How to Exercise for Firmer Breasts and Buttocks

Table of contents:

How to Exercise for Firmer Breasts and Buttocks
How to Exercise for Firmer Breasts and Buttocks

The breasts and butt are two of the most attractive and eye-catching female parts, so it is important to take care of them to make them look great. If you often wonder how to tone your B-side and firm your breasts with simple yet effective exercises, then you've come to the right place. Read on to find out how to get started.


Part 1 of 2: Exercises to Firm the Buttocks

Step 1. Do squats

The squat is the quintessential exercise if you want to firm up the B-side and thighs. To do it correctly:

  • Standing upright, with your feet hip-width apart, stretch your arms out in front of you.
  • Bend your buttocks towards the floor, as if you are going to sit on a chair. Your thighs should be parallel to the floor, but don't let your knees extend past your toes.
  • Keep your back straight and head up as you perform the exercise, and try to distribute the weight evenly between the two feet.
  • Slowly return to the starting position, then do 8-10 repetitions.

Step 2. Do lunges

The lunge is another great exercise to get your glutes in great shape. To do it correctly:

  • Stand upright and with your feet together. Take a big step forward with your right leg. Bend both knees until they form a right angle. Do not let the right knee extend beyond the toe. The left knee shouldn't touch the floor.
  • As you lunge, keep your back straight and your head up. Also, try to keep your abdominal muscles tight to work the area.
  • Slowly return to the starting position, then repeat; this time, step forward with your left leg. Continue until you complete 10 reps on each side.

Step 3. Do the exercise called leg raise

You can do it lying on your side. It is effective because it allows you to work side B and lower back at the same time. To do it correctly:

  • Lie on your right side, supporting your head with your right elbow. Bend your right knee forward until it forms a right angle; meanwhile, keep your left leg straight, aligned with your back.
  • Keeping your foot parallel to the floor, lift your left leg as high as possible, without moving your hips. You can use your left hand to support your hips and prevent them from tipping over to the back.
  • Squeeze your glutes as you lift your left leg and try to keep your abs tense. Slowly bend the leg to return to the starting position, then do 8-10 repetitions before switching sides.

Step 4. Perform kickback

One-legged kickbacks allow you to work your glutes, but also help you strengthen your lower back. To do them correctly:

  • Get on all fours, with your hands lined up under your shoulders and your knees lined up under your hips.
  • Keeping your knee at a 90 ° angle, lift your right leg as high as possible behind you. Contract your glutes as you lift it.
  • Keep your neck aligned with your spine as you perform the exercise, don't try to lift your head. Also, try to avoid hunching your back as you lift your leg.
  • Lower the leg to recover the starting position and do 8-10 repetitions. Then, repeat with the other side.
  • If you want more intense exercise, try keeping your leg straight as you lift it instead of bending the knee.

Step 5. Do the bridge exercise

It is very easy to do, but the results it guarantees are phenomenal! A workout routine to firm up your glutes wouldn't be complete without the bridge. Here's how to do it:

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet approximately shoulder width apart. The heels should practically touch the buttocks, while the palms should be pressed to the floor.
  • Lift your hips off the floor as you squeeze your buttocks tight and push your belly in. Raise them up to form a straight diagonal line from the knees to the shoulders.
  • As you lift, push your chin in slightly and remember that the lift is done with the glutes, not the hamstrings. Slowly lower your butt until it touches the floor, then do 8-10 repetitions.
Exercise for Firmer Boobs and Butts Step 6
Exercise for Firmer Boobs and Butts Step 6

Step 6. Do side step-ups

This is another easy but effective exercise to tone your glutes. To do this, you need a step and a 2kg dumbbell set (but they are optional).

  • Stand to the right of the step and grab a dumbbell in each hand (if using them). Hold them in front of your thighs.
  • With your right foot, take a side step to step onto the step; keep your left leg straight and suspended in mid-air.
  • Hold this position for a count of 3, contract your glutes all this time.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise 10-15 more times before switching sides.
Exercise for Firmer Boobs and Butts Step 7
Exercise for Firmer Boobs and Butts Step 7

Step 7. Do deadlift

It is great exercise for the whole body, but it is especially useful for toning the glutes and hamstrings. You need a set of dumbbells to do it; you can start with the 2 kg ones, but the 5-7 kg ones guarantee you a more intense workout. How to do it:

  • Place the dumbbells on the floor in front of you and stand straight, with your feet apart at the same width as your hips.
  • Now, do a squat and lower yourself to the floor (as described above) keeping your head and chest high.
  • Hold the dumbbells at the same time and tighten them well; the knuckles of the hands should be facing outward. Make sure your arms are completely straight and your back is not arched.
  • Rise slowly to return to an upright position by straightening your legs and contracting your buttocks. Push your shoulders back and your hips forward.
  • Lower yourself carefully to rest the dumbbells on the floor, then return to the starting position. Repeat 10-15 more times.
Exercise for Firmer Boobs and Butts Step 8
Exercise for Firmer Boobs and Butts Step 8

Step 8. Do Pilates or yoga

Taking such a course is a great idea if you're planning on toning your entire body, not just your glutes.

  • Yoga and Pilates allow you to sculpt, shape and firm your glutes and lower body using your own weight.
  • In addition to toning the buttocks, these types of exercises stretch the muscles thanks to the stretching that is performed constantly. This helps you keep your muscles from getting too big, which many women don't like.
  • Find out if there are any yoga or Pilates schools in your area, or ask the gym: they may have organized such a class, or they have stretching classes that incorporate yoga and Pilates positions.
  • Aim for 2-5 lessons per week for best results.
Exercise for Firmer Boobs and Butts Step 9
Exercise for Firmer Boobs and Butts Step 9

Step 9. Do aerobic exercises to tone your glutes

Having a firm and toned backside doesn't just require stretching and weight training, you can also add targeted movements to your classic cardio workout.

  • Walking, jogging or running uphill gives you a great butt and thigh workout, so go outside and try your hand at hiking. If you don't like being outdoors, you can still work out in the gym on the stepper, or you can set the treadmill to have a steeper incline than usual.
  • You can use other machines, such as the elliptical and the stationary bike. These tools also allow you to do great cardio workouts. At the same time, they firm and tone the B-side and legs.
  • Just remember one thing: exercising for short periods of time using high resistance builds muscles, while doing it for longer periods with lower resistance stretches and tones.

Part 2 of 2: Breast Firming Exercises

Exercise for Firmer Boobs and Butts Step 10
Exercise for Firmer Boobs and Butts Step 10

Step 1. Do push-ups

It is a great chest exercise that helps you firm your breasts. To do it correctly:

  • Get into the plank position, with your hands slightly wider than shoulder width and your legs resting on your toes.
  • Slowly lower yourself to the floor by bending your elbows. Remember to keep your back straight and push your abs in.
  • Stand up to resume the plank position, then repeat another 15-20 times.
  • If you find this exercise too exhausting, you can modify it by leaning on your knees instead of your toes.
Exercise for Firmer Boobs and Butts Step 11
Exercise for Firmer Boobs and Butts Step 11

Step 2. Do t-plank

This exercise helps you stretch your chest and develop muscles; meanwhile, it tones your arms too. You need a 2-5kg dumbbell set. To do it correctly:

  • Grab a dumbbell in each hand and assume the classic push-up position (you will lean on the dumbbells). Spread your feet slightly wider than your hips for greater stability.
  • Raise your right hand and extend your arm over your shoulder. The body should form a T.
  • Return to the starting position, then repeat with your left arm. Continue until you have completed 10 reps on each side.
Exercise for Firmer Boobs and Butts Step 12
Exercise for Firmer Boobs and Butts Step 12

Step 3. Do bench presses

This exercise firms and tones the breasts, and also works the arms. You need a 2-5kg dumbbell set to perform this.

  • Lie on the floor or a bench in the supine position. Grab a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing out.
  • Bend your elbows to form a 90 ° angle with your arms; keep your upper arms parallel to your shoulders.
  • Slowly extend your arms by stretching them towards the ceiling, directly on the chest.
  • Slowly bring your arms back to the starting position, then continue doing 15-20 repetitions.
Exercise for Firmer Boobs and Butts Step 13
Exercise for Firmer Boobs and Butts Step 13

Step 4. Do chest crosses

This exercise develops the chest muscles, which makes the breasts appear larger and firmer. You need a 2-5kg dumbbell set to perform this.

  • Lie on the floor on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground.
  • Grab a dumbbell in each hand and spread your arms wide, which should be almost parallel to your shoulders.
  • Raise your arms, palms facing each other, until your hands almost touch your chest. Imagine hugging someone tightly!
  • Slowly lower your arms to return to the starting position, then do another 15-20 repetitions.
Exercise for Firmer Boobs and Butts Step 14
Exercise for Firmer Boobs and Butts Step 14

Step 5. Do the exercise called elbow squeeze

It's simple and works your chest muscles for firmer, firmer breasts. Again, you need dumbbells.

  • Standing and with your back straight, grab a dumbbell in each hand. Lift them up to eye level and bend your elbows to form a 90 degree angle. Imagine your arms are the goal posts of a soccer field.
  • Bring your elbows together keeping your arms parallel. Don't let the dumbbells drop below eye level.
  • Open your elbows again by returning to the starting position. Continue doing another 15-20 repetitions.


  • Drink enough water and sleep to stay awake and hydrated throughout your workout.
  • Follow a regular exercise routine. This is the most important part of the process. If you don't exercise at least every two days, your body will lose muscle mass, your breasts and buttocks will be less toned. As a result, plan a schedule and stick to the guidelines.
  • Stretch constantly to tone your muscles and keep them healthy at all times.
  • Use dumbbells to perform all breast toning exercises in order to get faster results.


  • While you have to be consistent to see results, don't over-train, otherwise you will damage your muscles.
  • Be careful not to get hurt by trying to overdo it. If you feel that you are exerting too much or are dizzy, you should take a short break before you start exercising again.
