A cool guy? She has a unique and charming personality, she doesn't care about what others say and treats people with grace and respect, but without getting trampled. Also, pay attention to your look and project a confident image to the world. If you want to be like that, read this article!
Method 1 of 3: Develop a Cool Personality

Step 1. Be yourself
Look matters, but not as much as personality. Learn to care less about how you appear to others, have more fun, joke around, talk about your interests and do what you want. Making others feel comfortable in your company is a good start.
- Don't be ashamed to show others what makes you unique. If you're into bird watching, there's nothing wrong with saying it, but if you hide it then you won't be cool.
- Don't hide your origins. If you come from a humble family, don't try to hide it. People will appreciate your being different, if you are not ashamed of it.
- Don't pretend to be indifferent. If you care about the outcome of tonight's game, show it. Don't act like nothing matters to you just to look cool.
- Always be yourself. You can try to improve parts of your personality, but being authentic means not being afraid of who you are.

Step 2. Be charming
Everyone should be charmed by your mere presence. Such a person walks confidently and can talk to everyone without any embarrassment. You should be able to flatter an 80-year-old lady and make an eight-year-old child laugh. To be truly charming, you will need a magical touch that allows everyone to feel comfortable with you.
- To charm someone, show that you are interested in them and don't just talk about you. Ask her about her interests and feelings and make eye contact, listening carefully.
- Remember the names of the people they introduce to you and use them every time you see them.
- Laugh with ease. Charming people are sunny and make others laugh. Don't be afraid to lightly make fun of people who are capable of playing a joke.

Step 3. Be witty
If you want to be a really cool guy, you need to make others laugh, talk a lot, and have jokes with everyone. Wit requires a certain acuity and the ability to make sharp and intelligent comments at the right time.
- If a person says something funny, don't just laugh, respond back with a joke.
- Observe the shrewd people you admire, give comedians to your uncle, and try to steal their secrets.
- Wit is all about timing. Make your jokes when everyone is listening and out loud; if your voice is low or someone else is talking, they won't hear you, and trying again won't be the same.

Step 4. Be sociable
Don't be fooled by stereotypes - cool guys aren't unapproachable. Call others, make plans, be bold, and make friends with people you trust and respect. If you are friendly and hang out with a lot of people, you will look cool because you will have a variety of friends.
- Accept invitations. Don't reject people just because you think they're not cool enough for you.
- Don't always be sociable: Give yourself time to pursue your hobbies and develop your personality.
- Be sociable with everyone, not just those who seem cool to you. Really cool people are cool with everyone.

Step 5. Be confident
You may be a handsome guy, but girls don't notice you because you talk shyly or walk hunched over. Raise your head and chest and look everyone in the eye. Work on your self-esteem to get rid of the problems related to your insecurity. This process doesn't go through overnight, but you won't earn the respect of others if you don't respect yourself first.
- Walk with your head held high, showing that you are proud of yourself.
- Speak clearly and slowly to make everyone understand you.
- Look into the eyes of the people you interact with - this will show that you are confident.
- Don't be afraid to be self-deprecating - this will denote even more self-confidence. But be careful, your words must not make you demoralized.

Step 6. Be interested in others
Who wants to be in the company of a person who talks about himself? Listen to your friends and ask them lots of questions. You will build a reputation as a caring and kind person.
- When you talk to someone, ask him “How are you?”: You will make him understand that you are interested in his life.
- Ask a person about their interests - most people like to talk about their passions.

Step 7. Be positive
You don't have to get along with everyone, but be optimistic, look for the best in things and talk about what makes you happy. Nobody likes negative and whiny people, so avoid being that way. The more positive you are, the more they will consider you cool.
- Whenever you hear yourself say something negative, say three positive things to balance your words.
- It's good to complain every now and then, especially when you're sick, but it doesn't have to become a habit.
- If another person is negative, you can help them see the bright side of things and make them laugh. She'll appreciate your ability to make her feel better - and that's very cool.

Step 8. Don't make others feel bad
Maybe you think it's cool to laugh at people "inferior" to you or call them "losers" because they don't match your standards. However, doing this does not make you a better person, it makes you appear so insecure and desperate to the point of speaking ill of others in order to put yourself in a favorable light.
Instead of denigrating others, you can amiably make fun of your friends, who will reciprocate: you will all have fun and you will not surround yourself with negativity
Method 2 of 3: Develop Your Interests

Step 1. Read several books
Always keep one on your nightstand. You can use it to break the ice and talk about a new topic at parties. Furthermore, cultured people always turn out to be attractive. The more you read, the more you will know, the more you will develop a unique perspective on the world.
- If they call you a nerd, laugh it off. Everything is cool, if you make it so.
- Reading will also allow you to talk more easily with many people who are very different from each other, not just with those belonging to your social group. Really cool people can talk to almost everyone.

Step 2. Stay informed about the news
You will not have to read ten newspapers a day, but to know what happens in the world, appearing intelligent and cultured, two attractive qualities. Just click on Google News or read two or three current news items.
- You don't have to sound like a know-it-all to open a debate on an interesting and relevant topic. People think it's cool to take an interest in what's going on in the world, not just yourself.
- If you don't inform yourself about what's going on in the world and never get involved in discussions, you won't look cool.

Step 3. Get in shape:
exercising is cool. You don't have to be a great athlete, but going to the gym or running can improve your health and safety, and therefore make you more attractive.
- Sport is ideal for meeting new people. Join a team and make friends with your mates.
- Exercise releases endorphins, which will put you in a good mood and make you safer.

Step 4. Pursue your interests
Doing what you like will make you more interesting and introduce you to new people. Don't be shy, even if you love things that aren't considered cool.
If you join a club, you might one day become the leader, which is very cool

Step 5. Learn to do several things:
fix a car, build a table, build a bridge or cook the perfect steak. Having a skill is useful and makes you look cool in the eyes of others, also because you will give the impression of being full of initiative.
Mastered a skill, teach it to someone else

Step 6. Develop your interests on your own
Some are shared with a group, while others can be cultivated in solitude. A person who knows how to be alone is much cooler than one who cannot live if he is not always with someone.
- Learn to play the guitar or speak a new language or write your thoughts in a journal. All of this will help you understand who you are and you will become cooler in the process.
- If you are always with others, they will take you for granted. But, if you are sometimes busy doing something by yourself, then your presence will be appreciated even more.
Method 3 of 3: Make a Good Impression

Step 1. Check your body language
Although being cool comes from within, people can tell from your posture if you feel insecure. To communicate self-esteem, stand straight, with your head up and shoulders open, showing that you are proud to be the way you are.
- Don't hunch over, or it will look like you want to make yourself small.
- Don't cross your arms, or you will look uncomfortable and insecure. Instead, hold them at your sides or use them to gesticulate as you speak.
- Don't fiddle with your hands or your clothes, or you will look insecure.

Step 2. Maintain good personal hygiene
Have you ever met a cool guy with a bad smell and not quite fresh breath? Probably not. Shower and apply deodorant every day, brush your teeth and floss twice a day, and shampoo regularly. Always carry mints or gum with you to get rid of bad breath. Wash your clothes often too.

Step 3. Take care of your skin
Wash it off with lukewarm water and then apply a moisturizer suitable for your skin type. For example, if it is dry, moisturize it often; if it is oily, use an alcohol-free moisturizing gel; if you have acne, go to the dermatologist. Avoid products containing fragrances if you have sensitive skin.
Don't ignore what you eat and drink. A healthy diet and plenty of water are two essential factors for beautiful skin. Fatty foods will make it oily

Step 4. Be assertive
Don't be afraid to take your space when you are around people. Don't be afraid to say what you think out loud. Speak slowly to show that you are thinking about what you are saying and are not afraid of the opinion of others. Look everyone in the eye.
At the same time, let others be assertive as well when necessary. You don't have to be overbearing

Step 5. Dress cool
Your clothing should fit you and make you feel good. Find shades and patterns that suit your natural colors. Even a simple wardrobe made of jeans and T-shirts is acceptable, if it makes you feel like yourself.
- If you need to go shopping, try to mind both the quality and the price, so you will buy several cheap pieces that you can wear for a long time.
- Experiment with various styles and opt for the one that highlights your strengths and identity, whether it's preppy, rocker or hipster.
- Having a cool style means wearing what you like, even if others look bad at you. If they make fun of your clothes and you stop wearing them, you won't be cool.

Step 6. Nice clothes won't make your hair forget
Choose a style for them too, comfortable and easy to manage.
If you need to cut them or want to try a new style, ask an expert and then have a barber or a cheaper hairdresser touch up or revise it yourself

Step 7. Don't forget to smile
Maybe you think doing it isn't cool, but it's not true at all. If you are kind and smile at others, they will feel attracted to you. If you greet everyone at a party, you will take the first step in getting out of your shell.
A smile instantly creates a good impression, especially if they don't know you. If you don't, you will give the impression that you are haughty, and therefore people will feel less likely to approach you
- Girls love to hang out with cool guys because they feel good with them, laugh and smile.
- Making someone smile is cool and popular with girls. A guy with a good sense of humor always attracts women.
- Don't smoke, especially in front of people who hate it. It also causes bad breath, makes clothes stink, and is unhealthy.
- Don't be afraid of anything. Spontaneously try what life offers you.
- Make your style stand out, but don't overdo it.
- The number one rule of being cool is knowing that you are the best. You don't have to say it out loud, but believe it and prove it and everyone will follow you.
- Don't hit on every woman you meet. You will have a bad reputation.
- Copying another person's style is possible, but only if that's a step forward on your personal journey. Observe others and grasp what you want to adopt for yourself.
- Don't get caught up in meanness and rivalry. The best solution is to ignore this type of drama and use your time productively.
- Cool guys don't offend others to feel better. They can be popular up to a point, then they will lose friends and respect.