Improving cholesterol values does not only mean lowering LDL cholesterol, but also increasing HDL cholesterol. Changing these values helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Since the body should be able to independently produce all the cholesterol it needs, you need to control what is eaten at the table. With strict discipline, it is possible to increase the "good" cholesterol, HDL, and decrease the "bad" cholesterol, LDL.
Part 1 of 3: Consider the Big Picture

Step 1. Learn about good cholesterol
High-density lipoproteins, or HDLs, have the function of removing cholesterol from the arteries and promoting their disposal. Basically, they scan the blood for bad cholesterol, LDL, and transport it to the liver to dispose of it. HDL cholesterol reduces inflammation in the body and can even help fight Alzheimer's.

Step 2. Ask your doctor to order blood tests to check your cholesterol values
High blood pressure has no obvious side effects, but it can be devastating to your health. The conditions caused by "bad" cholesterol are serious and should only be treated with the guidance of a professional. If your HDL values are below 60 mg / dL, your doctor will likely suggest that you make changes to your lifestyle or diet.
There are home tests for cholesterol on the market, but for now they are not as accurate or reliable as classic blood tests

Step 3. Calculate the cholesterol values in total
To have them in order, you need to limit LDL cholesterol and at the same time increase HDL cholesterol. If the LDL values are normal, while the HDL values are not (or vice versa), it is good to analyze the complete picture. To calculate cholesterol in its entirety, add LDL, HDL and 20% of the triglycerides.
- Triglycerides make up body fat, so this number needs to be lower.
- Total cholesterol should be around 200. If it is above 240, it is high.
Part 2 of 3: Increase High Density Lipoprotein (HDL)

Step 1. Set goals for normal HDL cholesterol
Cholesterol is measured in milligrams per deciliter of blood. Men with values between 40 and 60 mg / dl and women with values between 50 and 60 mg / dl are considered at risk of cardiovascular disease. Try to increase your good cholesterol values (higher than 60 mg / dL but less than 200 mg / dL).
People with an HDL level below 40 mg / dL are considered to be at high risk for cardiovascular disease

Step 2. If you are overweight, try to lose weight
By losing 3 kg, you can increase HDL cholesterol, which eliminates low-intensity lipoproteins. Losing weight means combining healthy eating and exercise. It is possible to lose weight without necessarily implementing these factors, but the most effective programs have both. To find out more, read this article.
- Don't go hungry. Losing weight means eating healthy, in the right quantities and at the right time. If you go hungry, your body will prepare for fasting and start storing fat, much like a bear would do before hibernation. Eat well in the morning and gradually reduce the amount of food as the day progresses.
- Don't expect to lose weight fast. If you can shed a pound a week, that means the plan is progressing pretty well. Many people who try to lose several pounds get discouraged and quit when the going gets tough because they don't see great results. Remember that those who go slow go healthy and go far. Also, the dreaded yo-yo effect will be less likely to occur.

Step 3. Exercise regularly
Try to get your heart rate up five times a week for at least half an hour a day by doing activities like basketball, volleyball, walking, running, cycling, or swimming. Weight lifting is great for keeping fit, but try not to upset your daily habits. Throwing headlong into an entirely new workout without any preparation often does not give good results and the risk of returning to a sedentary lifestyle is just around the corner.
- If you can't find time to play sports, break your workouts into 3 10-minute sessions. On days when you work, take a break for a 10-minute walk before lunch, at lunchtime or after and when you get home. If all of this seems difficult to you, you may not be ready to move on to a more intense workout yet.
- To get the most out of your workout, try interval training. It involves short sessions of strenuous activity followed by longer intervals of moderate activity. Complete a lap on an athletics track by running at full speed, then jog for 3 laps.

Step 4. Choose healthy fats
You should eat meat in moderation and choose the leanest cuts. Try replacing your usual meat a few times with vegetables or legumes for a week. Those who follow a vegetarian diet should also remember to get the right nutrients throughout the day.
In a perfect world, almost all fats should be monounsaturated, as they lower total cholesterol but retain HDL. Monounsaturated fats include nuts (almonds, peanuts, cashews, macadamia nuts, pecans), avocados, olive oil, sesame seed oil and tahini

Step 5. Drink alcohol in moderation
Interestingly, alcohol consumption has been associated with a lower incidence of cardiovascular disease. A drink or two a day could improve HDL cholesterol values. In particular, red wine has been associated with an increase in HDL values and a decrease in LDL values.

Step 6. Stop smoking
It seems that smoking affects the lowering of HDL cholesterol. The risk of contracting cardiovascular disease or similar decreases radically even a few hours after the last cigarette. Additionally, quitting smoking can make it easier to perform the workouts needed to shed excess weight.
Part 3 of 3: Lower Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL)

Step 1. Ask your doctor if you need to take medications to lower LDL cholesterol
For factors such as age, disability, or medical condition, the body may not be able to regulate cholesterol on its own. As for low density lipoproteins, the ideal values are equal to 100-129 mg / dl, but it would be even better if they were less than 100. If they are above 160, they may prescribe you medications.
- Statins are the drugs most often prescribed to lower cholesterol.
- For those with adverse reactions to statins, other medications that are prescribed to fight cholesterol include cholesterol absorption inhibitors, resins, and lipid-lowering treatments.

Step 2. Eat certain foods to lower LDL cholesterol
Choose oats, whole grains, and foods that are high in fiber. Brazil nuts, almonds, and classic walnuts can help lower it. Since many foods that are good for the heart are perfect for snacking, it's easy to incorporate them into your diet.
- Omega-3 fatty acids, found in oily fish, flaxseed, flaxseed oil, and fish oil supplements, can help lower LDL cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol. Fatty fish include salmon, plaice, haddock, catfish, sardines, oily fish, herring, albacore and anchovies.
- It can be helpful to take substances called sterols and stanols. They are found in orange juice, certain yoghurt drinks, and some types of margarine that are processed to help fight bad cholesterol.
- An easy way to get more good fats is to replace butter with olive oil or to consume more flaxseed.

Step 3. Limit saturated and trans fats, the "bad" fats
They have two disadvantages: they lower HDL cholesterol and raise LDL cholesterol. Replacing saturated and trans fats with good ones (see previous section) will help you lower your LDL cholesterol.
- Saturated fats include butter, lard, fat, whipped cream, coconut, and palm oil.
- Trans fats include partially hydrogenated oils, margarine, instant ramen, and fast food foods.

Step 4. Replace high calorie drinks with water and green tea
Water supplies essential nutrients to the organs and does not contain those sugars that cause LDL cholesterol to rise. Green tea has substances that reduce bad cholesterol. Studies are still underway to shed light on the risks and benefits of coffee, but most researchers agree that it affects the increase in cholesterol.
Since the most recent research has debunked many long-standing myths about the negative effects of coffee, it may not be necessary to completely abstain. Following a balanced diet, it is possible to consume it in moderation without problems
- Avoid trans fats, which lower HDL cholesterol and raise LDL cholesterol. Foods that may contain them include fat, some types of margarine, cake and cookie mixes, instant ramen, fried fast food, frozen food, donuts, baked goods, candy, crackers, potato chips, cereals, energy bars, dips, gravies ready meals and toppings.
- Follow any advice given to you by your doctor.