Invented by the housewives of American farmers, this trick allows you to follow the hen's footsteps to her hidden nest where she lays eggs which, without your intervention, would otherwise rot. When you know your hen is laying eggs but you haven't figured out where, follow the advice outlined in this article.
Part 1 of 3: With the Pepper

Step 1. Get some black peppercorns
You can buy it in the spice department at any supermarket; you need the one in grains and not in powder, so avoid the latter.

Step 2. Capture the "suspicious" hen
You can ask a friend to help you, but you can also easily grab it yourself by confining it to a corner. Place her in the coop by herself, as she may feel ready to hatch; in other words, it could follow the maternity instinct and sit on the eggs, which however are not fertilized since there is no rooster and therefore cannot hatch. You must therefore collect the ones he lays every day.

Step 3. Put the peppercorns under its tail
Keep in mind that this is the rectum.

Step 4. The hen's itchy sensation leads her to think that it is necessary to lay an egg
At that point, she will make her way to her hidden nest: follow her and get the eggs.
Part 2 of 3: Search the Garden

Step 1. Search under bushes and shrubs
Most hens prefer to lay their eggs in some secret place. Her instinct leads her to produce them under a bush or shrub; be sure to thoroughly inspect these areas and also under the wood piles if necessary.

Step 2. Look in the shed or garage
Hens love to lay their eggs in sheltered, comfortable and warm places, because they give them a feeling of protection. The shed can offer such conditions; search carefully in every nook and cranny.

Step 3. Check out the chicken coop
Look carefully in this space, without neglecting the courtyard and under the animal's house; it also looks good in corners, as most hens prefer these areas to lay eggs.

Step 4. Walk all along the border fence
Keep in mind that most of these birds prefer to lay their eggs near a reef or in a corner, and the enclosure that delimits their space is one of the best areas to look for; in fact, it is unlikely that the animal will leave its eggs in the center of the courtyard or in an open space.
Part 3 of 3: Encouraging the Hens to Lay in the Nest

Step 1. Make sure the nest box is appropriate
It must be comfortable to encourage the hens to lay in that very space; if it is a source of discomfort, stress or in poor condition, they do not want to use it. Make sure to place it in an intimate area that is protected from adverse weather conditions.

Step 2. Choose the correct nesting material
Hens love to lay their eggs on a soft and comfortable substrate that also acts as a natural nest. Use hay and wood shavings, but avoid straw, which does not offer great comfort and could tease the buttocks of these birds.

Step 3. Insert "bait" eggs
Also known as "fake eggs", they are perfect for stimulating hens to lay eggs in a specific area. You can buy them at agricultural supply stores (or even pet stores) or use similar items, such as golf balls.

Step 4. Keep the chickens in the coop
If you have recently bought them, it is difficult for them to associate the barnyard with their home at first. Keep them locked inside the enclosure for a week or two so they start setting up a routine and figuring out where to spawn. this way they also learn to go back to the chicken coop at sunset, if you want them to adapt to an outdoor lifestyle.
- To break the habit of hens of laying eggs in places other than the nesting box, you can leave them in the yard until about mid-day; in fact, they almost always produce eggs in this time slot and you can therefore leave them free to roam during the afternoon.
- You can leave wooden eggs (found at hobby stores) to confuse the chickens; once they have laid their eggs in the nest, remove the wooden ones.
- Pay attention to the eggs that are already rotten: put them all in a bucket of water; those that remain afloat are damaged.
- Roosters may get jealous and attack you when you want to catch the hen.