Scabies is a fairly common and persistent skin infection that causes intense itching and is caused by mites burrowing under the skin. It is easily contracted through direct contact with sick people. Itching is caused by the allergic reaction to the mites, their feces and the eggs that these parasites deposit under the skin. Blisters and red spots can form around each mite on the skin, and itching is caused by the skin reaction. Scabies is highly contagious, but you can manage the itch by killing these parasites and returning to a normal life.
Part 1 of 3: Finding Treatments

Step 1. Recognize the signs of scabies
Any type of intense itching that lasts for weeks or months can be due to this disease. Among the main symptoms you can note:
- Intense itching, especially during the night.
- Thin, raised, bump-like pimples that appear on the skin as a rash. The rashes can form all over the body or only in some limited areas. The most typical places where you can notice them are the wrists, armpits, elbows, the area between the fingers, the genital area, the waist and the waistline.
- Small subcutaneous lines between the bumps. They generally have a slightly grayish appearance and are a little embossed.
- The most severe form of this disease is Norwegian scabies, which appear as thick crusts that crumble easily and many times have a grayish appearance. These scabs contain hundreds of thousands of mites and eggs.
- Pay particular attention to these symptoms if you have been in contact with someone with this infection.

Step 2. Contact your doctor
It is important that he can see you, as over-the-counter medications and home remedies are not enough to fully treat this type of infection.
- Often the doctor just needs to look at the rashes on your skin to be able to make a diagnosis. Sometimes he may decide to take a sample of skin by scratching under the bubble layer to observe the presence of mites, eggs and feces under a microscope.
- Be sure to tell your doctor if you are pregnant or have any problems, such as a serious illness or other serious skin condition.

Step 3. Manage the itch yourself
If it's really unbearable, you may want to consider taking steps to ease the discomfort yourself while waiting for you to go to the doctor and get a prescription for stronger medications. Cold water or a calamine-based lotion can give you relief. You can also take oral antihistamines, such as hydroxyzine hydrochloride (Atarax) or diphenhydramine hydrochloride (Benadryl or Allergan).
If the discomfort is truly unbearable, your doctor may recommend a short course of steroids to be taken orally or topically

Step 4. Get a prescription for drug therapy
Once the infection is diagnosed, doctors typically prescribe an ointment or lotion with 5% permethrin to kill the mites.
- Permethrin is applied to the skin and has some side effects, such as a stinging or burning and itching sensation.
- It is usually effective with a single application (8-14 hours), although the doctor may recommend another one a week after the first, in order to kill even the last mites born later.
- If a person has a severe infestation and the immune system is particularly weak, doctors may prescribe ivermectin, which is an oral treatment. It is usually a drug that is administered in the case of Norwegian scabies and is taken in a single dose. Some doctors may recommend a second dose a week apart. Side effects of this medicine can include fever / chills, headache, loss of appetite, joint pain and skin rashes.
- In place of permethrin, other drugs are sometimes administered, such as crotamiton 10%, lindane 1% or sulfur 6%. These are less common medicines and are given to patients who have no effect on permethrin or ivermectin. Even with crotamiton the treatment is often not effective and its side effects include skin rashes and itching. Lindane is toxic when used too much or improperly. Its side effects are seizures and rashes.
- If you have a severe bacterial infection, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

Step 5. Learn about herbal remedies
There are several herbs and plants that are commonly used to treat scabies. There is ongoing research whose purpose is to identify its therapeutic effects. At the moment, the only proven remedies are prescribed drugs; therefore, don't rely on these alternative cures alone to manage your infection. Talk to your healthcare provider to find ways to associate one of these herbs with medical therapy:
- Neem (Azadirachta indica).
- Karanja (Pongamia pinnata).
- Turmeric (Curcuma longa).
- Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia).
- Give you (Berberis aristata).
Part 2 of 3: Treating Scabies

Step 1. Shower and pat dry with a fresh, clean towel
Wait for your body to cool down a bit after showering before applying medications.

Step 2. Apply the cream or lotion
Start at the point behind the ears and jaw and work your way down. Apply the product using cotton balls, a brush, a sponge or any tool included in the package and suitable for the purpose.
- Continue to rub the cream in a downward motion and proceed all over your body, not missing any points. You also need to cover the genital area, the soles of the feet, the area between the toes, back and buttocks. If you can't reach certain parts of your body on your own, get someone to help you.
- Once you've applied the cream to your body, you need to take care of your hands. Apply the medication between the fingers and under the nails. Remember to reapply the product on your hands every time you wash them.

Step 3. Wait
Leave the lotion or oil on the body for some time; it is generally recommended between 8 and 24 hours.
The time the product must remain on the skin depends on the type of drug and the doctor's instructions

Step 4. Take a shower to remove the cream or lotion
Once the recommended application time has elapsed, rinse the product off by taking a warm shower. Keep in mind that the itch may remain for a couple of weeks after the cure.
This is because the allergic reaction to the mites continues as long as the parasites remain on the skin. If you are concerned, discuss the matter with your doctor

Step 5. Make sure all family members undergo treatment
It is important that all family members follow the treatment - even if they have not experienced the presence or symptoms of scabies. By doing this, you prevent a possible new infestation.
Do not forget about everyone who enters your home, such as other family members who stay to visit you for a long time, babysitters or other guests

Step 6. Repeat the treatment following the instructions
Generally, the drug must be spread a second time 7 days after the first application, although much depends on the instructions of the doctor or pharmacist. Make sure you stick to what is prescribed for you.
You will likely need to have a follow-up visit a week or two later to evaluate the need for further treatment and to observe improvements
Part 3 of 3: Avoiding new Infestations

Step 1. Clean the house
Once the treatment is finished, if you want to avoid relapses, it is essential to clean the house thoroughly. Scabies mites can live a day or two outside the host's body; by cleaning the house you are sure to kill any remaining parasites.
- Disinfect the floors and bathroom surfaces by washing them thoroughly (this step is only necessary after the first treatment).
- Vacuum floors, carpets, and rugs. Immediately throw the bag or contents of the appliance in an external garbage can and make sure you get rid of it as soon as possible.
- Clean the mop with bleach after each cleaning.
- Steam your carpet by contacting a professional or using a steam cleaner yourself.
- Change the boiler filters every week.

Step 2. Wash all towels and bedding in very hot water
Wash them every day until you have no new blisters on your skin for at least a week. Wear disposable gloves when removing the sheets from the bed.
- If you have a heavy duvet, you may want to consider putting it in an airtight bag for 72 hours.
- Put your clothes and sheets in the dryer on a hot schedule or hang them out in direct sunlight if it's a hot day. If you prefer, you can also take all your clothes to a dry cleaner.
- Put the blankets in the dryer before going to bed at night until you are certain that the infestation has been completely cleared.

Step 3. Wash your clothes every day
Store non-washable clothes in an airtight bag for 72 hours or a week.
- You have to apply the same method for stuffed animals, brushes, combs, shoes, coats, gloves, hats, bathrobes, wetsuits and so on. Vacuum bags are readily available on the market and take up little space.
- Put the clothes in the bags the moment you take them off.

Step 4. Get help
If possible, ask other people the day after your treatment if they can cook and do household chores that involve using water. In this way, medication treatment can have a better effect. In fact, scabies medicines become less effective if the skin gets wet from washing dishes or cooking.
- If you live alone, get some pre-cooked meals to heat and eat. Wash the dishes in the dishwasher or get disposable ones until you can touch the water normally again.
- If water comes into contact with the skin, reapply the medication immediately on the affected area.

Step 5. Reassess the situation six weeks later
If you still feel itchy after six weeks, it means that the treatment has not worked as expected. In this case, contact your doctor for other indications and new treatments.
- You will likely continue to feel itchy for about a month after all the mites have died, but if you don't show any new blisters, it means you are cured.
- Eggs hatch, on average, every 2 to 5 days. If 2, 5 days after the first treatment you notice new blisters, talk to your doctor, as a second application of the cream and all other products may be necessary. In this case, the adult specimens probably died, but the eggs found in the subcutaneous layer were not killed and consequently the larvae were born. You need to get rid of these too, before they spawn themselves.
- Avoid contact with infected people.
- Tackles the cleaning of all the elements of the house in a serious and meticulous way. After the treatment, wash all fabrics (such as clothes, bed linen and towels) that have been in contact with the infested people in the past three days.
- When putting the soiled clothes of sick people inside the washing machine, be sure to use disposable gloves. You need to prevent the mites from spreading more than they already are. Use a new pair of gloves every day and use a different pair when you need to take clothes out of the dryer to fold them.
- Put the dirty clothing of infected people in the garbage bags, away from the clothes of other family members. Don't put them in the same basket you use for clean laundry, or you could infest all your clothing.
- Ivermectin should only be used if no other product has been shown to be effective. You may experience sensitivity to light for about 24 hours, so wear sunglasses for most of the day.
- Do not take steroids or corticosteroids unless your doctor specifically tells you to. You don't have to use these medications to combat itching, as they can weaken the immune system.
- Do not insist on scabies medication if you continue to feel itchy. Check with your doctor or pharmacist for advice.