There are few things more annoying than a persistent dry cough. Coughing can be uncomfortable in daily life and irritate other people, when you are in a group or in a social situation. However, there are some steps you can take from the comfort of your home to reduce or eliminate it. You can try to get rid of it yourself, but keep in mind that if it persists for three or more weeks, you should see your doctor.
Method 1 of 5: Stay Hydrated

Step 1. Keep your throat moist
Coughing is often caused by a nasopharyngeal drip, which occurs when the nose is dripping down the back of the throat, especially when you have a cold or a virus such as the flu. Therefore, drink fluids to loosen the mucus caused by the cold.

Step 2. Gargle with warm salt water
This helps relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Try to do them before bed and on other occasions during the day when you experience discomfort in your throat.

Step 3. Drink lots of warm water
While boiling water may seem like the best remedy for the throat, lukewarm water is actually more suitable, as it rehydrates the tissues better, while boiling water can be irritating to an already inflamed throat. Drinking hot tea is a great way to maintain hydration and at the same time warm and soothe the throat.
- Anise tea is known to relieve throat discomfort and reduce cough. Add cinnamon if you want more relief.
- Boil the ginger with the tea leaves. Add a pinch of pepper and several basil leaves to relieve congestion. This herbal combination allows you to numb and soothe the throat, helping the tissues to relax after a cough attack.

Step 4. Drink warm milk with honey and cinnamon before bed
Cinnamon and honey, together, can fight infections and reduce swelling, not to mention their antioxidant properties that help treat sore throats.
To make cinnamon milk, mix ½ teaspoon of spice with 1 tablespoon of sugar in a saucepan. Then add a pinch of baking soda, 240 ml of milk and mix thoroughly. Heat the mixture until it almost boils. At this point, let it cool down a bit and add 1 tablespoon of honey, stirring until it melts. Sip the drink while it is still warm

Step 5. Drink pineapple juice
This is 5 times more effective than cough syrup, as shown in a 2010 study. The juice softens the larynx without leaving any residue that could cause further coughing. Choose this juice instead of orange or lemon juice.
Grape juice is also great for curing coughs. Mix a teaspoon of honey in a cup of grape juice. This fruit acts as an expectorant, thus helping to loosen the mucus and get it out of the airways, thus eliminating cough

Step 6. Use oregano to reduce cough intensity
Boil a tablespoon of oregano leaves in a cup of water. When the water has boiled, remove the leaves and sip the tea.
If you have a tea infuser, you can put the oregano inside, so you can then extract it more easily
Method 2 of 5: Consume Soothing Foods

Step 1. Relieve throat discomfort with honey
The thick consistency of honey moistens the tonsils, reducing throat irritation (and consequently the need to cough). Good quality honey can be just as effective as cough medicine!
An infusion based on rose water is also an excellent alternative to honey. The essence of roses facilitates the dissolution of mucus

Step 2. Use essential oils to calm coughs
These are strong and potent oils that can be used comfortably at home to treat a wide range of ailments. There are several essential oils that help reduce a persistent cough.
Eucalyptus, mint, rosemary, sage, tea tree, sandalwood, cedarwood, frankincense, and hyssop are best for getting rid of congestion.
To soothe a cold, put 1-2 drops of essential oil on your hands, rub them together and cup them over your nose taking 4-6 deep breaths. Eventually you can also put 2-4 drops on a cotton ball closed in an airtight bag to always carry with you
The essential oils of tea tree, sage, eucalyptus, mint, rosemary, lemon, garlic and ginger are the most suitable for soothing a sore throat.
If you want to use them to relieve throat discomfort, add 1-2 drops to half a glass of warm water and gargle for a few minutes, then spit. Make sure you don't ingest the mixture

Step 3. Make a cough syrup at home
You can make various different homemade cough syrups that are much more effective than what you find at the drugstore.
- Make an herbal syrup. Combine about 50g of a mixture of herbs in one liter of water. The most suitable are fennel, licorice, elm bark, cinnamon, ginger and orange peel. Simmer the mixture slowly until it reduces by half (about half a liter). Drain the herbs and add a cup of honey to the remaining liquid. Stir well until the honey has dissolved completely.
- Make an onion-based syrup. The properties of this vegetable allow to dissolve the phlegm responsible for coughing. Finely chop the onion and extract the juice. Mix the onion juice in equal parts with the honey. Let the mixture sit for 4-5 hours, and once it's stabilized, you'll have a cough syrup that you can take twice a day.
Make elderberry syrup. This is an excellent solution because the elderberry calms the cough, but is gentle on the stomach. If you have a rather sensitive stomach, this syrup is for you. Combine one liter of elderberry juice with two cups of honey and two cinnamon sticks in a pot and boil the mixture for 10 minutes. This preparation allows to obtain about 1, 5 l of syrup.
If you want to make elderberry juice yourself, boil the dried or fresh berries in a liter of water for about 45 minutes, then strain them and follow the steps above

Step 4. Eat warm chicken soup
The steam from the soup helps to open the membranes of the upper respiratory tract, while the heat relieves a sore throat; in addition, the chicken broth is rich in protein and helps strengthen the body. Besides, what's more comforting than a bowl of hot soup?

Step 5. Suck on a balsamic candy
Be sure to take those containing menthol, as this component can numb the back of the throat and relieve coughs. Menthol is a derivative of the mint plant, which creates an anesthetizing sensation and soothes a sore throat. These candies are great when you have to go to a public place, such as the cinema, or if you attend classes and don't want to disturb others with a cough.
If you can't get hold of balsamic candies, at least try to suck on some hard candies. Just sucking on a hard candy or lollipop increases saliva production and reduces dry cough. Chewing gum can also be effective momentarily, but peppermint candies are the best, because they have an anesthetizing property thanks to menthol
Method 3 of 5: Using Humidity to Your Advantage

Step 1. Turn on a humidifier
Dry air tends to dry secretions in the nose and creates discomfort that often causes coughing, but the use of a humidifier can avoid this.
Be careful with the humidifier, however, because if it is not clean it can spread fungi and mold into the air and consequently worsen the cough rather than reduce it

Step 2. Take hot showers with a lot of steam
Close all the windows in the bathroom and turn off the air conditioner. This creates a steamy environment that helps dissolve nasal secretions. The steam soothes the cough caused by colds, allergies and asthma.

Step 3. Breathe in the steam from a pot of boiling water
Boil a pot of water, remove it from the hob and place it on a surface resistant to high temperatures. Then put your face over the water and breathe. You can hold a towel over your head to trap the steam.
Try adding some thyme leaves to the water for more relief
Method 4 of 5: Taking Medication

Step 1. Take a decongestant
If the cough is caused by postnasal drip, consider taking a decongestant that shrinks swollen nasal tissue and reduces mucus. You can find this drug in the form of a nasal spray, in tablet form, or in liquid form.
- Try not to use the nasal spray for more than three days, otherwise you risk the rebound effect.
- Nasal sprays may also contain oxymetazoline which is a decongestant but, if taken for more than three days, can damage the nasal passages.

Step 2. Take an antihistamine
This type of drug limits the release of histamine in the body, which can cause runny nose and throat irritation causing a persistent cough. Antihistamines are particularly effective during the pollen season or when the cough is due to a mild allergic reaction to some substance in the environment, such as pet hair or mold.

Step 3. Consider cough suppressants
They are drugs with active ingredients such as camphor, dextromethorphan, eucalyptus oil and menthol, which are able to relieve cough for a short period of time, but not cure it. If you have trouble sleeping because of a cough or are still coughing to the point of pain in your muscles or chest, you may want to consider taking a sedative for the night. However, remember that this is not a drug that cures the problem, it simply soothes the symptoms.
Method 5 of 5: Dealing with the underlying problem

Step 1. See your doctor if you think you have an infection
If you have a bacterial infection, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics. However, if you have a viral disease, antibiotics are unable to fight the pathogen and another type of treatment will be required.

Step 2. Pay attention to the surrounding environment, if any irritants are present
If you have recently changed deodorant spray or bathroom cleaner, this could be the cause of the irritation to the sinuses that causes you to cough. Smoking can also have a major impact.
If smoking is the irritating agent that causes you to cough, try to treat the "smoker's cough" by getting rid of this habit

Step 3. Avoid irritating the stomach
If you suffer from gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) or frequent heartburn, you should take steps to minimize the effects. Do not lie down for at least 3 hours after meals and avoid spicy foods or other foods that can trigger the disorder.

Step 4. Pay attention to the medications you take
Some medicines, such as ACE inhibitors, can cause a chronic cough. If you are concerned that medications are causing your cough, discuss with your doctor to find different solutions to treat your health problem.

Step 5. Avoid dusty environments and other allergens
If you are unable to eliminate dust or allergens in the environment with adequate cleaning or filters in air conditioners, probably the only possible solution is to take antiallergic drugs to treat this type of chronic cough.
- The first thing to avoid coughing is to practice good hygiene. Washing your hands regularly with soap and water is one of the best ways to prevent infections.
- Avoid drinking or eating any product or substance that is too cold.
- Do not shout or scream so as not to strain your voice.
- Get adequate sleep, especially if your sore throat is related to cold symptoms.
- Drink hot tea with honey and lemon.
- If your cough persists and becomes a problem, see your doctor for appropriate treatment.
- If you are pregnant, contact your doctor before considering any home treatments.
- Many of these remedies, especially those that involve the use of boiling water, are not suitable for children.
- Home remedies are not always suitable for children. Know that those under one year of age shouldn't ingest honey.
Contact your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms with a sore throat:
- Fever.
- Chills.
- Chronic and prolonged cough.
- Dyspnea.