Of the whole skin of the body, that of the face is the most vulnerable to climatic factors, dehydrating substances present in cosmetics and irritating elements. Skin can become dry, cracked and flaky, so it's important to know how to treat it. Furthermore, it is necessary to know when it is necessary to go to the doctor for a more in-depth visit, in order to have a diagnosis and related treatment.
Method 1 of 2: Over-the-counter or home remedies

Step 1. Find out how to prevent your skin from drying out
Knowing the causes of dehydration will help you eliminate or limit the environmental factors that can cause your skin to crack. Causes include:
- Too long showers or baths (skin becomes dehydrated when immersed in water);
- Aggressive cleansers (if the skin is chapped, it is better to use a mild soap);
- The chlorine of the swimming pool water;
- The wind and the cold air;
- Irritating clothing (such as a scarf) that can trigger an allergic reaction.

Step 2. Wash your face faster than usual and less thoroughly
Try to expose your facial skin to water and cleanser only for a very short time. Use a product suitable for delicate skin and massage it on your face without rubbing.

Step 3. Be careful when showering or bathing
In the collective imagination, water is useful for rehydrating the skin, but in reality prolonged exposure to water can make it even more dehydrated. For this reason, a shower or bath should never last more than 5-10 minutes.
- It may be useful to add moisturizing elements, for example a natural oil (such as mineral, almond or avocado oil) or 100 g of oatmeal or baking soda. Bathing can help relieve cracked skin (as long as you don't stay immersed in water for too long) and by adding one of these ingredients you can fix the moisture in the tissues.
- Pat dry your face gently after showering or bathing. If you scrub the skin vigorously, it will make it even more dry and cracked.
- Use a mild soap when taking a bath to minimize the risk of irritating and dehydrating the skin.

Step 4. Apply a generous amount of cream
As soon as you get out of the bath, gently pat your skin dry (don't rub it) to best preserve its natural moisture. Immediately after, apply a moisturizer and reapply several times throughout the day.
- If you have sensitive skin and prone to allergic reactions, choose a "hypoallergenic" type moisturizer.
- If you have acne-prone skin, choose a "non-comedogenic" moisturizer that does not clog the pores.
- If your skin is extremely dry in some places, petroleum jelly can be a great option. For a less greasy option, you can use Eucerin Aquaphor ointment which applied to particularly dehydrated areas generally ensures rapid healing. Keep in mind that it is best to apply it in the evening before going to sleep as it makes the skin shiny.
- During the winter, protect your skin with petroleum jelly or Aquaphor ointment if you live in a very cold place. Apply the product preventively to prevent the skin from drying out and cracking.

Step 5. Avoid scratching where the skin is cracked
Resist the urge to scratch your face or remove cracked skin, especially if it is red or flaky, as it will only make it worse.

Step 6. Keep your body hydrated
It is important to drink at least two liters of water a day and when exercising you need to increase the dose to compensate for the fluids lost through sweating.
If the body is properly hydrated, the skin also has a good chance of staying healthy and supple. While it's not a one-size-fits-all remedy, it's definitely helpful in solving the problem of cracked skin

Step 7. Determine if you need to go to the doctor
If your skin condition does not improve after two weeks of effort and treatment, it is best to seek medical attention. If instead of improving the skin seems to be getting worse and is particularly red, scaly or damaged, do not wait any longer and go to the doctor or dermatologist immediately.
- The problem of dry, cracked skin is quite common, but if there are any particular lesions (unusual growths, bumps, or unusual discolouration) or if it suddenly cracks or gets worse quickly, it is worth going to the doctor as you may need treatment. use a medicinal ointment or cream. In rare cases, more complex medical treatments may be required.
- Skin problems can also result from an allergy or intolerance. Consult your doctor to consider this possibility.
Method 2 of 2: Treat Cracked Skin with Drugs

Step 1. Understand that cracked skin could be a symptom of some condition
In this case, by treating the disease, you will also get great benefits for the skin. Conditions that can cause skin problems include:
- Disorders of the thyroid gland;
- Diabetes;
- Malnutrition;
- Eczema, allergic reactions and psoriasis (among other skin diseases);
- Medicines for oral or topical use that require not exposure to the sun for a certain period after ingestion or application.

Step 2. Understand the signs that require medical attention and attention
If you experience any of the following symptoms, it's best to make an appointment with your doctor or dermatologist right away:
- Skin that cracks very quickly
- Sudden itching
- Swelling, bleeding, serous oozing or intense redness.

Step 3. Use a medicinal cream
Your doctor may prescribe a cream, lotion, or ointment to promote skin healing. Examples include:
- An antihistamine ointment to reduce itching
- A cortisone ointment (a steroid that suppresses an overactive immune system) to reduce inflammation that may be associated with skin lesions
- An antibiotic or antifungal if an infection is diagnosed
- Stronger oral therapy if topical medications aren't enough.

Step 4. Finished
- Stop smoking. Smoking makes the skin dehydrated because it deprives it of many important nutrients, it also causes it to age faster causing wrinkles to appear.
- Use a sunscreen to protect your skin from burning and cracking.