Hard-boiled eggs are tasty, nutritious and easy to prepare. Whatever your preferences regarding the doneness of the yolk, completely firm or still soft, a few simple steps are enough to prepare them in an instant.
Method 1 of 2: hard boiled eggs

Step 1. Place the eggs in the bottom of a large saucepan
You can prepare up to six eggs at the same time; the important thing is that the pot is large and deep enough to allow you to easily arrange them in a single layer (not overlapping) and that there is some space between them so that they can move during cooking.
Use eggs that you have stored in the refrigerator for the longest time (1-2 weeks). As the days go by, the eggs they lose moisture and their pH increases, as a result they become easier to shell after boiling them.
Step 2. Cover the eggs with 2-3 cm of water
Put the pot in the sink and fill it with water at room temperature until the eggs are submerged in about 2-3 cm of water.
The more eggs, the more water you will have to use. If you want to boil more than six at the same time, submerge them with 5 cm of water to make sure they cook evenly

Step 3. Add vinegar or salt to prevent the shells from breaking
Add 5 ml of vinegar or half a teaspoon of salt (2.5 g) to prevent the eggs from breaking during cooking. The salt added to the water also makes them easier to peel once they're ready!
Step 4. Bring the water to a boil
Place the pot on the stove and heat the water until it reaches a high boil. At this stage of preparation there is no need to cover the pot with the lid.
If a shell breaks during cooking, leave the egg in the pot anyway. A small amount of egg white may come out of the crack, but it will still be safe to eat as long as you cook it completely
Step 5. Turn off the stove and leave the eggs in the boiling water for between 6 and 16 minutes
When the water has reached a brisk boil, turn off the heat, put the lid on the pot, and leave it on the stove for between 6 and 16 minutes, depending on how you like to eat the yolk.
- If you want the yolk to maintain a vibrant color and still be soft in the center, leave the eggs in the boiling water for 6 minutes.
- If you like classic hard-boiled eggs, with clotted yolk, leave them to soak in boiling water for 10-12 minutes.
- If you want the yolk to be firm and slightly crumbly, wait 16 minutes before removing them from the boiling water.
Step 6. Drain the hard-boiled eggs and put them to cool under cold water
Throw away the boiling water and chill the eggs for about a minute under that cold stream to stop cooking. Touch them carefully to see if they are cold enough to hold.
- To check if the eggs are cooked, take one with a slotted spoon, hold it under cold running water and then cut it open with a knife. If the yolk is not the consistency you want, leave the other eggs in the boiling water for an additional 1-2 minutes.
- If you are concerned that the eggs will roll out of the pot as you drain them, keep the lid ajar as you tilt it over the sink so they can't get out.
- You can also chill eggs by placing them in a bowl filled with water and ice for 1-2 minutes.

Step 7. You can store hard-boiled eggs in the refrigerator for up to 7 days
In this case, you don't have to shell them until you're ready to eat them. When they have cooled, put them back in their original carton to prevent them from absorbing the odors of other foods in the refrigerator and eat them within a week.
- You can only keep the eggs still in the shell. After peeling them, they should be eaten within the day.
- If you notice that an egg has a slimy texture after peeling it, throw it away. It is a sign that bacteria have started to proliferate inside, so it cannot be eaten.
Step 8. Tap the egg against a hard surface and then shell it under running water
When you are ready to eat, tap the shell and then roll the egg with the palm of your hand on a solid surface until the cracks spread all over the shell. Finally shell it under running water, at room temperature.
If you still find it difficult to remove the shell, after cracking it, place the eggs in a bowl full of water for 10-15 minutes. The water will penetrate under the shells, which will then come off more easily

Step 9. You can eat hard-boiled eggs on their own, as an appetizer, or add them to a salad for example
Just season them with a little salt and pepper to get a healthy and quick-to-eat snack. If you prefer, you can cut them in half to make deviled eggs.
Method 2 of 2: Barzotte Eggs
Step 1. Fill a large pot with water and put it to boil, then lower the heat
Use a pot that allows you to lay the eggs in a single layer and submerge them with 2-3 cm of water. Heat the water over high heat; when it reaches a boil, reduce the heat so that it only simmers.
To make sure the pot is large enough to hold all the eggs in a single layer, place them on the bottom while it is still empty. If it is the right size, remove the eggs, fill it with water and bring it to a boil
Step 2. Immerse 1 to 4 eggs in boiling water and cook for 5-7 minutes
Carefully place them on the bottom of the pot using a spoon or tongs while the water simmers. Set the kitchen timer for about 5-7 minutes, depending on your preferences regarding the consistency of the yolk. If you want to boil 3-4 eggs at the same time, add 15-30 seconds to the cooking time.
- If you like the yolk to remain completely liquid, let the eggs simmer for 5 minutes;
- If you prefer it semi-liquid, let the eggs simmer for 6-7 minutes;
- If you need to prepare more than 4 eggs, boil them several times.
Step 3. Remove the eggs from the pot and cool them under running water for one minute
Remove them from the water one at a time with a slotted spoon. Put them under cold running water for 30-60 seconds to stop cooking and be able to handle them without burning yourself.
Step 4. Place each egg in a small cup or egg cup and tap the top of the shell to remove it
The eggs should be placed straight in the egg cups or in bowls filled with uncooked rice (or a similar cereal) to allow them to stand upright. Tap the eggshell around the pointed part using a butter knife to break it open, then remove it with your hands.
Eggs cooked this way cannot be stored, so eat them immediately while the yolk is still warm and creamy
Step 5. You can eat them straight from the shell with a spoon or by dipping into toast
You can insert a teaspoon into the opening and enjoy the boiled egg as you would a dessert or you can make thin slices of toast and dip them in the soft yolk.
If the yolk is medium-thick, you can peel the egg and place it on a whole slice of warm bread to make a satisfying and delicious breakfast
- If you are in the mountains and want to prepare hard-boiled eggs, leave them in boiling water for longer than indicated in the article. Alternatively, you can lower the heat and let them simmer for 10-12 minutes.
- If you want to use fresh eggs, try steaming them to make them easier to shell. Pour 2 cm of water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. When it boils, place the eggs in the steamer basket and cook for 15 minutes. When they are ready, remove the shell and eat them right away.
- Don't try to microwave hard-boiled eggs. The vapor will build up inside the shell and cause them to explode.
- Do not pierce the shell before boiling the eggs. Although some recipes recommend making a hole in the shell before cooking the eggs, using an unsterilized object to make the hole could introduce bacteria into the eggs. In addition, small cracks would be created in the shell, so bacteria could penetrate after cooking.