Smelling good and feeling clean from morning to night is easier said than done. If you are forced to run from one place to another throughout the day or if the weather conditions are not on your side, it can be difficult to stay cool as you move. However, by adopting the good habit of carrying a few essential tools with you and taking a few minutes to freshen up every few hours, you can keep your cool throughout the day, almost as if you just got out of the shower.
Part 1 of 3: Start Your Day Right

Step 1. Take a shower
To maintain a fresh look, start the day by washing your body. Your body's physiological chemistry will determine how many times you need to wash. Many people shower every morning, but if you play sports or live in very humid areas, you may need to shower twice a day to maintain freshness. If you live in a temperate place and your skin is pretty dry, doing it every other day might be your best bet. Either way, wash often enough so that you smell good and feel clean.
- Being clean doesn't necessarily mean using the strongest detergent possible. Use a soap that suits your skin type so it doesn't dry out too much. Choose a shower gel or soap that is mild enough for daily use.
- While it is recommended that you shower most days, it is better to wash your hair less frequently. If you do it every day, you risk drying and damaging them, as the natural grease from the hair is removed with shampoo. To stay fresh on days you don't wash your hair, it is recommended to use a dry shampoo. It is a powder that absorbs grease and gives the hair a clean look.

Step 2. Use the deodorant
Did you know that 2% of people don't have the gene that causes bad smell? They are lucky people who don't need to use deodorant, but the rest of the people are forced to use it to prevent body odor from becoming too strong during the day. Apply deodorant when you are done with the shower.
- If you have a tendency to sweat a lot, it is recommended that you use a combination of deodorant and antiperspirant to keep you dry. Use it with caution, though: In recent years, it has been reported that the aluminum in antiperspirant products is at risk of causing breast cancer. Experts say these claims are unfounded, but it pays to be cautious if you plan on using it every day.
- The use of natural deodorant sticks or alum stone is common, but many find that the effect wears off after a few hours. An exception might be the homemade coconut oil deodorant cream, which is quickly absorbed into the skin and keeps you dry and cool. To do this, simply mix 6 tablespoons of coconut oil with 4 tablespoons of baking powder and 4 tablespoons of cornstarch. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil and apply it all by massaging it into your armpits.

Step 3. Use talcum powder to absorb moisture
If your skin tends to be a little oily or sweats throughout the day, try applying talcum powder when you dry off after showering in the morning. Absorbs excess moisture, giving you a long-lasting feeling of freshness. You can carry it with you in a small package, so that you can use it several times during the day.
- Apply talcum powder to areas where you feel less fresh, such as your feet, armpits, and so on.
- You can use baby powder or make your own by simply mixing cornstarch and your favorite essential oils together.

Step 4. Wear breathable fabrics
Fortunately for us, polyester went the way of cassette tapes several years ago. This synthetic fabric caused various itching and discomfort because it was not composed of natural and breathable fibers, such as cotton or wool. Even though double and heavy polyester isn't as popular these days, there are other synthetic fabrics that have a similar effect. When you wear a fabric that doesn't allow air to come into contact with your skin, you end up sweating and feeling sticky.
- Check if you have synthetic fabrics in your wardrobe that may not let your skin breathe. Try to wear clothes made from cotton and natural fibers.
- Another way to stay cool is to dress in layers, so you can take off or put on according to the temperature. To work, instead of using a chunky sweater and getting warm afterward, try wearing a blouse with a cardigan that you can take off and put back on.

Step 5. Take care of your feet
If you are concerned that your feet are sweating or smelling, wash them carefully, dry them and use talcum powder every morning. Wear shoes appropriate to the weather of the season. If you wear heavy boots in the summer, your feet will sweat, smell and lose the feeling of freshness. If you can, wear socks so that excess moisture is absorbed.
Keep a different pair of shoes for sports. When you go out with friends, don't wear the sneakers you use at the gym, as the sweat that has dried inside them could cause your feet to smell bad

Step 6. Also keep your breath fresh
The best way to keep your breath fresh is to have proper dental hygiene. Floss once a day and brush your teeth in the morning and evening with a fluoride toothpaste. Go to the dentist every six months to have the build-up of tartar removed by cleaning your teeth. Tartar, in fact, promotes bad breath and causes more serious problems.
- Using mouthwash is a great way to combat bad breath. Rinse your mouth with antiseptic mouthwash a couple of times a day to kill the bacteria that cause bad breath.
- Drink water very often. Aside from brushing your teeth, there's no faster or better trick to freshening your mouth than drinking water frequently. A sip of water removes food debris that can build up in the mouth, causing bad breath.
Part 2 of 3: Staying Cool During the Day

Step 1. Change clothes if necessary
If you are on the go during the day, it is advisable to prepare for a change. That way you won't feel that unpleasant feeling at the end of the day after wearing the same clothes since 8am. You could also carry a bag in the car with some clothes inside, so you don't have to go without one when you leave the house. Consider bringing with you:
- A clean pair of socks
- A clean undershirt
- A clean pair of briefs

Step 2. Refresh your hair
Wind, rain and haste can ruin your hairstyle and leave your hair without any hold already in the middle of the day. Bring a comb or brush with you so you can fix them if necessary. It is also advisable to bring a small bottle of hairspray or gel to put them back in place.
- If your hair tends to look greasy in the middle of the day, try a dry shampoo. Just sprinkle it a little on the areas that look oily, leave the powder on for a few minutes and then brush it off.
- Another trick is to pull your hair up in a bun or ponytail so you can look fresh right away for the rest of the day.

Step 3. Use the cleaning wipes to clean yourself quickly
They can be useful if you live in a humid place and have no way to take another shower. Make sure you use the odorless ones, as the scented type can be very strong. Use them if necessary, then apply the deodorant again and you'll be good to go.

Step 4. Brush your teeth after lunch
If you feel that the freshness tends to go away after lunch, bring a toothbrush and toothpaste with you so you can quickly clean your mouth and feel better right away. A travel mouthwash may also be useful. And when you don't have these items available, you can always make up for it with a peppermint or mint flavored gum.

Step 5. Prepare yourself in case you have a period
There is nothing worse than having your period in the middle of the day, especially if there is no supermarket nearby. Guard yourself by organizing everything you need to stay fresh during your period. Bring enough tampons or pads with you to make multiple changes.
Avoid using douches or scented sprays to feel fresh. The chemicals in these products can cause mycosis, only making things worse. Instead, wash yourself with warm water or use a refreshing, fragrance-free handkerchief
Part 3 of 3: Know What to Avoid

Step 1. Avoid taking a bath in perfume or cologne
Just a light touch of perfume or cologne on your wrists will feel fresh. However, it's not a good idea to overuse it mid-day to mask the smell of sweat. You will only make things worse if you try to cover the body odor with a strong perfume. It's best to find a way to take a quick shower or use cleaning wipes if you don't have the time.

Step 2. Stay away from foods that have a strong odor
If you tend to have bad breath after eating onion, or if your skin smells like garlic a few hours after eating a plate of spaghetti with tomato sauce, choose what you eat more carefully. Opt for a light diet of salads, fruit and vegetables, especially on days when staying fresh is a priority. Consuming these foods has the advantage of keeping body odor to a minimum.
- Also know which foods can cause you poor digestion. Beans, fatty foods and cabbage are usually heavy.
- Spicy foods can make you sweat more than normal.

Step 3. Don't neglect your personal spaces
If your bedroom, car, and other places where you spend your time aren't clean, it will affect your smell and appearance. For example, if your bedroom is untidy and you never hang your clothes in the closet, your clothes may smell of dust and wrinkle. Here's what you can do:
- Put away the clean clothes immediately and keep the dirty ones in a closed basket.
- Vacuum often, especially if you have pets.
- Clean the inside of the car.
- Clean the office and other places where you spend a lot of time during the day.