Although there is no firm evidence that ghosts exist, some people believe that abnormal noises, smells, and signals may result from paranormal factors. If you think your home is haunted, you can conduct an amateur investigation by observing unusual phenomena and also relying on your intuition. You can also study the history of the house or region where you live. Areas that have had a violent past are believed to be at greater risk of ghosts; although these figures can be scary, keep in mind that they may not be real and most people do not suffer harm from their presumed presence in the house.
Method 1 of 3: Investigate the Physical Signals

Step 1. Look for shadows and figures
If you've ever seen something seemingly inexplicable around the house, it could indicate the presence of haunted spirits. You may perceive things like dark shadows or even shadows of figures that resemble people or animals out of the corner of your eye.
- Remember, however, that peripheral vision is not always reliable; if you seem to catch a glimpse of a spirit, it could only be an optical effect.
- You can turn on a video camera in the house when you are away to record possible unusual shadows.

Step 2. Pay attention to abnormal or unexplained odors
Some people think that ghosts leave a strange smell that has no clear origin. Sulfur and bad smells are often associated with ghost infestations; however, you may also smell food or perfume.
Rule out other sources of bad smells before you think they are paranormal phenomena. Try to follow the trail to find its origin or pay attention if you have left a window open; an unusual smell could also come from outside

Step 3. Listen to unusual noises
People who believe they live in haunted houses often report hearing strange noises; you may hear inexplicable footsteps, scrapings, music or even soft voices. Keep in mind that unusual noises could come from open windows or even from neighbors' TVs, so you don't necessarily have to attribute them to ghosts without first looking for more plausible explanations.
- The noises of scratching and footsteps could be attributable to mice, rats or even insects; it could be useful to contact a specialized company that deals with pest control to look for or exclude the presence of possible animals in the house and possibly proceed with the necessary treatments.
- If you wish, you can also activate a recorder to capture noises.

Step 4. Pay attention if the lights turn on and off
Lights may blink due to short power outages; however, if the phenomenon is frequent, there may be other explanations. If this intermittent phenomenon continues without valid reason, it could actually be a haunted haunted.
There are other problems that can cause the lights to blink, such as loose bulbs or problems in the circuit or electrical panel; if your home is frequently prone to these disturbances, you should contact an electrician

Step 5. Observe if pets are acting nervous
If you have any animals in your house, their unusual attitude could be a sign of the presence of paranormal beings. Animals may be easily frightened for no apparent cause or may stare at something you are unable to see. For example, if the dog suddenly starts barking at a corner of the house, he may have seen a ghost or spirit.
If the animal has unusual behavior, particularly vocalizing excessively, it could also indicate that it is in pain; take him to the vet before you think this is an indication of the presence of spirits

Step 6. Note any cold spots in the house or changes in temperature
Some people believe that ghosts can cause a drop in temperature; if you notice that some corner of the house is colder than normal, even if there are no obvious drafts or drafts, it could be a sign of a paranormal infestation.
However, it is advisable to proceed with a thorough inspection for the presence of cracks in the doors or if there are open windows near the cold areas; the cause of these cold areas could also be attributable to drafts
Method 2 of 3: Using Personal Experience and Intuition

Step 1. Pay attention to your dreams
Some people are convinced that ghosts can affect the type of dreams. If you start having intense nightmares, it could be an indication of spirit presences; you may also have nightmares about paranormal phenomena and perceive some unusual figure chasing or attacking you while you sleep. Nightmares can seem very likely, to the point of physically perceiving things in the dream.
- However, if you experience sensations such as shortness of breath when you sleep, you should see your doctor; this could be a symptom of some health disorder, such as sleep apnea, and it is important to rule out any medical conditions before attributing the problem to the presence of ghosts.
- Nightmares can also have psychological causes; if you've been experiencing stressful or upsetting situations lately, they could be the cause of your ailment.

Step 2. Notice if you feel observed
Your own intuition can be a guide when trying to figure out if the house is haunted. People who live in a house supposedly occupied by ghosts sometimes feel observed; if you have already experienced the feeling of not being alone in the house, even though there is no one else around, you may actually be in the presence of paranormal beings.
- If you live with other people, ask them if they have the same feeling from time to time.
- Know that feelings of nervousness and paranoia can also be attributed to underlying mental disorders; this type of anxiety should be looked into by some mental health professional.

Step 3. Evaluate mood swings involving yourself or others
It is believed that ghosts can actually affect personality and mood. If you or another member of your family begins to feel angry, irritable or inexplicably sad, the cause could be attributed to the presence of unusual figures, even more if the bad mood occurs only in the house.
However, keep in mind that the "black" mood and irritability could also be due to some mental disorder; if you suffer from a persistent bad mood for a long time, consult a therapist before assuming that it is the ghosts' fault

Step 4. Pay attention to strange illnesses or feelings of weakness
Some people think that the presence of ghosts can cause moderate physical symptoms; for example, you may develop a few small colds, as well as the paranormal infestation may cause a feeling of general weakness.
- However, since symptoms can stem from a variety of other problems, check with your doctor before attributing them to ghosts.
- If all family members living in the house are unwell, ask a professional to do a survey to make sure there are no dangers like mold and bacteria.
Method 3 of 3: Conduct Research

Step 1. Research your surroundings
If you've recently moved to the city, you may not be familiar with the surrounding area. Find out if there has been any tragedy or fatal accident nearby; some people think that areas where crime reports took place are more prone to paranormal infestations.
- You can search the history of the city on the Internet.
- Check with your local library where old newspapers are kept - you may find several unusual stories right among those pages.

Step 2. Find out if anyone has died in the house you live in
Some websites allow you to enter your home address and, for a fee, provide information about possible deaths that have occurred in the past. You can also do simple online searches for your home address; you may find some news of some dead person or some tragic event that occurred in your home.

Step 3. Get an energy survey done
You can hire a professional to take care of this work at your home; in practice, a thermodynamic camera is used to check if there are any temperature drops in the home, since unexplained drops in temperature and uneven heat can indicate the presence of ghosts.
- These energy checks can also detect logical causes that lead to temperature drops, allowing you to solve certain problems in the home that can induce phenomena such as drafts, windows that slam or lights that turn on and off intermittently.
- Turn to professionals who offer services that are beyond the paranormal; spirit phenomena investigators are not licensed and offer no real services. In fact, there may be rational reasons that cause drafts and cold areas of the house that need physical repair and that are not resolved by occult researchers.

Step 4. Talk to the neighbors
If you've just moved to a new neighborhood, your home may have a reputation for being haunted; ask the neighbors if they are aware of paranormal activity and have them tell you if the inhabitants who preceded you have at times complained of paranormal phenomena.