3 Ways to Free the House of Ghosts

3 Ways to Free the House of Ghosts
3 Ways to Free the House of Ghosts

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Not everyone believes in ghosts, but for those who have a haunted house it can be a scary affair. This article will give you some tips to understand if your home is invaded, how to rule out the most common (and not paranormal) causes of strange occurrences, and how to get rid of a ghost.


Method 1 of 3: Rule Out Non-Paranormal Causes

Get a Ghost out of Your House Step 1
Get a Ghost out of Your House Step 1

Step 1. Make sure the strange occurrences are not due to infrasound

Vibrations at this frequency can cause nausea, feelings of fear, and even cast shadows at the corners of your field of vision. All this is caused by infrasound, whose gravity is related to the power of the sound wave. The French researcher Vladimir Gavreau reproduced these effects on himself and on his colleagues thanks to infrasound.

  • Animals perceive infrasound in a way humans cannot. Scientists believe this is why animals "feel" natural disasters.
  • Build an infrasound microphone. You have to buy the antenna, but it is not difficult to find it in electronics stores at an acceptable price. Once you have the microphone, get a jar with a diameter of 5.5 cm. Cover the opening with a balloon: after cutting the part you use to inflate it, stretch the rest of the balloon over the jar to form a tightly stretched membrane. Secure it with duct tape. At this point, get a 1, 2-2, 5 cm 5000 gauss magnet and secure it with tape. You need an oscilloscope to convert the electrical signal into a wave system. This is a more expensive tool but maybe you can find it on eBay for 50 euros.
  • Alternatively, contact the university's science department and ask for some advice on building or obtaining an infrasound microphone.
Get a Ghost out of Your House Step 2
Get a Ghost out of Your House Step 2

Step 2. Eliminate all other non-paranormal causes

Check the area where the house is located. Is there a landfill nearby? Sometimes methane gas can escape from the ground, leaving it smelling of sulfur and burning.

Often ghost sightings are nothing more than abnormally reflected light. Human sight and senses are incredibly prone to error, so it is difficult to be sure of what you see without serious and in-depth investigation

Get a Ghost out of Your House Step 3
Get a Ghost out of Your House Step 3

Step 3. Undergo a psychiatric evaluation

People who see "ghosts" often have mental health problems. Before starting strange rituals at home, ask a doctor for help. This doesn't mean you don't have ghosts, but it's a way to rule out all other possibilities.

Likewise, try to have testimonials that confirm your words. If you are the only one who sees and perceives something strange, then it is time for a psychiatric visit. If others report the same experiences as you, first look for the natural causes

Method 2 of 3: Evaluate a Possible Infestation

Get a Ghost out of Your House Step 4
Get a Ghost out of Your House Step 4

Step 1. Record what happens

When you have ruled out all natural causes, you need to catalog the infestation to understand how to deal with it.

  • Use a tape recorder to try to communicate with the ghost. Ask questions and record to see if the entity responds. It won't always do this, but it may leave you with some kind of message that can help you figure out how to get rid of it. You should ask simple questions with a yes or no answer. It will be easier if you ask the ghost to respond with hits: one hit for yes and two for no.
  • Take photos in places where you have experienced strange phenomena and check if something appears in the image. Use the flash when you are in dark environments, otherwise you will get black images. However, it would be better to try to take advantage of natural light, so that the reflections on the camera lens do not confuse you. Remember that ghosts that appear as spheres, or other similar phenomena, are often mere dust on the camera lens or light reflected from atmospheric dust.
Get a Ghost out of Your House Step 5
Get a Ghost out of Your House Step 5

Step 2. Find someone who supports your findings

Ask a family member or friend if they perceive and see the same things you see. Do they also hear footsteps, knocks on the door or other events? Try not to influence them.

If you can contact a trusted ghost hunter or psychic, talk to him about what you found and ask for his opinion. If you can afford it, hire it, so that he can inspect your home and verify your findings

Get a Ghost out of Your House Step 6
Get a Ghost out of Your House Step 6

Step 3. Don't be disappointed if the ghost hunter finds nothing

Any professional in the field will tell you that most infestations can be explained by natural phenomena. But that doesn't mean ghosts don't exist!

Method 3 of 3: Politely Ask the Ghost to Leave

Get a Ghost out of Your House Step 7
Get a Ghost out of Your House Step 7

Step 1. Be confident when confronting your ghost

Like animals, ghosts are also believed to react and feed on feelings of fear. Since there are rare cases in which a ghost hurts a person, the worst thing that can happen to you is to have to deal with a being a little irritating and perhaps scary.

When talking to a ghost, keep your voice neutral, as if talking to an animal that is behaving strangely. Be firm but not indifferent. Ghosts may be the spirits of people who have passed away, and the fact of being dead may already be traumatizing enough for the ghost

Get a Ghost out of Your House Step 8
Get a Ghost out of Your House Step 8

Step 2. Do an exorcism

Especially for Christians, an exorcism represents a rite to cast out Satan and his servants. If you are not a Christian, this is unlikely to work for you. Do your research and check if there are any specific rites for your faith. If you are a Christian, do not attempt an exorcism alone, contact the church and listen to the advice they can give you.

  • If you are a Hindu, read the third, seventh and ninth chapters of the Bhagavad Gita and offer it to the ghost to help him get rid of his condition. Similarly, reciting mantras, holding sacred images or burning incense during a Puja can help the spirit leave.
  • Jewish rituals help both the possessed and the spirit find peace. The rites should only be practiced by a rabbi who masters Kabbalah.
  • There are numerous rituals in all cultures and religions, and you should find the right one for your situation. These rituals take into account the point of view of various cultures regarding ghosts and the afterlife, there is no universally true doctrine on ghosts.
Get a Ghost out of Your House Step 9
Get a Ghost out of Your House Step 9

Step 3. Clean the house

When the ghost is gone, you must clean it up, to prevent it from returning and to discourage other spirits from taking its place. Also in this case there are many ways to clean and purify the physical space according to the various religions. The ones listed below are just the most common.

  • Burn the sage or cedar. It is thought that it can eliminate negative energies; even burning incense is considered a purifying action in many cultures.
  • A bell rings in every corner of the room. It is believed to break the flow of negative energies and encourage positive ones. It is very important to do it in every corner, because the energies come from multiple directions.
  • Physically clean the house. It helps you to make the atmosphere purer and discourages the negativity from returning.
