3 Ways to Remove Henna from Hair

3 Ways to Remove Henna from Hair
3 Ways to Remove Henna from Hair

Table of contents:


Dyeing with henna has become a popular method of permanent hair coloring. Since many hairdressers do not apply chemical dyes on top of henna, if you wish to change your hair color, or return to your natural color, you may need to remove it yourself. You can go to the hairdresser only after having removed or discolored most of it.


Method 1 of 3: Bleach the Henna with Oil

Remove Henna from Hair Step 1
Remove Henna from Hair Step 1

Step 1. Buy a large bottle of oil

Anecdotal evidence suggests using a mineral one over other types of oil, but you can try a combination and see which one works best on your hair.

  • You can also create your own solution using olive, argan and coconut oil.
  • You will likely need more than one application, so make sure you buy enough to cover your head several times.
Remove Henna from Hair Step 2
Remove Henna from Hair Step 2

Step 2. Sprinkle your hair with oil

While standing in the tub, or outside, massage it from the root to the ends and along the entire hairline.

  • After you have completely covered your head, pour more oil into your palm and massage it once again into your hair so that it is completely impregnated with it.
  • The oil should drip from your hair. If it doesn't drip even a little, it means you haven't greased it enough and you need to add more.
Remove Henna from Hair Step 3
Remove Henna from Hair Step 3

Step 3. Cover greasy hair with plastic

You can use a shower cap or kitchen cling film. Cover them to keep them greasy and let them soak in oil.

Remove Henna from Hair Step 4
Remove Henna from Hair Step 4

Step 4. Heat your hair

This step can guarantee a better result. Use a hair dryer or go out in the sun if it's a nice day.

Remove Henna from Hair Step 5
Remove Henna from Hair Step 5

Step 5. Let the oil work on your hair

The longer you leave it on, the more effective it will be in lightening the color. Leave it on for at least 2-3 hours.

  • It can also be useful to leave it on overnight.
  • If you decide to leave the oil on overnight, cover the pillow with a towel so it doesn't get greasy if the film moves in your sleep.
  • Tests have shown that a 12 hour application has a much more effective effect on the hair than a 2-3 hour one.
Remove Henna from Hair Step 6
Remove Henna from Hair Step 6

Step 6. Wash your hair with a lightening shampoo

Use a lightening shampoo to remove henna from your hair.

  • Try massaging the first application of shampoo over greasy hair before wetting it with water, then rinse well.
  • Lather your hair with shampoo and rinse it, repeating the action several times until the hair is no longer greasy. Depending on the oil used, the shampoo and the hardness of the water, it may be necessary to repeat the operation more than once to wash off all the oil.
  • Use boiling water and make sure you rinse your hair completely.
Remove Henna from Hair Step 7
Remove Henna from Hair Step 7

Step 7. Repeat the entire oil application process

Different applications can make a big difference over time, so repeating this more than once will ensure you get better results.

Wait a week between procedures to give your hair a chance to recover a little and regain its natural hydration

Remove Henna from Hair Step 8
Remove Henna from Hair Step 8

Step 8. Try other products

Other products that can help discolor henna hair are grapeseed oil and whitening toothpaste. You can try these products by following the same process for mineral oil.

Method 2 of 3: Drop the Color

Remove Henna from Hair Step 9
Remove Henna from Hair Step 9

Step 1. Apply alcohol to your hair

This method is most effective when followed immediately by an oil treatment. It can remove some of the henna and prepare the hair for better oil absorption and thus make the discoloration more effective.

Remove Henna from Hair Step 10
Remove Henna from Hair Step 10

Step 2. Squeeze some lemon juice into your hair

The acid contained in lemon juice, when combined with sunlight, can help remove henna from hair and lighten its effects.

  • Fresh lemon juice guarantees better results than concentrated juice.
  • Mix the juice with the water and dip your hair until it is completely wet.
  • Get out in the sun and let your hair dry. Move them with your hand from time to time to make sure the different layers enjoy the benefits of the sun.
  • Make sure you moisturize your hair or conditioner after applying acid products.
Remove Henna from Hair Step 11
Remove Henna from Hair Step 11

Step 3. Sprinkle your hair with raw honey

Although it has a sweet taste, honey does have some acidic properties that can help remove henna without damaging your hair as much as other more harsh products.

  • Leave the honey on for at least 3 hours. The longer the pose, the greater the effectiveness.
  • Make sure you wash your hair thoroughly with lightening shampoo right after.
  • It is best to stay indoors during the honey setting time, so as not to attract insects or bees.
Remove Henna from Hair Step 12
Remove Henna from Hair Step 12

Step 4. Use hydrogen peroxide

It's not the most recommended option, since hydrogen peroxide can significantly ruin your hair, but if you're desperate to remove henna, you can resort to this method as a last resort.

  • Sprinkle your hair with hydrogen peroxide, being careful not to spill it in your eyes.
  • Leave it on for an hour.
  • Heat your hair in the sun or with a high-temperature hairdryer.
  • Wash your hair with a lightening shampoo.
  • Do a deep treatment with conditioner or hot wax to try to reinvigorate damaged hair.

Method 3 of 3: Other Solutions

Remove Henna from Hair Step 13
Remove Henna from Hair Step 13

Step 1. Use an ammonia-free dye to cover the henna

Ammonia-free hair dyes can cover henna better than traditional ones, which risk turning them blue.

Remove Henna from Hair Step 14
Remove Henna from Hair Step 14

Step 2. Let your natural color grow back

It may take some time, but it may be the best option if you have dyed your hair with henna. Trying new hairstyles in the meantime can help pass the time during the frustrating regrowth period.

Remove Henna from Hair Step 15
Remove Henna from Hair Step 15

Step 3. Make a short haircut

If you go for a short cut, you may be able to cut off most of the henna-dyed hair. Even if the henna goes all the way to the roots, a short cut will recover your natural color faster.

Remove Henna from Hair Step 16
Remove Henna from Hair Step 16

Step 4. Put on a hat or wig

You can use this as a last resort until your hair has recovered from the henna treatment.


  • The best weapon is prevention: if you already know that one day you will want to remove the henna, better simply not use it.
  • Check in with an industry professional before experimenting with DIY solutions. A professional could point you to the best option for you and your hair.
  • Don't use henna as a temporary dye if you're planning on regrowing your natural color with a short cut. Better to use it as a permanent dye or if you don't have a problem with cutting most of your hair.


  • Be careful as any of these methods could risk drying or damaging your hair.
  • If you opt for an extreme measure, like hydrogen peroxide, be prepared to have to completely cut your hair in case you get a disastrous result.
  • Be cautious about applying products to your hair and be careful not to spill anything on your face or eyes.
