6 Ways to Decorate with Crepe Paper Strips

6 Ways to Decorate with Crepe Paper Strips
6 Ways to Decorate with Crepe Paper Strips

Table of contents:


Crepe paper strips are inexpensive party decorations with great visual impact. With nothing more than a roll of crepe paper, scissors, scotch tape, and a handful of thumbtacks, you can turn virtually any gathering into a festive gathering. Even better, crepe paper strips are fairly easy to clean, and as long as they don't tear, you can reuse them multiple times. Ultimately, decorating with crepe paper allows you to express all your creativity.


Method 1 of 6: Weave

Decorate With Streamers Step 1
Decorate With Streamers Step 1

Step 1. With tape, thumbtacks, or a stapler, secure one end of a strip to a corner of the ceiling

Decorate With Streamers Step 2
Decorate With Streamers Step 2

Step 2. Grab the other end and twist it gently

Do not twist it so hard that it will wrinkle or stiffen

Decorate With Streamers Step 3
Decorate With Streamers Step 3

Step 3. Attach the other end of the strip to the center of the room or around a ceiling light you want to highlight

Leave the strip soft enough so that it has the effect of a drapery.

Decorate With Streamers Step 4
Decorate With Streamers Step 4

Step 4. Continue attaching the strips to the corners or sides of the room and then gather them in the center

Method 2 of 6: The Curtain

Decorate With Streamers Step 5
Decorate With Streamers Step 5

Step 1. Using scotch tape, attach long strips side by side to the floor on top of a door

This creates a bead curtain-like effect, and is a great way to prepare a surprise party or to isolate certain areas without using a solid barrier

Method 3 of 6: The Drape

Decorate With Streamers Step 6
Decorate With Streamers Step 6

Step 1. Arrange strips on a table or around the armrests of a chair so that the ends hang down

You can let them hang freely or pin the ends. If you decide for the latter solution, fix the strips at regular intervals along the entire length of the table so that they drape forming a series of large "u" shapes

Method 4 of 6: The Winding

Decorate With Streamers Step 7
Decorate With Streamers Step 7

Step 1. Attach one end of the strip to a stair handrail or balcony railing

Decorate With Streamers Step 8
Decorate With Streamers Step 8

Step 2. Gently wrap the strip around the handrail or railing until the entire length is covered

  • Don't worry if you can't cover everything. Rather, aim for a nice curl effect.
  • Fix the other end in order to secure the strip to the handrail or railing.

Method 5 of 6: The Flag Effect

Decorate With Streamers Step 9
Decorate With Streamers Step 9

Step 1. Attach the strips so they hang in front of or near floor or ceiling fans

When the fans are on, the stripes will flutter in the breeze.

You can also hang the strips in front of an open window - without a fan - in order to take advantage of the breeze that comes from outside

Method 6 of 6: The Colored Weave

Decorate With Streamers Step 10
Decorate With Streamers Step 10

Step 1. Take two colored strips of your choice

Decorate With Streamers Step 11
Decorate With Streamers Step 11

Step 2. Attach the end of one strip to the end of the other

Don't stick both ends, just one.

Decorate With Streamers Step 12
Decorate With Streamers Step 12

Step 3. Start weaving them together

Decorate With Streamers Step 13
Decorate With Streamers Step 13

Step 4. Once done, attach the other ends of the strips so they don't unwind

Decorate With Streamers Step 14
Decorate With Streamers Step 14

Step 5. Stick them where you like best

For example, have them draped over a door or along the sides of a table.


  • For an interesting two-color effect, attach the ends of two strips of different colors together. Use them as if they were a single strip for your decoration ideas; wrapping them, they will give you the impression of alternating colors.
  • Select a color or colors in theme with the occasion you want to celebrate. For example, if the event is a football match, choose the colors of your team; use red, white and green stripes to celebrate Republic Day; orange and black for Halloween; red, green, silver and white for Christmas.
