The armpit area is very sensitive, so it is important to shave them in the way that best suits your needs. The razor is the most used tool because it allows you to achieve a good result in a few minutes. There are also waxing and electric epilators, which guarantee an effect that lasts longer over time, and depilatory creams, perfect for removing hair without pain. If you are looking for a permanent solution, you can also consider electrolysis.
Method 1 of 5: Remove Hair with the Razor

Step 1. Moisten your underarm skin with warm water
Shaving with a razor is much easier and more effective when the skin is soft, warm and supple. You can shave in the shower or just moisten your armpits with warm water from the sink.
- If you often have ingrown hairs, also exfoliate your skin with a body scrub before shaving.
- If you have very sensitive skin, choose to shave it in the evening to give it time to recover overnight.

Step 2. Lift your arm over your head
Stretch it up as much as possible so that the skin of the armpit is well stretched; this will reduce the risk of cutting yourself or irritating the part with the razor.

Step 3. Apply shaving cream or bubble bath
Distribute them all over the hair to help the razor glide more easily on the skin. If you omit the use of an emollient product, you will end up irritating the sensitive skin in your armpits, so it is important to never skip this step.
- In the absence of a more suitable product, you can use a common bar of soap. Before lathering your armpits, rub it patiently between your hands to make them lather.
- For lack of anything else, you can also try using shampoo or conditioner.

Step 4. Use a new, sharp razor blade
The disadvantages of an old or rusty razor are numerous. In addition to getting a poor shave, you run the risk of cutting yourself, causing unsightly ingrown hair or dangerous infections. So be sure to use a blade in good condition.

Step 5. Use the razor only against the grain
Each person's hair grows in slightly different directions. Maybe the ones in your armpits all have the same orientation or maybe they are headed for different parts. To get a close shave, always try to use the blade in the opposite direction to where the hair grows. Also, check to see if you need to rewet the razor between passes.

Step 6. Rinse the skin, then repeat all steps to shave the other armpit
Wash off the excess foam and check that you have removed all the hair. If necessary, do a final touch-up, then repeat the process with the other armpit.

Step 7. Wait an hour or two before using the deodorant
The razor can cause small superficial scratches, so give the skin time to regenerate before applying any product to the armpits. Using the deodorant immediately, you may feel burning or irritation of the skin.
Method 2 of 5: Remove Hair with Depilatory Cream

Step 1. Choose a hair removal cream suitable for sensitive areas of the body
There are products of varying strengths, some of which have been specifically formulated for sensitive skin in areas such as the face or armpits, while others are intended to remove stubborn leg hair. Start by using a cream for sensitive areas; if it doesn't prove effective enough, you can always switch to a stronger product.
- Too aggressive depilatory cream can cause a rash to develop.
- If you are unsure which cream to choose, opt for one designed to remove facial hair.

Step 2. First, wash your armpits
The goal is to remove all traces of deodorant or sweat in order to apply the depilatory cream on perfectly cleansed skin. Pat them dry with a towel.

Step 3. Raise your arm above your head
Make sure the skin is completely tight. Try to get into a comfortable position as you will have to keep your arm raised for several minutes while the hair removal cream takes effect.

Step 4. Apply the depilatory cream all over the hair
Try not to smear it directly on the bare skin surrounding the area with the hair. Use just enough amount to cover them with a thin layer.

Step 5. Wait for the recommended time
Keep your arm raised and let the depilatory cream work. Typically, you have to wait for 3 to 10 minutes to allow the chemicals in the cream to dissolve the hair. Do not leave the depilatory cream on for longer than the maximum time recommended on the package.
- If this is your first time using hair removal cream, rinse your skin after just one minute to make sure you don't have an allergic reaction. Check for redness, swelling, or itching. In the absence of side effects, you can reapply the cream again.
- The depilatory cream can be slightly tingling, but it shouldn't sting or pain. If you feel sick, wash it off immediately with water.

Step 6. Rinse the already shaved armpit and move on to the other
Follow the same directions, applying the cream on all the hairs and then letting it act for the time recommended on the package. Once finished, rinse the skin thoroughly.

Step 7. Wait a few hours before using the deodorant
This will prevent any irritation as the skin will have time to recover after the treatment.
Method 3 of 5: Remove Hair with Wax

Step 1. Make sure your armpit hair is about half a centimeter or 1 centimeter long
This is the easiest length to manage with the waxing method. If the hairs were shorter, waxing would not be able to catch them. If they were longer, they could become tangled and become difficult to manage. If necessary, you can wait a few more days to wait for them to grow or shorten them to reach the correct length.

Step 2. Prepare the waxing kit
You can use any type of wax that is suitable for removing body hair. Most of the kits consist of a jar of wax to be heated in the microwave or in a special wax-warming pot, some spatula-shaped applicators and fabric strips with which to tear off the wax once it has hardened on the skin.
- Warm up the wax by following the instructions on the package.
- Test by applying a small amount of wax to the back of your hand to make sure it's not too hot.

Step 3. Wash and exfoliate your armpit skin
Remove dead skin cells and dirt using a body scrub or sponge, then rinse with plenty of water. This step is to facilitate waxing and to prevent the risk of skin infections.

Step 4. Dust them with talcum powder
The powder is used to dry the skin; moreover, it prevents the wax from sticking to the armpits at the moment of tearing. As an additional precautionary method, you can keep your skin dry by keeping a window open or a fan on while waxing.

Step 5. Raise your arm above your head
Extend it upward as far as possible so that the skin is taut. This makes it easier to remove the hair from the root, while reducing the pain due to tearing.

Step 6. Apply the wax and fabric strips
Dip the spatula in the hot wax, then spread a small amount on the skin of the armpits following the orientation of hair growth. Place a strip of fabric over the wax, then gently press it against the skin.

Step 7. Tear off the strip in the direction of the back pile
Make a quick movement, as if you want to peel off an ordinary plaster. Too slow a gesture would cause incomplete and inaccurate hair removal. As if that weren't enough, in addition to leaving some hairs on the skin, you would also feel more pain.
- If you are having a hard time peeling off the strip of fabric, you may not be holding the skin tight enough. Try bending your elbow, then use your fingers to keep it pulled while your other hand tears off the strip.
- If you sweat a little, your skin may become moist. In that case you can try to cool the room with a fan.

Step 8. Continue until your armpits are completely shaved
Depending on the amount of hair present, you may have to reapply the wax one or two more times to get rid of it completely. When you are satisfied, switch to the other arm. When finished, a common tweezer will help you remove any remaining hair.

Step 9. Soothe your armpits with almond oil
In addition to having an emollient and moisturizing effect, almond oil will help you remove any residual wax that has stuck to the skin.

Step 10. Wait a few hours before using the deodorant
Applying it right away may irritate your already inflamed armpits from waxing. Wait at least a couple of hours before using any other product.
Method 4 of 5: Remove Hair with the Electric Epilator

Step 1. Check that the hairs are no longer than a few millimeters
This is the easiest length to manage when using the electric epilator. If the hairs were longer, they could become tangled and become difficult to grasp by the tweezers contained in the head. It may be helpful to shave the hair with the razor a day or two before using the epilator to make sure it is the right length.

Step 2. Dust your armpits with talcum powder
The electric epilator is a small device equipped with rotating micro-tweezers capable of lifting and extirpating the hair at the root. As with waxing, the hair removal process can be slightly painful, but it allows for a long-lasting result. Make sure your armpits are completely dry before applying baby powder. This is to prevent the skin from being "pinched" by the tweezers.

Step 3. Raise your arm above your head
Extend it as much as possible upwards so that the skin is well stretched; when it is wrinkled, it can risk getting trapped in the epilator.

Step 4. Turn on the epilator at low speed
A first pass at reduced speed will give you a way to get used to the sensation caused by the jerk.

Step 5. Gently move it along your armpits to remove a first layer of hair
Start by keeping it slightly detached from the skin. When the hairs are plucked, you will feel a sting similar to that caused by waxing. In no time you will get used to that slight sensation of pain, so you will be ready to move on to the next step.

Step 6. Increase the speed and bring the epilator closer to the skin
Now you can focus on all those hairs that you were unable to remove during the first pass of the tweezers. Keep holding the skin taut, then finish the job using the maximum speed available.

Step 7. Repeat the steps to shave the other armpit
As before, start with a low speed, then move to the higher speed to complete the work. Continue until the last hair is removed.

Step 8. Soothe your skin with aloe or witch hazel
Once depilated, the armpits will be red and inflamed, soothe them with a natural and emollient product.

Step 9. Wait a few hours before using the deodorant
Applying it right away could cause a rash or an uncomfortable burning sensation. The best thing to do is to wait at least a couple of hours.
Method 5 of 5: Remove Hair with Electrolysis

Step 1. Go to a specialized beauty center
If you are interested in electrolysis hair removal, it is important to choose a qualified beauty center with a good reputation. Before making a decision, ask for all the information you need to fully understand the process and organize a plan.
- Hair removal by electrolysis neutralizes the hair follicles by means of electric current or some chemicals. The result is therefore permanent.
- Choose a beauty center that performs electrolysis using needles, as it is the only form of hair removal that guarantees a permanent result.

Step 2. Wait for the first appointment
Generally, the session will last between 15 and 60 minutes. Some people call it a painless method, while others find it annoying. The number of sessions needed will be decided based on the amount of hair to be removed.

Step 3. Stretch the skin as required by the beautician or aesthetic doctor
At the end of the session, the armpits will appear swollen and inflamed, so it will be necessary to treat them gently. Apply an aloe-based cream or follow the advice given by the beauty center.
- Before using a hair removal cream on your armpits, test a small amount on a small area of skin to reduce the risk of irritation.
- Before buying any product, carefully read the list of ingredients to check that it does not contain substances to which you are allergic.
- If you have decided to use the razor, be careful when putting on the deodorant. Any small cuts could burn a lot!
- The razor blade may irritate the skin causing a burning sensation and discomfort that will only disappear after a few hours.
- Applying too much pressure or using an inappropriate razor could risk cutting yourself.