No one has ever said that loving a man is easy. Whether it's your husband or a new boyfriend, it's important to know how to satisfy him, emotionally and physically, while still being yourself. If you want to truly love a man it is important to know how to appreciate him and make him feel good, while also being able to respect his independence and yours. If you want to find out how to love him and make your relationship stand the test of time, keep reading this article.
Method 1 of 2: Be Comprehensive

Step 1. Respect your independence
Loving a man doesn't mean spending all your time with him or seeing him every day. In fact, if you really want to show him your love, you will have to give him his space and independence from time to time. If he likes to read or do some chores in the garage, don't interrupt him every second to ask him what he is doing and if he needs anything. It is important to share some interests with your loved one but it is equally important to leave your partner all their space.
If you really want to love a man you need to be able to understand when he needs to be left alone. Giving him time for himself when he needs it is already a proof of love

Step 2. Give him the opportunity to spend evenings "between men"
If he goes out with friends, leave him alone. Of course he shouldn't go out to get drunk every night, but your man may need to have some fun with his friends every now and then. There is nothing wrong with that and you too will be happy to see your friends. The next time he asks you out with friends, don't be suspicious, don't pester him with texts and calls, and don't blame him in the future. He will appreciate that you gave him his freedom and will be even happier to come back to you.
Giving him his freedom does not mean allowing him to drink or go chasing girls every time he gets the chance. In this case it is good to talk to him and set the record straight

Step 3. Avoid telling him "I told you so"
If you always want to prove that you are right, you will not be able to maintain a relationship for long. Sometimes it is necessary to make your message understood, but being right is no more important than the happiness and balance of the couple. If your man did something wrong, he surely already feels guilty about what happened. Before telling him "I told you so" ask yourself if it is really useful to do so. Don't belittle him or ridicule him. If you really love him, you will have to try to understand him rather than depress him even more.
Surely there are times when you really want to be heard and let him know how you feel, so that he doesn't repeat the same mistake in the future. Okay, as long as you can keep yourself within limits

Step 4. Give him some time to relax
Sometimes a man needs even just a little time for himself. If he just got home from work or you just got home, and he seems busy or absorbed in his thoughts, you don't have to start talking about everything right away or offer him an aperitif. What for you is a source of relaxation may not be for him. Learn to recognize when he would just like to be in silence for a while and relax in front of the TV.
Of course it is essential to spend time together, but don't make him feel guilty if he wants to be alone for a while, every now and then. He's not angry with you, so don't take it personally

Step 5. Don't talk non-stop about everything
Many women like to sit down and start looking at their problems one by one, because they think it's a good way to solve them. This is not the case for men. It is important to discuss with him if you have any concerns, but if you notice that he is tired or out of sorts, don't hammer him with your talk. If you understand that he has had a bad day or you are having a hard time, try not to constantly voice your problems. Wait at least some time.
It may be your habit to discuss an event that just happened, but if you find that he doesn't want to talk about it, respect his decision. This does not mean, however, that you have to repress your feelings in front of him

Step 6. Really listen to it
A very important gesture to show your love is to listen carefully to everything your man wants to tell you. Don't always just talk to him, telling him how much you love him and asking him how his day went - let him tell you something first. When he talks to you, don't interrupt him and don't wait anxiously for the moment when you can intervene. When he has finished telling you what he wants and you have an idea of the situation, you can give him advice or offer him your support.
Listening is a skill that can be acquired. Learn to connect all the details of what he is saying to you and try to repeat them in your speech. He will appreciate your attention and once again you can show him how much you care

Step 7. Don't humiliate him
You don't have to make him feel like a macho or a superhero every time - if you put him on a pedestal, in fact, you'll make a big mistake. At the same time, however, you will have to try to contain yourself in giving him nicknames and avoid at all costs to belittle him or make him feel like a loser. Above all, avoid any kind of comment in public or in front of friends. If you are angry about something he has done, wait until you are alone with him and discuss the matter constructively.
Think carefully. Would you like to be humiliated in public?

Step 8. Don't try to change it
By being together, you can certainly help each other and become a better and better couple over time. But avoid pushing him to change for you until you turn him into a completely different person. If you really love your man you have to accept him for who he is without hoping that he will become someone else. You can suggest some things to improve but you have to accept it without expecting that it can turn into the person you want.
If you try to change your man, he will quickly notice, suffer and start thinking that he is not good enough for you

Step 9. Let him know what you are thinking
Remember that he is a man and not a soothsayer who can read minds. If you truly love your man, you must be able to share your feelings with him. You don't have to tell him every little thing that made you angry, but at least let him know what's on your mind. Women often get angry if men cannot read their thoughts and this can lead to meaningless arguments. Spare him unnecessary fights and tell him clearly what you think and what you would like.
If you are very sad and you clearly show it, maybe you might get angry if your man doesn't notice. But don't expect him to be able to guess what the reasons are for your behavior. Can you read his mind? Probably not

Step 10. Admit your mistakes
Here's another important factor in showing your man how much you love him. If you can admit your mistakes it means that you are able to put your pride away. Do not hope that he does not notice and that he keeps thinking that you are a perfect woman. Nobody is perfect, it's easy to make mistakes when living a relationship. The best thing to do is to confess that you made a mistake and make a commitment not to repeat it again. He will appreciate your honesty and respect you for it too.
It is never easy to apologize, especially at the beginning but, with a little practice, it will come naturally to you
Method 2 of 2: Being Affectionate

Step 1. Give him sincere compliments
If you want to show him how much you love him, you need to make him feel special. You can certainly say something like “You are so sexy” or “I love you when…”, but you can also try to give him more meaningful compliments that he has never heard before and that make him realize how much you care about him. Never take your love for granted and don't think he knows your feelings exactly. Let him know that you love him and that you appreciate him for what he is. Here are some compliments you could give him:
- "You're so good at putting me in a good mood when I've had a bad day."
- “It's amazing how you manage to carry on your sport with so much effort, despite the work. I too would like to be so motivated!"
- "You are capable of making anyone smile, do you know that?"

Step 2. Show him your gratitude
Let him know that you are grateful for sharing such a beautiful and meaningful relationship with you. Don't think that he just understands it from the fact that you are always on him. Find an opportunity to show him how happy you are to be with him and thank him for everything he does for you (obviously he too will have to reciprocate the same gesture). This will make him understand that you truly love him and that you know how to appreciate every moment you spend together. Here are some things you could tell him:
- “I am so lucky to have found someone as special as you. I can't imagine how hard the life of my single friends can be, I would like them to find a man like you too …"
- “I still can't believe I've found you. We are so lucky, aren't we?"
- “No matter how hard my day at work is, having you in my life is enough for me to be happy. Every day I am grateful to life for giving me a man like you”.

Step 3. Cheer him up when he needs it
Sometimes he may need to feel good about himself and to regain some confidence. He may have had a problem at work or an argument with friends or family. Let him know that you believe in him and that you are his first advocate, tell him that he is a person of value and that he can reach any goal. Comfort him and tell him he can solve his problems. If he is feeling sad, he probably won't be the one to ask you for help, you will need to be able to recognize the situation on your own and offer your support.
- Say something like, “I know you're sad about what happened now, anyone would be. But I'm sure you will be able to solve things”.
- Or, if he is not sure if he will be able to achieve a goal, you can say something like: "Do not doubt yourself, I am sure that you will succeed in everything you do".

Step 4. Be his partner, not his mother
Some women believe that men only need a woman to take care of them, and this partly corresponds to reality. But don't spend all your time spoiling him, cleaning the house, cooking or doing all the things his mother did for him. You don't have to be a mother's substitute or you will no longer be desirable in her eyes. Every man needs to be pampered a little, especially when he's sick, but that doesn't mean you have to live just to look after him.
Try to have fun with him, support him and do not neglect the attraction and sensuality. If you act too much like her mother, she will forget that you are also her mistress

Step 5. Find space for moments of passion
While sex isn't everything, it certainly plays a huge role in a relationship. Find the right opportunity to have fun in bed with your man, of course when you feel like it too. It often happens to put sex in the background, especially when you return tired from work or do not have enough energy to take the initiative. However, it is important to have intercourse at least once or twice a week: your relationship will be more intimate and you will both be happier! Don't just do it for him, do it for yourself too, and for the sake of your relationship.
Couples who have been together for a long time tend to slip into the routine sexually as well. Try to make your sexuality more exciting by looking for new times or new places to make love

Step 6. Conquer it with your determination
Another way to love a man is to win him over with your self-esteem and confidence. He will appreciate you even more and will understand that the relationship you are experiencing is constructive for both of you. Do not let your man spend all his time trying to cheer you up, learn to love yourself, your body, what you do and the environment around you and you will see that the relationship will also benefit. Nobody is perfect and it is important to recognize your mistakes. From the moment you start loving yourself for who you are, everything will start to work better.
Make it clear to your partner that you don't need him to shower you with attention to feel good. Show him that you are happy because you follow your passions, because you have the company of your friends and because you look great when you are by his side. Don't let all your happiness depend on your relationship alone

Step 7. Show him your love through physical contact
Caress your man every now and then, put your hand on his shoulder, lean against him, kiss him on the cheek, play with his hair. It is important to maintain physical contact to emphasize your closeness and the affection that unites you. Even after a difficult day, find a way to share moments of tenderness with your partner, you will feel more united even at a time when you are too tired to talk. Show him your affection in the morning, hug him, take his hand or touch each other. Contact is one of the best ways to show love.
There are men who don't like being pampered at all. Involve him with intimate caresses, both him and you will like them

Step 8. Always keep your relationship alive
To truly love your man, you need to be able to keep the romance alive between you. Do not relax and do not let yourself go thinking that you no longer have to do anything to win your partner's attention. Get dressed up when you go out together, buy him a small gift simply because you thought of him. Live your sex life intensely, rediscover the pleasure of everything, even a simple kiss. Remember to never take anything for granted: if you really love him you can never stop feeding your bond, only in this way can it last for a long time!
- Don't be difficult and never look for complicated strategies, especially if your relationship is working well. Keep the enthusiasm alive between you, make sure that your relationship is always new, exciting and special.
- Spice up the relationship by sharing new experiences, a journey together or new interests to cultivate with your man. It is important to keep a relationship always fresh and stimulating, this is also a way to show your love!