be unconvincing. Instead, it will be safer if you type it on your computer and, at the same time, it will have a more formal look.

Step 2. Talk about the day you didn't go to school when the teachers can hear you
Make up realistic details about the day you were gone: what happened, what you saw, how you felt. Then, use these details to chat with your friends in the presence of some professor.
Talk about how sad it was to see so many people cry at a funeral or how long and tedious it was to clean your teeth at the dentist

Step 3. Ask for the check given on the day of absence
Most teachers know that kids take time off for not doing their homework, so your teachers will never imagine you skipped school if you inquire about the allowance to make up for missed classes. By doing so, you will also give the impression of being a responsible pupil.
To be even more believable, act as if you really want to do your homework, even if you don't
- It can be more difficult to convince your parents that you are not feeling well if they are stressed or irritable, so make sure they are in a good mood the day you decide to feign malaise.
- If they catch you, don't make a scene: just tell the truth. Surely if you keep lying, you will get yourself into more trouble, while if you are sincere, the punishment may be less harsh.
- If you are bullied or experience similar distress at school, taking time off will not eliminate the problem. In these cases, tell an adult you trust right away.
- If you get into the habit of skipping school, you risk expulsion. Therefore, it is best not to be absent unless you are in dire need of a day off.
- Typically, these tips don't work unless you are enrolled in school and studying privately.
- If you are in elementary school, don't go out on the street alone.
- When you skip school, keep in mind that you are making an "unexcused absence". If you are constantly absent, there is a risk that the head teacher, having assessed the seriousness, communicates the fact to the social services and public security bodies.