How to Increase Speed and Accuracy of Your Kicks in Tae Kwon Do

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How to Increase Speed and Accuracy of Your Kicks in Tae Kwon Do
How to Increase Speed and Accuracy of Your Kicks in Tae Kwon Do

Learn to reduce the time it takes to kick your opponent in the face, neck, knee or wherever you want. If you follow these tips, within 2-3 weeks you should be able to kick someone much faster than they can. Unless he has put these tips into practice too!


Increase the Speed and Accuracy of Your Kicks in Tae Kwon Do Step 1
Increase the Speed and Accuracy of Your Kicks in Tae Kwon Do Step 1

Step 1. Do a lot of stretching

When you wake up in the morning, take a warm shower or bath, then stretch while your body is still warm and relaxed. Focus on your legs, and be sure to stretch your feet, including your ankles and toes. Do stretching exercises for at least 10 minutes every morning. Don't overdo it in the morning, just relax and stretch, maintaining a position where you just begin to feel effort. You can do more difficult stretching exercises throughout the day (but never cold), and repeat them again before going to bed.

Increase the Speed and Accuracy of Your Kicks in Tae Kwon Do Step 2
Increase the Speed and Accuracy of Your Kicks in Tae Kwon Do Step 2

Step 2. Build a tall target, using a nail, string, tennis ball, and small plastic bag

Put the ball in the bag, then use the string to close the bag, leaving a few inches of extra string. Insert the nail into the ceiling; if you can't kick higher than about 170cm, the top of a door is fine too. Tie the string to the nail so that it hangs six inches lower than you can kick.

Increase the Speed and Accuracy of Your Kicks in Tae Kwon Do Step 3
Increase the Speed and Accuracy of Your Kicks in Tae Kwon Do Step 3

Step 3. Kick the ball, at least 100 times a day

Don't kick violently; relax and tap the ball with your foot, as fast as you can, using the type of kick you prefer; you can do this exercise several times during the day, when it suits you best. Try to lift the ball a few inches once a week.

Increase the Speed and Accuracy of Your Kicks in Tae Kwon Do Step 4
Increase the Speed and Accuracy of Your Kicks in Tae Kwon Do Step 4

Step 4. Purchase ankle weights from a sports accessories store

If you take martial arts classes regularly, you can start with a 5kg set (2.5kg per foot). Otherwise, start with a less heavy set.

Increase the Speed and Accuracy of Your Kicks in Tae Kwon Do Step 5
Increase the Speed and Accuracy of Your Kicks in Tae Kwon Do Step 5

Step 5. Don't kick at normal speed when you have ankle weights; there is a risk of seriously injuring your knees

Put on a thick pair of socks. Put on ankle weights after you get dressed in the morning, and wear them consistently, throughout the day, in your daily activities, even while driving or working if you can. If they bother you to the point where you can't stand them anymore, take them off for a few minutes and then put them back on.

Increase the Speed and Accuracy of Your Kicks in Tae Kwon Do Step 6
Increase the Speed and Accuracy of Your Kicks in Tae Kwon Do Step 6

Step 6. While wearing weights, hold on to a table or wall for balance, and kick very slowly

You should take 10 seconds for each kick. Repeat this exercise at least twice, for each type of kick you know. Do it every day.

Increase the Speed and Accuracy of Your Kicks in Tae Kwon Do Step 7
Increase the Speed and Accuracy of Your Kicks in Tae Kwon Do Step 7

Step 7. When you have practiced enough, and have good control over your kicks, place an unbreakable object on a table, such as a box of Pringles, and aim to kick stopping 5 cm from the box, without hitting it

Learn not to put your foot on the ground after kicks, and not to touch the table or box with your foot. Repeat the exercise 20 times a day with each leg, at the maximum speed with which you can do it correctly.

Increase the Speed and Accuracy of Your Kicks in Tae Kwon Do Step 8
Increase the Speed and Accuracy of Your Kicks in Tae Kwon Do Step 8

Step 8. You will notice that after 2-3 weeks you will be much faster kicking when you don't have ankle weights:

you will be able to wait for someone to start kicking you, and still hit them first.


  • When kicking the ball, don't hit it too hard - focus on speed. If you learn to relax, you can kick much faster. When working on power, try to contract your muscles on impact.
  • By stretching, you reduce the resistance of your muscles against the movements you try to make to kick. You will then be able to kick faster, with a lower risk of injury and less stamina.
  • Learning to control the movements will make you faster, because you will not hesitate to hit, not being afraid of hurting your training partner. For this reason you should practice not hitting the Pringles box.
  • Moving your leg is useless if you don't move it carefully and with the right use of muscles; otherwise, you will lose your balance. It is for this reason that slow kicks are useful.
  • When you take the weights off your ankles, your feet will feel very light. Try hitting the ball now.
  • Practice outdoor agility exercises every day.


  • Be very careful when wearing ankle weights for long periods. You risk seriously injuring your ankles or knees. If you feel constant pain in your joints, remove the weights and see your doctor.
  • Consult your health care practitioner before starting any exercise program.
  • Swapping kicks and punches can be dangerous, and you run the risk of getting seriously injured every time you work out.
