In this tutorial you will find some words and phrases that will allow you to know the basics of the Turkish language.

Step 1. Let's start with the greetings:
- Selam or Merhaba = Hello
- Memnun oldum = Nice to meet you
- Nasilsiniz? = How are you?
- Gunaydin = Good morning

Step 2. Some basic notions of etiquette:
- Iyiyim tesekkuler = Well thank you
- Tesekkur ederim = Thank you
- Anladim = I understand
- Anlamadim = I don't understand
- Lutfen = Please

Step 3. Let's learn the pronouns:
- Sen = You
- Ben = Me
- Benim = Me

Step 4. Here are some romantic phrases:
- Seni seviyorum = I love you
- Ben de seni seviyorum = I love you too
- Askim = My love
- Canim = My dear
- Sen cok guzelsin = You are very beautiful
- Sen tatlisin = You are sweet / You are a treasure

Step 5. How to ask some questions:
- Neither? = What?
- Nicin? = Why?
- Nerden? = Where are you from?

Step 6. Indicate family members and friends:
- Anne = Mom
- Baba = Dad
- Anneanne = Grandmother
- Kiz kardes = Sister
- Erkek kardes = Brother
- Dost = Companion / a
- Arkadas = Friend
- Kiz arkadas = Girlfriend
- Erkek arkadas = Boyfriend

Step 7. Let's learn the names of some drinks:
- Cay = Tea
- Kahve = Coffee

Step 8. A few more basic terms:
- Cok = A lot
- Valla = I swear to God
- Tamam = Ok
- Evet = Yes
- Hayir = No
- Bugun = Today
- Hos geldiniz = Welcome
- Beyaz = White
- Mutlusun = Happy
- Lokum = Lokum (Turkish sweet)
- Sus = Shut up