You know the type: park his Harley and swagger around the bar in his black leather jacket. He unbuttons his jacket revealing his arms with tattoos. He puts a note on the counter that the barman accepts, putting a shot in front of him. You give him a cursory glance, unwary, before turning immediately. You just saw a tough guy and would love the idea of becoming like him.
Method 1 of 2: Becoming Tough Inside

Step 1. Observe
Toast is a state of mind. That guy would be a tough guy even if he dressed in a polka dot tutu: maybe he wouldn't be scary, but he'd still be a badass. It is like reaching nirvana, only by daring much more.
- Watch a Clint Eastwood movie to get an idea of how to get tough and menacing. Adopt those attitudes you think work and imagine other things you could come up with.
- Read the stories of others, such as Sun Tzu and Genghis Khan for being tough guys in times of war; Winston Churchill and Orson Welles to smoke more cigars than Fidel and Raul combined; and Daniel Day Lewis and Jeff Bridges, for wearing tweeds and sweatpants better than anyone else.

Step 2. Always be confident and you'll have a 95% good chance of succeeding in your pocket
The tough guys behave in absolute self-confidence and without shyness. If you can do this, you'll be seen as a tough guy in no time.
- Walk confidently with your head up, shoulders straight (pretend you have a cloak behind you if necessary), slowly and in smaller steps as you walk, but at a heavy pace.
- Try to act regardless of the results. Whatever the outcome, accept it. Being confident allows you to approach a woman's rejection or approval with the same attitude: acceptance. This means being tough.

Step 3. Be brave
For example, do not be afraid to defend yourself or others, or to face a potentially dangerous situation with an attitude of calm and tranquility. Try to overcome your fears and don't be afraid to stand up for the things you believe in. Get out of the comfort zone and adapt to the most stressful situations.

Step 4. Make your actions speak louder than your words
Words mean little to a tough guy, because it's easier said than done. In fact, anyone can claim to have superhuman capabilities, but no one would launch from 40,000 km into space.

Step 5. Eliminate obstacles and everything that prevents you from being what you want
It won't happen quickly, but it will happen if you have a tough mindset.
- For example, if you are shy, prepare things to say (about different topics and anecdotes) to perfect the conversation. A tough guy will never miss arguments, even if they rarely want to talk.
- Find ingenious solutions to difficult problems. For example, if you are faced with a dilemma to solve, rather than explosives, a tough guy would use kinetic force (figuratively speaking). A tough guy will get out of problems in the smartest way and with the most extreme ease.
- Get organized in time. A tough guy will find a good balance between being spontaneous and planning ahead.

Step 6. Create your own style
A real tough guy will wear whatever they like regardless of the current fashion. The key is to be self-confident. Looking your best will do wonders on your image and make you feel that you too have your place in the world.
- Some people associate certain ways of dressing with a badass guy: boots, leather, jeans, but you don't necessarily have to dress like that. You can also be a tough guy in a Hawaiian shirt and sandals, as long as you play tough.
- Try to customize your style. Maybe you like to wear tank tops with pockets, to dress completely in jeans even at funerals. A particular habit can become legendary if worn by a tough guy.

Step 7. Put on your sunglasses, the quintessential symbol of a tough guy
It doesn't matter which ones, the important thing is to wear them. They protect you from close scrutiny of your person and project a confident air even if you haven't fully developed it yet.

Step 8. Be genuine
Being a tough guy isn't about getting in trouble or impressing people, it's about being yourself and being willing to fight for it. If you go out with people who go further and agree to do it too, you put yourself on the same level as them.
Method 2 of 2: Stand above the scrum

Step 1. Avoid all the things a tough guy would never do
For instance:
Try to impress others. A real tough guy will never try to fit in. Try not to care what others think of you, while still maintaining a respectful attitude

Step 2. Be mysterious
Don't tell people where you are going unless it is necessarily necessary; arrive mysteriously late and do things nonchalantly. Don't blurt out your life story, but let people guess.

Step 3. Break the mold in a cautious but meaningful way
What separates a tough guy from the rest of the people is his unconventional nature; a tough guy is like a lone wolf who is thrown out of the pack, but who succeeds despite failure. Tough guys only do what they choose to do.
Ask yourself under what circumstances you have been lulled into false confidence and rethink why and how you do it. You may end up holding your current direction, but at least that's the one you've chosen. Then do it with more confidence in yourself

Step 4. Don't seek confrontation, but be prepared to fight
A tough guy doesn't go around trying to get into a fight, but he's also not afraid to knock someone out if there is no other choice or when they are disrespected. To train sufficiently, should the opportunity arise, try:
- Boxing, which is very tough. It is man against man, hand to hand, in a fight with little more than two gloves and a gigantic pair of balls. Boxing is strenuous, bold and grotesque; very appropriate for a budding tough.
- Wrestling, although wrestlers are less respected than those who box. Like boxers, wrestlers fight with wit and muscular vigor, continually perfecting their bodies to create efficient and merciless machines. It's not a sissy thing.
- Rugby. Football in comparison is a walk in the park. Football isn't for the weak, it's just that rugby is really tough. They run back and forth on the court without padding, often break their noses and sprain their fingers, and continue to play as if nothing had happened.
- Kung-fu. Certainly among the martial arts of all respect. Kung Fu is the best way to learn how to defend yourself from bullies.

Step 5. Always behave your best
Try not to make your day worse for no reason or to turn people away. There is a difference between being a tough guy and being an asshole. People respect the former, but despise the latter. The most respected assholes are those who are able to give a strong image, behaving in a kind and understanding manner in a deceptive way.
- Think of Han Solo, a scoundrel who ends up fighting for the cause of the rebels, or James Bond, a tough, sophisticated and classy guy who fights fearlessly in every situation for the good of Britain.
- Many confuse being tough with being rude, disrespectful, self-centered, and arrogant. It's not right. The definition of a true tough man is: a respectful, courageous, humble, charismatic and passionate person.
- Cultivate kind gestures, small and large - they will ensure you are the type people cheer for. Keep the mystery on the good side of you and don't brag.
- Learn to contain yourself to avoid conflicts. If you find yourself in a situation where someone refuses to take a step back, you need to decide whether to give in or not. Sometimes the right ways can persuade people, other times all you need to do is offer a beer to ease the tension. Refusing to give in can often lead to fights, physical or otherwise, and have unintended consequences. Learn to fight, but use your power wisely and moderately.
- Know when to calm down. For example, you don't want to look tough while looking for work or asking someone to go out with you. Being able to be tender is often the hallmark of a tough guy. Wolverine and Batman were also vulnerable deep in their hearts.
- You will inevitably meet people who will challenge you. Learn to calm your nerves and be ready to fight for your self-preservation. There is nothing 'hard' about someone who starts a fight over a trifle only to be beaten and humiliated. At the same time, there is nothing heroic about someone who starts a fight because they know they are winning. If you don't want to be identified by the authorities, be polite and avoid the rage of the cops.
- Choose your enemies wisely. You can't challenge the whole world.