Keeping hormone levels in check can improve your quality of life in so many ways. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is one of the most important hormones in the body and regulates androgens and estrogens; however, if the levels are too high, hyperandrogenic effects can occur. To reduce them, start eating a healthy diet, exercise and get enough sleep. Talk to your doctor and ask him to monitor levels over time; also pay attention to the medications you are taking and you will gradually notice positive results.
Method 1 of 3: Collaborate with the Doctor

Step 1. Talk to the doctor
Make an appointment with your family doctor or endocrinologist, the specialist in hormonal disorders. The professional will want to know your medical history and ask you to have a blood test to check your DHEA levels. Bring with you a list of all the questions you will want to ask him during the visit.
- The blood test also serves to rule out any other more serious health problems involving the adrenal gland, such as Addison's disease. The doctor will also want to check for DHEA-S (sulfate), as it is the substance that is secreted by the gland.
- Your doctor will probably explain to you that it is important to keep DHEA levels low, because when they are too high they negatively alter your blood pressure, making it unstable, as well as creating other health problems. Fortunately, the positive aspect of reducing DHEA is that these associated disorders also disappear with the decline in the hormone.

Step 2. Eat foods rich in zinc or take supplements.
Some minerals, such as zinc, can reduce swelling and inflammation in the body. If you've been feeling particularly bloated lately and know you have high DHEA levels, zinc can help. however, seek your doctor's advice before taking any supplements. Eat more foods that are rich in it:
- Meat, especially beef, pork, lamb and the darker part of the chicken;
- Dried fruit;
- Beans;
- Whole grains;
- Yeast.

Step 3. Check for existing ailments
DHEA levels can have a direct impact on other diseases you suffer from, including any previous conditions you are trying to fight. In collaboration with your doctor, you should undergo tests for diabetes, liver disease or cancer while trying to lower your hormone concentration; this is a proactive approach that allows you to keep yourself healthy for a long time.

Step 4. Pay attention to any drug interactions
Side effects of some medicines can lead to increased DHEA levels; therefore talk to your doctor before starting a new drug therapy, make sure you are done with it, and evaluate all the medications you are currently taking.
For example, diabetes medicines, such as metformin, are often associated with a rise in this hormone

Step 5. Stop taking synthetic DHEA supplements
Talk to your doctor to find ways to gradually reduce your intake, or suddenly stop taking any over-the-counter or prescription hormone medications you are currently taking, as it is nearly impossible to lower your DHEA levels while taking these therapies.
Keep in mind that gradually reducing your medication intake is a process that can take months; be patient and over time you will see positive results

Step 6. Accept the option to undergo surgery
If the excess DHEA is caused by a large tumor, your doctor may advise you to have it surgically removed; talk to him about the relative advantages and disadvantages before agreeing to "go under the knife"; one of the benefits is the rapid reduction in the concentration of this hormone.
Method 2 of 3: Making Lifestyle Changes

Step 1. Consult your doctor before making any changes
If you want to keep DHEA levels under control through nutrition and physical activity, make a doctor's appointment to share your ideas. he is able to provide you with further advice or recommendations regarding effective choices and which ones do not lead to satisfactory results. You can also start taking note of your hormone levels right away, so you know what to do next.

Step 2. Eat right
Just to be precise, know that foods do not directly contain DHEA, but by eating some specific ones you can encourage the production of this and other hormones by the body. If your goal is to reduce its levels, avoid foods that stimulate high production, such as wild yams, sugar, wheat, and dairy products; instead prefer a diet based on substances with anti-inflammatory properties, such as tomatoes, olive oil and salmon.

Step 3. Exercise, but avoid overdoing it
Working out at least three times a week is a perfect way to keep DHEA levels in check; to get the most benefits combine cardio exercises with strength sessions. Physical activity helps strengthen muscles and lose fat.
However, keep in mind that too much exercise can actually raise levels of this hormone, so it's important not to overdo it

Step 4. Maintain a healthy weight
Check your body mass index (BMI) for a general guideline and figure out how much you should weigh based on your height and age. When the body has to carry excessive weight, the fat cells retain the hormone DHEA; in addition, the body is induced to produce an excessive amount of estrogen, DHEA and other hormones.

Step 5. Get enough sleep
To better control hormonal balance, you should try to sleep at least eight hours a night; define a regular sleep schedule that is effective for you and stick to it.

Step 6. Reduce Stress
The body is very sensitive to emotional anxiety and can react by producing an excessive amount of hormones, such as DHEA; to keep it under control, you need to find ways to relax in the daily routine. Do some yoga, which you can practice both at work and at home; try deep breathing techniques; eat at least one meal a day outdoors, to enjoy the fresh air; go to the movies or sign up for a painting class with friends.
You can also ask your doctor to monitor your blood pressure, as well as check hormone levels. By starting to do activities that relieve emotional tension, you will see improvements in all areas
Method 3 of 3: Make Safe Changes

Step 1. Check for natural hormone decline with age
DHEA levels generally peak around the age of 20, when the person becomes mature physically and also from a hormonal point of view; from this moment, the levels begin to gradually decrease until, towards the age of 90, there is almost no presence of this hormone. Talk to your doctor to manage age-related hormonal decline while taking lifestyle initiatives, such as changing your diet.

Step 2. Be careful not to overdo it
While trying to reduce DHEA levels, you need to make sure you have blood tests regularly for careful monitoring; an excessive change in the body's hormone production has been associated with dangerous diseases, such as certain types of cancer and type 2 diabetes.

Step 3. Reduce your cortisol intake as much as possible
This hormone is believed to contribute to an increase in DHEA levels. If you decide to take cortisol-based medications, you must first discuss this with your doctor to clarify your doubts and concerns; he may advise you to use this option as a partial replacement for the drop in DHEA concentration. This is a strategy often used by athletes who are subjected to intense and demanding workouts.

Step 4. Choose a non-hormonal birth control pill
The chemicals found in many injectable pills and contraceptives can increase DHEA levels. To find out if you are taking a pill with testosterone-like effects, read the drug's label and talk to your gynecologist. If you are considering getting injections to avoid getting pregnant, review the hormonal consequences with your doctor before proceeding.
Non-hormonal methods of contraception, such as the copper IUD offer the same birth control benefits without the progestin risks. Many women who use hormonal methods experience migraines or hair loss and this remedy can therefore be a great alternative

Step 5. Do nothing
If the elevated DHEA levels are actually asymptomatic, you can safely decide not to take any steps to reduce them; you can maybe make some lifestyle changes, as recommended in this article, and see if you get positive results. In some cases, even the tumors that trigger DHEA secretion are left undisturbed, because the surgery can sometimes create more complications than the excess hormones itself.