3 Ways to Accelerate Labor

3 Ways to Accelerate Labor
3 Ways to Accelerate Labor

Table of contents:


When it comes time to give birth, it is usually best for mother nature to take its course, unless there is a medical reason for inducing the birth. But if it is your first pregnancy, you must expect a long labor (from a few hours to a few days) and you should know some things you can do to speed up the process and make it a little easier. Read this article to find out how.


Method 1 of 3: Part One: During Pregnancy

Speed Up Labor Step 1
Speed Up Labor Step 1

Step 1. Spend a lot of time standing

Standing upright helps your baby get into the ideal position for delivery (upside down), which will make labor easier and faster. Always sitting at a desk or lying down during pregnancy changes the position of your pelvis, and can increase the chances of your baby getting into the wrong position with his head pressing on your spine.

This can cause back pain during delivery and could potentially delay it as you have to wait for the baby to rotate 180 degrees in your pelvis

Speed Up Labor Step 2
Speed Up Labor Step 2

Step 2. Try acupuncture

In a study conducted by the University of North Carolina, it was found that pregnant women who underwent acupuncture during the 40th week were more likely to give birth naturally than women who did not. As you approach the date of birth, consider acupuncture to induce it in a natural way.

Method 2 of 3: Part Two: During Labor

Speed Up Labor Step 3
Speed Up Labor Step 3

Step 1. Drink enough water

Dehydration can cause "false contractions", or contractions before labor begins. Maintaining proper hydration after labor has begun is very important for maintaining strength and endurance.

Speed Up Labor Step 4
Speed Up Labor Step 4

Step 2. Stimulate the nipples

This action releases the hormone oxytocin which helps contractions. You can have your partner do it for you or use a breast pump.

Speed Up Labor Step 5
Speed Up Labor Step 5

Step 3. Sexual intercourse

If your water hasn't broken yet, sexual intercourse can help induce childbirth. When a man ejaculates into the vagina, the prostaglandins present in the sperm stimulate the cervix.

Make sure the man ejaculates into the vagina otherwise the prostaglandins will have no effect

Speed Up Labor Step 6
Speed Up Labor Step 6

Step 4. Take a short walk

Many people believe that light physical activities, such as a walk or cleaning the house, can help speed up labor. Do only the physical activity that you feel you can handle.

Speed Up Labor Step 7
Speed Up Labor Step 7

Step 5. Relax

Stress makes your muscles contract, which is the exact opposite of what you have to do during labor. Ask your partner for a massage or try breathing exercises to help you relax. You can also take a warm bath to relieve the tension caused by the first few contractions.

Speed Up Labor Step 8
Speed Up Labor Step 8

Step 6. Make more than one child

Most women have much longer labor for their first child than for later children, because the walls of the cervix and vagina have never been dilated. Your future travails will be less long and painful.

Method 3 of 3: Part Three: When to Induce Childbirth

Speed Up Labor Step 9
Speed Up Labor Step 9

Step 1. Know when to induce childbirth with medical therapies

There are some circumstances that may make your doctor decide to induce labor. Among which:

  • You are two weeks past your due date.
  • You have a uterine infection.
  • You don't have contractions after your water breaks.
  • You have an underlying disease, such as high blood pressure or diabetes, which can put your baby at risk.
  • The placenta is deteriorating.
  • The child unexpectedly stopped growing.
  • There is not enough amniotic fluid to protect your baby.


  • Each woman's labor is unique. There is no way to know how long it will last or how painful it will be. The only thing you can expect is that your first birth will be the longest.
  • Learn to recognize false contractions from the right ones. The false ones, also called Braxton Hicks contractions, occur before the waters break, and have the following characteristics: they are not very close together, they do not increase in duration, and they do not become stronger with the passage of time. Many women have these contractions starting in the third trimester and are believed to be due to the body preparing for actual labor.
  • On your first pregnancy, it may be difficult to know exactly when labor begins. Before going to the hospital (if you have decided to give birth there) call your doctor and discuss the symptoms with him. It often happens that new mothers are sent home from the hospital because it is very early for labor.
  • The following activities can help relieve pain during labor: walking, taking a bath or shower, sitting on a birthing ball, listening to relaxing music, trying various postures (such as getting on all fours), a back massage, wraps hot / cold, meditation and prayer.
  • It is important to evaluate in advance how you want to cope with the pain. Some women prefer anesthesia or analgesics to reduce pain, while others prefer not to undergo any medical therapy. Remember that many women decide the natural way but then change their minds once the pains of childbirth intensify.
  • Being fit can help make labor easier because it increases your stamina and muscle strength and thus can, in some ways, reduce pain.


  • Talk to your doctor before taking any new medications, herbs, or vitamins during pregnancy to make sure they are safe.
  • If you are two weeks past your due date, your gynecologist will be able to suggest the medical procedure to induce the birth.
  • Even if you are impatient, most doctors recommend saving your strength and being patient rather than wasting your energy trying to speed up labor.
  • Anesthesia can make it difficult to expel the baby, especially if you have lost the sensitivity of the affected muscles. If you can't push, your doctor will have to opt for assisted delivery.
