Making the perfect hard-boiled egg is more complicated than you might think. To obtain an excellent egg, it must be cooked in water for 10-15 minutes. Before serving, you can make sure it's ready by cutting it or using an instant-read cooking thermometer.
Method 1 of 2: Cut the Egg in Two

Step 1. Prepare hard-boiled eggs
Put a pot full of water on the stove and, when it boils, gently place the eggs on the bottom, then let them cook for between 8 and 14 minutes, according to your preferences. If you prefer, you can put them in the pot when the water is still cold: in this case bring it to a boil, then move the pot from the hot stove and leave the eggs in the boiling water for about 9-15 minutes, depending on your taste. personal.
- After 8 minutes the egg white will have congealed while the yolk will have remained soft.
- After 12 minutes, the yolk will also have become completely firm.
- After 14 minutes or more of cooking the yolk will have taken on a pale color, a dry consistency and will crumble easily.

Step 2. Check one egg
If you're making several eggs, there's no reason to check all of them individually. Remove a single egg from the boiling water and check for doneness. If it is cooked to perfection, it means that the other eggs are too.

Step 3. Put the eggs under cold water
When you take them out of the water, the shells will be hot so it is best to cool them under running water for a minute if you intend to shell them right away.

Step 4. Shell the eggs
You can tap them one at a time against a hard surface and then gently remove the shell with your hands. Alternatively, you can stick the tip of a spoon between the cracked shell and the hard-boiled egg white, to separate them and be able to peel the eggs more easily.

Step 5. Cut the eggs in half
Engrave them directly in the center. Once split in two, you should see the yellow yolk surrounded by the white egg white.

Step 6. Examine the inside of the egg
When you cut it with the knife you should see that the yolk has turned yellow and become solid. If you notice that it is greenish on the outside, it means that you have waited a little too long before removing the eggs from the boiling water. If, on the other hand, the yolk is not yet congealed, the eggs are not completely cooked. Finally, check that the egg white is firm but not chewy.
- If the yolk is still soft, let the other eggs cook for another 30-60 seconds.
- On the other hand, if it seems overcooked, immediately remove the other eggs from the boiling water.

Step 7. Transfer the eggs to cold water if they are cooked
If they have reached your preferred doneness, immerse them in cold water immediately to prevent residual heat from continuing to cook. Place ice cubes in a bowl, then fill it halfway with water. Then carefully transfer the eggs from boiling to frozen water using a slotted spoon.
Method 2 of 2: Using the Kitchen Thermometer

Step 1. Lift an egg from boiling water using a ladle or spoon
If you are preparing a lot of eggs, just test one. Carefully remove it from the water and tilt the spoon or ladle slightly to empty it of the water.

Step 2. Handle the egg while wearing oven mitts
Immediately after removing it from the water it will be boiling, but you will not be able to put it under cold water otherwise the temperature read by the thermometer will not be the correct one. Wear a thick oven mitt that allows you to touch the egg without burning yourself.

Step 3. Read the temperature in the center of the egg
Push the pointed end of the thermometer against the shell to break it and be able to penetrate through the egg white and yolk. Leave the tip in the center of the egg for a couple of seconds to allow the thermometer to take the temperature.
Instant-read kitchen thermometers are for sale online or in kitchenware stores

Step 4. Read the number indicated on the thermometer display
The temperature of the yolk should be around 70-77 ° C. If it's lower than that, return the egg to the boiling water and let it cook a little longer. If, on the other hand, it is above 77 ° C, it means that the eggs are already overcooked, so it is better to remove them immediately from the water and put them to cool.