Drying chillies is a great way to preserve a bountiful harvest or to keep a sizable supply of them at home should you need them. Dried chillies can be used immediately in the kitchen or, if the preparation requires it, they can be rehydrated to restore their normal consistency. In both cases, this method of conservation allows you to take advantage of all the beneficial properties of this splendid vegetable throughout the year. The success of the drying process depends on some important factors, for example: humidity, atmospheric conditions and the presence of drafts. Choose, from the methods described here, the one that's right for you.
Step 1. It is essential to choose quality chillies
If you want to dry them you have to pick them at the right time, that is when they are at the right point of ripeness and when they have an intense and uniform color. Do not use chillies with cuts or blackened parts.

Step 2. If you live in areas with a humid climate do not allow your peppers to air dry, you may have mold problems and the end result may not be what you want
This technique is only suitable for particularly dry climates.
Method 1 of 4: in the sun
Step 1. Cut the peppers in half vertically, using a sharp knife, and remove the seeds
Step 2. Check the weather forecast, try to identify a period of good weather and warm sunshine lasting at least three days
By now the weather forecasts have reached a good degree of reliability, refer to your television information channel, the newspaper or, if you can, find out online.
Step 3. Place your peppers on a baking sheet, skin side up, and place them in a sunny spot
Outdoors would be ideal, but if you don't have that option, a sunlit window sill will do as well.
Step 4. Let the peppers dry in the sun for at least 8 hours
Turn your peppers by exposing the inner side to heat and let the sun continue its work.
Step 5. At sunset, cover the pan with a clean cloth to prevent insects from attacking your peppers during the night
The next morning remove the cover and let it dry again.
Step 6. The drying process will be finished when the peppers crumble easily between your fingertips
Keep them in an airtight container and use them in the future.
Method 2 of 4: in the oven

Step 1. Preheat the oven in your home to about 75-80 ° C
If your oven is ventilated, a temperature of 40 ° - 50 ° C will be more than enough.
Step 2. Place the peppers on a baking sheet with the cut side down
Arrange them in a single layer, do not overlap them, and if you can, use a baking sheet lined with tight muslin (this way they won't touch the bottom of the pan and the air will circulate freely).
Step 3. Bake and let dry
Step 4. Cook the peppers for about 6-8 hours
If you want you can turn the peppers during cooking, but it is not essential. When they begin to darken slightly they will be ready. Remember that the cooking time depends mainly on the size of the peppers.
Method 3 of 4: Hanging the Peperoncimi
This method requires a dry and dry environment. Otherwise, molds could grow on your peppers, compromising the entire drying process.
Step 1. Get a long piece of fishing line and a needle
Take one end of the string and tie it to a wooden spoon to keep the chillies from falling out. You can replace the wooden spoon with any other utensil.
Step 2. Thread each individual pepper with the needle and thread
Try to thread the needle into the center of the chili.
Step 3. Hang your chili braid in a well-ventilated room and let it dry for at least three weeks
Method 4 of 4: On home radiators (heaters)
This method is a valid alternative in the cold season and exploits the heat produced by the radiators in the upper part of the heating body. If the radiator is topped by a shelf, even better because a high heat micro-zone is created. The days it takes for a good drying vary according to the size of the peppers. At least ten days for small peppers (5 to 8 cm) and at least twenty days for large ones (10 - 20 cm). If the radiator is equipped with a thermostatic valve (with a scale from 0 to 5) this should be kept on values 3 or 4 for good drying (compatibly with the target temperature to be maintained in the room).
Step 1. Wash the chillies in cold water and dry them individually
Get a sheet of parchment paper along the double of the top of the radiator (for example, the one in the kitchen) and spread it over a work surface. Place the washed and dried peppers on half of the parchment paper. Then fold the other half of the sheet of baking paper, also on the two long sides, creating a kind of case in the shape of a rectangle (two short sides and two long sides). Taking care to keep the parchment paper taut (to counteract the weight of the peppers inside), place the rectangular case thus created on the top of the radiator. The heat of the heating, day after day, will do the rest.
- If you are letting the peppers dry in the sun, try to expose them to light from the early hours of the morning so as to let them take as much heat as possible.
- The drying time depends on the size of the peppers.
- By placing the baking sheet on the roof of your car, or in the body of a pick-up, you will speed up drying times. The surfaces of the cars tend to get very hot and in addition they reflect the sun's rays which will therefore heat the pan even from underneath.
- You can dry your peppers by using an oven to dehydrate food. Follow the instructions in the instruction manual to choose temperatures and times.
- If you decide to dry your peppers by hanging them, be sure to do it in a warm, well-ventilated place such as a porch.
- Using the same methods, you can also dry the seeds of chillies. You can use them later in a pepper mill or you can blend them to turn them into powder. Use them like normal peppers to season your dishes or to give a touch of spice to your preparations.