A typical ingredient in Asian cuisine, bean sprouts are a crunchy, flavorful and healthy addition to any meal. In supermarkets they are normally identified as soybean sprouts and are among the seeds and legumes that germinate the fastest, in just one or two days.
Sprout Mung Beans Step 1
Step 1. Rinse the soybeans until the water is completely clear
Sprout Mung Beans Step 2
Step 2. Transfer the washed soy beans to a bowl
Sprout Mung Beans Step 3
Step 3. Add a sufficient amount of cold water (about 2 to 3 times the volume of the beans) by completely submerging the soy beans
Leave them to soak for 6-8 hours.
Sprout Mung Beans Step 4
Step 4. After the necessary time has elapsed, the soybeans will increase their volume
Drain them and remove excess water.
Sprout Mung Beans Step 5
Step 5. Transfer the soybeans to a burlap or jar sprout
Sprout Mung Beans Step 6
Step 6. Close the sprout and store it in a cool, quiet place away from sunlight
Wait about 12 hours.
If you are using a potted sprouter, cover the opening with a cloth (NOT the lid)
Soy sauce is an incredibly versatile ingredient with which you can add flavor to a wide variety of dishes. You can use it as a condiment or for or cook making your meals even more delicious. As you continue reading, you will find that it is really easy to get the most out of your investment when you buy a bottle of soy sauce at the grocery store.
Soybeans are high in fiber and protein, while at the same time low in fat. They are generally sold dry, but in some Asian grocery stores you can find them fresh. Once cooked, you can use soybeans in numerous recipes, for example in soups or sauces.
If you like lentils, this is an alternative way to eat them. Lentils germinate easily like other legumes. The taste of lentil sprouts is reminiscent of that of fresh peas; you can eat them alone, add them to salads or even combine them with the filling of a sandwich.
Restructured soy is a product of pressure cooked and dehydrated soybean meal and is a delicious and affordable source of protein, ideal for vegetarians. Refurbished soy has the texture similar to ground beef, and tastes very good when made with different toppings.
Oranges are beautiful and ideal for growing at home or in the garden. Not only do they produce beautiful flowers, but mature specimens will bear fruit as well. It is quite easy to sprout orange seeds, but it can take 7-15 years for a tree grown this way to bear fruit.