How To Do Some Simple Magic Tricks: 13 Steps

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How To Do Some Simple Magic Tricks: 13 Steps
How To Do Some Simple Magic Tricks: 13 Steps

Are you starting a career as a wizard or are you just looking for a way to impress friends at an evening or during a normal conversation? In this case, you are in the right place. If you want to know how to make something disappear, read thoughts and practice some easy card tricks, follow these guidelines.


Part 1 of 3: Making Something Disappear

Do an Easy Magic Trick Step 1
Do an Easy Magic Trick Step 1

Step 1. Make a coin disappear

It's an easy trick that makes you look like you're moving a dime from your left hand to your right and then making it disappear in that same hand. In reality, the coin always remains in the left while you deceive the public. Here's how to do it:

  • Hold the coin between the thumb and the first two fingers of the left hand;
  • Move the right to the left, pretending to want to take the coin with the three middle fingers, while actually dropping it into the left hand;
  • Pretend to hold it with your right thumb and forefinger;
  • Blow on the "coin" and open your right hand showing that it is gone;
  • Bring your left hand close to your elbow and show the coin suggesting it ended there.
Do an Easy Magic Trick Step 2
Do an Easy Magic Trick Step 2

Step 2. Make a card disappear

This simple trick is called a "throw" of the card. You will need to place a card in your hand and make it appear to disappear. Here's how to do it:

  • Raise index and little finger and put the other three fingers in contact in the old gesture of "Rock n 'Roll";
  • Place the paper so that at least 2.5 cm is inside the area between the middle, ring finger and thumb;
  • Gently snap your fingers and open your hand. The card will be stuck between the four fingers and will appear to have disappeared. Remember that you have to show your palm to the audience so that they don't notice that the card is on the opposite side of the hand.
  • If you get more skilled, you can practice moving the card to the other side, making it disappear again.
Do an Easy Magic Trick Step 3
Do an Easy Magic Trick Step 3

Step 3. Make a pencil disappear

All you need for this trick is a pencil and a loose long-sleeved shirt. You will need to hold the pencil by the ends with both hands to make it seem like it disappears into thin air. In reality, you will move it to the side on the arm and then inside the sleeve. Here's how to do it:

  • Hold the edges of the pencil with all your fingers, turning your hands so that the backs are facing the audience;
  • Apply some pressure to the pencil with the fingers of the right hand, making it tilt a little towards the inside of the right wrist;
  • Move your hands up to create movement;
  • Snap your left fingers and move the pencil so that it rests on your right wrist;
  • Discreetly, push it inside your right hand, showing that it is gone.
  • The faster you can do this, the more convincing you will be.

Part 2 of 3: Reading the Mind

Do an Easy Magic Trick Step 4
Do an Easy Magic Trick Step 4

Step 1. Guess the magic number

This is an easy trick where you will ask a person to add some amount to get him to give the same answer almost every time. Here's what to say to the audience volunteer:

  • Think of a number;
  • Multiply it by 2;
  • Add 8 to the total;
  • Divide by 2;
  • Subtract the original number from the total;
  • Remember this new number: it's the secret one!
  • Go through the alphabet in your mind until the letter matches the number you thought of. For example, 1 is A, 2 is B, and so on;
  • Think of a European nation starting with that letter;
  • Think about the next letter of the alphabet;
  • Think of a large animal starting with that letter;

    Once the volunteer has thought, you will say: "I know what you are thinking: number 4… and the elephant in Denmark!" It works every time

Do an Easy Magic Trick Step 5
Do an Easy Magic Trick Step 5

Step 2. Guess the magic vegetable

This is a silly trick, but it almost always works. All you need is paper and pens as well as a gullible audience. First, put a piece of paper in the left pocket after it says "celery", then put one in the right one that says "carrot". Remember what you put where. You are now ready for magic:

  • Distribute paper and markers to the public;
  • Ask them to do some math operations like multiplying 2 x 2, dividing 10 by 5, adding 3 plus 3, etc. You can make the excuse that this is to prepare their minds for reading.
  • Now you say: "Quick, write the name of a vegetable!" Make sure they do it as fast as possible, don't let them overthink it.
  • Call a random person and get them to tell you which vegetable they wrote.
  • If it says "celery", take the piece of paper where you wrote "celery". If it says "carrot", use the other. Tell the audience that you have tremendous mind-reading powers and that you were able to predict the answer before even starting the game.
  • In the United States and Canada, people choose these two vegetables 80-90% of the time. If the person says anything else, well… you will have to make do in some way, maybe switching to another trick! If you are in a country with different vegetables, then you will have to try to figure out what the "magic vegetable" can be.
Do an Easy Magic Trick Step 6
Do an Easy Magic Trick Step 6

Step 3. Guess the name of a famous person

This trick is pretty simple, but it can take a while to perfect. All you need is a hat, about 10 people, a pen and a slate to write your prediction and as many pieces of paper as there are members of the public. Here are the steps:

  • Ask a volunteer to name a famous person;
  • Write the name on a piece of paper and throw it in the hat;
  • Ask the audience to keep saying names;
  • Pretend to write them all; in fact, you'll only keep writing the first name you've heard each time. This is the part that takes practice.
  • Once the hat is filled, ask a member to help you;
  • Announce that you will write the name that will be drawn on the board. Of course you are able to do this. Write it on the slate so that everyone can see it.
  • Ask the volunteer to take a piece of paper out of the hat. Since they all contain the same name, spell magic, voila, you managed to guess the correct one!

Part 3 of 3: Card Tricks

Do an Easy Magic Trick Step 7
Do an Easy Magic Trick Step 7

Step 1. Do the Four Aces trick

This quick and easy trick can make a big impression on the audience: magically make four aces appear together from the deck of cards.

Do an Easy Magic Trick Step 8
Do an Easy Magic Trick Step 8

Step 2. Do the Four Kings trick

This trick will make the audience gasp - all you have to do is show them that the 4 Kings in a row of cards are always side by side.

Do an Easy Magic Trick Step 9
Do an Easy Magic Trick Step 9

Step 3. Find out the chosen card. This classic requires you to be able to discreetly see the card of the person drawing it and cut the deck so that the volunteer believes you have magically managed to find it.

Do an Easy Magic Trick Step 10
Do an Easy Magic Trick Step 10

Step 4. Do the Whispering Queen trick

The "whispering queen" is that of hearts. With a little practice, you can make it appear at the end of the trick.

Do an Easy Magic Trick Step 11
Do an Easy Magic Trick Step 11

Step 5. Perform the Top Card of the Deck trick

Have a volunteer choose a card, place it in the center of the deck and magically make it the first!

Do an Easy Magic Trick Step 12
Do an Easy Magic Trick Step 12

Step 6. Do the Shuffled Two Cards trick

This trick will delude the volunteer that the two cards in his possession have magically transformed into two different cards.

Step 7. Do the jumping card trick

  • Get a deck of cards. Take two of them apart and put them together so that they look like one card. Do this before doing the trick;
  • Show the audience only the card below. Put both cards on top of the deck;
  • Remove the top card from the deck so that it looks like you are taking the real card to put it on the bottom (the real card should stay on top).
  • Pretend to concentrate to move the card with your mind from the bottom to the top of the deck. Finally, he shows the first card and the spectators are amazed.


  • The liquid inside the straw remains stationary due to the different pressure. The pressure between your finger and the liquid is almost zero, while the pressure that pushes to the bottom of the liquid is about 1 atmosphere.
  • Exercise in front of the mirror.
  • Practice leads to perfection!
