Myostatin is a protein that prevents muscle growth, tone and strength. Many bodybuilders and some researchers believe that reducing muscle levels can increase muscle mass, as well as prevent aging and improve overall health. Lowering its levels can also help people who suffer from some disease that impairs muscle development, such as muscular dystrophy or other atrophic disorders. Cardiovascular (aerobic) and endurance (strength) exercises are both useful for reducing myostatin levels; It is also important to stop smoking and to contact your doctor to undergo specific therapies.
Method 1 of 4: High Intensity Resistance Training

Step 1. Perform High Intensity Exercises (HIRT) to target myostatin levels
Resistance training of any kind improves health and muscle mass; however, if you want to reduce myostatin in your body, you need to engage in high-intensity exercise, also called rest pause. This means doing endurance activity that pushes the body to the limit of its possibilities.
This type of physical activity involves the whole body; in other words, the strength training regimen must target the muscles of the arms, legs and back

Step 2. Create a sequence of various strength exercises for a very intense training session
Instead of doing one set of repetitions for each exercise, set a time limit and try to do as many repetitions as possible without resting for the entire duration.
- For example, do 10 push-ups, 10 pull-ups, 10 leg stretches, and then 10 bicep curls as quickly as possible over about 10 minutes.
- If you did the 10 bicep curls before the 10 minutes you set for yourself have elapsed, start the 10 push-up cycle again.
- Rest for a minute or two between sessions, stretching the muscles you used.

Step 3. Proceed with caution when rest pause
It can be physically demanding; talk to your doctor before starting such a workout and don't practice it more than three or four times a week.
Also allow the body time to rest and recover; ideally, you should go for at least one day without any physical activity between workouts. It is best not to engage in HIRT sessions every day consecutively

Step 4. Choose the right weights
When you do resistance exercise you have to choose the right dumbbells for you; start with the lightest weight for any type of machine or barbell you decide to use and do 10-12 reps. If you find that the exercise is very simple and you do not feel a sense of fatigue at the end of the 10-12 repetitions, you can increase the load a little; you realize you have found the right weight when you experience significant fatigue after this number of repetitions.
Method 2 of 4: Try Specific Strength Exercises

Step 1. Do bicep curls
Grab a barbell from the bottom with your palms facing up. Make sure that both weights are equidistant from your hands and place them shoulder-width apart; use your elbows to raise the bar to your chest.
- Keep your elbows close to your hips as you lift; if you run them behind your ribs, you reduce the strain on your biceps.
- Avoid swinging the bar using momentum from your hips.

Step 2. Use the chest press
Sit at the car and adjust the seat according to your height; the handles must be close to the center or lower part of the pectoral muscles, resting on the hands. The shoulders must be retracted; if not, adjust the handles so that they assume that position.
- Keep your head and chest straight, press the handles forward and extend your elbows.
- Pause briefly as you reach maximum extension and then return the handles to just past their original position to maintain tension.

Step 3. Use the shoulder press
This machine is not that different from the chest press, except that instead of pushing forward, you have to push up. Grab the handles keeping the elbows aligned with the chest; if they are not resting well on your hips, adjust the seat height. Lift the handles as you exhale and stretch your arms slowly; once you have reached the maximum extension, hold the position for a while and return the handles to the position just above the initial one.

Step 4. Try other resistance exercises
There are tons of strength exercises you can do to reduce myostatin levels. For example, you can do squats or lift free weights; resistance bands are also great and very easy to use at home.
Method 3 of 4: Aerobic Exercises

Step 1. Engage in moderate-intensity physical activity
When you engage in aerobic exercise to reduce myostatin levels, you can decide very freely how much time to spend on the session. In the beginning, you should only train for about 40-50% of your maximum physical capacity; pushing yourself beyond these levels can lead to a greater reduction in myostatin.
- A moderate intensity training session with a bicycle, elliptical bike or other aerobic exercise offers the same benefits as a brisk walk.
- You should burn at least 1200 calories each week to get a real drop in protein levels. To track the number of calories you burn, pay attention to the digital player on your aerobic equipment or use a wearable device to track exercise intensity, such as Fitbit.
- You have to burn around 3500 calories to lose half a pound of body fat; if you do not need to lose weight, make sure you eat more or supplement your diet to recover the energy consumed.

Step 2. Use an elliptical
It is a popular machine that can help you achieve your goal; to use it you have to put your feet on the respective footboards (the left foot on the left one, the right foot on the other) and grab the handles.
- Choose the type of exercise and effort; for example, you can increase the resistance of the tool, define the time or even the calories you intend to burn, keeping in mind those you have consumed.
- The handles and platforms on which you rest your feet move in opposite directions; that is to say that when the handle on the right goes forward, the right foot moves backwards; conversely, when the left handle moves back, the left foot moves forward. Keep waving your hands and feet following the rhythm of the machine.

Step 3. Go by bike
This is also a common aerobic exercise that can lower myostatin levels; you can use a normal bike or an exercise bike to enjoy the same benefits.
- Proceed with moderate intensity to act on the levels of this protein; try to consume 1200 calories a week with cycling by adjusting this value according to your weight loss goals.
- Never forget the safety measures. Wear a helmet and ride the cycle paths or stay as close to the sidewalk as possible; do not proceed in the wrong direction and do not use the sidewalks.

Step 4. Go for a run
Running is one of the most common aerobic exercises and can reduce myostatin concentration; wear light and non-constricting clothing, choose a path free from obstacles and well lit.
- Try to run for at least 20 minutes; as you develop strength and endurance, try increasing the session by 10 minutes at a time.
- Pick up the pace for the last five minutes; by doing so, the heart rate accelerates and allows the cardiovascular system to enjoy the benefits of this exercise.

Step 5. Try other aerobic activities
There are many exercises you can do and, over time, they help you minimize myostatin levels; for example, you can jump rope, swim, row, or do jumping jacks.
Method 4 of 4: Find Other Ways to Reduce Myostatin Concentration

Step 1. Don't smoke
Smoking is associated with higher concentrations of this protein and if your goal is to lower them, you don't have to take this unhealthy habit; if you are already addicted to nicotine, develop a plan to quit.
- The best way to quit cigarettes is to gradually get rid of this behavior. For example, if you decide to quit the habit within two weeks, reduce the number of cigarettes you consume by 25% today; after 5 days remove another 25% and after 10 days remove another 25%. At the end of the two weeks, quit smoking completely.
- Nicotine gum and patches can help with addiction.

Step 2. Use a myostatin inhibitor
This substance is still in an experimental phase and is reserved for people suffering from diseases that affect muscle development. If your goal is to fight a disease, you may perhaps be admitted to this type of therapy; if so, you need a prescription, because the inhibitor is not available as an over-the-counter medicine. Discuss with your doctor the possibility of using such a drug to lower the concentration of myostatin.
Gene therapy to inhibit myostatin production is another experimental procedure found in the early stages of development; maybe someday it will be available for patients with muscular degenerative disorders

Step 3. Learn about follistatin supplements
This substance inhibits the production of myostatin, and supplements may be available that contain it. Most of these supplements contain fertilized chicken egg yolk; if you are therefore allergic, you should not take them.
- They are typically sold in the form of a powder that mixes with milk or water before being consumed.
- These are expensive supplements that are not readily available and could put liver health at risk; also in this case, you must contact your doctor to find out if it is a valid solution for you.
- There is no conclusive research demonstrating that changes in eating habits can affect myostatin concentration.
- Talk to a fitness coach or experienced person when you decide to start a resistance training or HIRT program; these professionals can indicate the load to use and advise you in the best way to avoid injuries.
- If you don't want to spend a lot of money on sports equipment or don't have a lot of space at home, consider getting a gym membership.