Video game addiction can result in deteriorating relationships with family and friends, huge loss of money, neglecting important commitments, and hundreds of hours of wasted time. Overcoming this type of addiction can be easier by following the simple tips outlined in this article.

Step 1. Don't make excuses
If you realize you have a video game addiction, admit it. Don't make up excuses, don't deny or justify it, and don't try to compare yourself to others - just try to find a solution.

Step 2. Start by devising a plan to stop you from buying video games
Establish an annual budget with a reasonable limit and try to avoid impulse buying. This will help you not only cure your addiction but also save money.

Step 3. Change your mindset
Understand that the video games you are playing right now will no longer matter in 5 years - or even in just one. Try to understand that nothing productive is gained from this activity and that within 5 years your video game collection will make no sense: your records will no longer have value.

Step 4. Don't become a perfectionist
Don't have the goal of completing a video game with the highest score, as this would take tens of hours. While it may give you a sense of completeness, unlocking all levels is not essential and does not yield any real benefits.

Step 5. Limit the number of hours of play per week and start by progressively reducing them
For example, it goes from 20 to 18 hours, then to 16 and so on.

Step 6. Reward yourself if you can reduce the number of hours
Don't do it by still playing the game, but, on the contrary, buy yourself an ice cream or do something interesting, perhaps by inviting a friend or family member.

Step 7. Promise that you will live up to all your obligations (school, work, family, and more) before you start playing
Furthermore, video games should be a reward for virtuous behavior, never for bad behavior.

Step 8. Consider asking a family member or friend to hijack your games for a week or two

Step 9. The most important thing is to try to solve the problem at the root of the addiction
Most addictions are a vicious circle: indulging in a habit can lead to problems that can be temporarily alleviated by just indulging in it again.
- If possible, avoid playing cooperative online multiplayer games. The group takes time and energy and the leader will expect you to be very active and / or a true expert: this can mean having to play at times that are not favorable for your daily commitments.
- Experiment with something different for extracurricular activities: for example, do some exercise, puzzle, plan activities, or write a blog instead of playing video games.
- Limit the number of consecutive hours you spend playing. Instead of playing for 5 hours straight, take a break after an hour and resume two hours later.
- Raise your gaming standards. Instead of wanting to try any game available, play only the best ones and avoid the mediocre ones.
- Consider renting some (or trying them out at a friend's house) instead of buying them. It will allow you not only to save money, but also to limit the time you spend playing.
- Watching videos or a few games of a game instead of buying it will allow you to experience it while saving time and money.
- Remember this is a slow process.
- This addiction can lead to neglect of real life responsibilities or personal care.
- Video games or online accounts could be the cause of emotional addiction.
- You may be gambling excessively online, for example 4 to 12 hours a day.
- You could start playing at night on a regular basis.
- You could lose a lot of money due to an inaccurate budget.
- Some online activities may cause you embarrassment or shame in real life.