How to Prevent Acid Rain (with Pictures)

How to Prevent Acid Rain (with Pictures)
How to Prevent Acid Rain (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Acid rain, defined more precisely as moist acid deposition, consists in the fallout from the atmosphere of acidic particles deposited on the ground by precipitation such as rain, snow and fog; otherwise, the phenomenon consists in a dry deposition, or in the relapse on the ground of acid substances in the form of gas or microscopic particles. Although acid rain particularly affects the North American continent and some European countries, it is nevertheless a global problem because the pollutants that cause it can be carried over long distances by winds. While it may seem irreparable harm, it is possible to make some changes in our daily lives in an attempt to improve the situation, which mostly affect our consumer choices. However, there is another important task which is to inform people about the phenomenon of acid rain and raise awareness so that they feel an active part in solving the problem.


Part 1 of 3: Reduce Fossil Energy Consumption

Help Save the Environment Step 2
Help Save the Environment Step 2

Step 1. Turn off everything you can

Although some natural phenomena, such as volcanic eruptions, are responsible for the emission of acid deposits into the atmosphere, the main cause of this problem lies in the use of fossil fuels for the production of electricity, domestic heating, transport of goods. and people. So, to reduce acid deposition, you can help by turning off lights, appliances, electronics and other appliances when they're not needed, so that you only use the energy you need when you really need it.

Even when turned off, electronic devices and household appliances consume small amounts of electricity. When you leave the house during the day or for an extended period of time, turn them off and disconnect them from the home network

Wash a Chest Binder Step 5
Wash a Chest Binder Step 5

Step 2. Use appliances less frequently

Acid rain is mostly due to the production of electricity. This means that whenever you use energy from gas or coal, you are unintentionally contributing to this phenomenon. Fortunately, you can reduce your environmental impact by using less energy and, therefore, by doing the following:

  • Hanging clothes to dry instead of using the dryer;
  • Do the laundry and wash the dishes by hand instead of using the washing machine and dishwasher;
  • Read a book instead of watching television or playing on the computer;
  • Prepare multiple meals or multiple portions of food at a time.
Help Save the Environment Step 32
Help Save the Environment Step 32

Step 3. Replace old appliances with low-energy ones

If you need to replace an old appliance - such as a refrigerator, washer, dryer, oven, air conditioner, and dishwasher - opt for an energy-efficient model. It will help you save money and limit the acid rain problem. Also, don't forget to replace incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent ones.

  • Look for the Energy Star logo to make sure the product you are purchasing is energy efficient.
  • Buy appliances according to the needs of the family. For example, if you need to change your stove or air conditioner, buy an appliance that is the right size for the room you are heating or cooling.
Save Money as a Kid Step 11
Save Money as a Kid Step 11

Step 4. Prioritize power tools

You can directly contribute to the reduction of acid deposits by essentially using electrical appliances and devices rather than gas-powered. The latter include:

  • Snow plow;
  • Lawn mowers;
  • Chainsaw.
Help Save the Environment Step 33
Help Save the Environment Step 33

Step 5. Isolate the house

You can reduce energy consumption by avoiding the escapes of heat and / or cold air from inside the house. To do this, try improving the insulation between walls, in the attic, basement or basement by sealing or installing gaskets around doors and windows.

Save Money when Moving Step 6
Save Money when Moving Step 6

Step 6. Change the thermostat

A programmable thermostat can save you a lot of money and energy over time. Adjust the timer so that the heating and air conditioning are not turned on when no one is home or everyone is asleep.

Set the thermostat to 20 ° C in winter and 22 ° C in summer so that the heating and air conditioning systems do not overwork

Help Save the Environment Step 4
Help Save the Environment Step 4

Step 7. Learn to use windows

Even if they let in light and fresh air, they should not be opened when the air conditioner is in operation. You can also use curtains and blinds to prevent the sun from overheating the home during hot summer days or cold air from entering on harsh winter nights.

Help Save the Environment Step 17
Help Save the Environment Step 17

Step 8. Buy local products

Trucks, planes, cars, trains and boats powered by fossil fuels contribute enormously to the emission of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide into the atmosphere, two substances that cause acid rain. By shopping in local markets and shops that sell products from neighboring territories, you can help reduce acid deposits released into the atmosphere due to the use of heavy transport vehicles.

Help Save the Earth Step 13
Help Save the Earth Step 13

Step 9. Grow plants and vegetables

In addition to enriching our planet with plants and trees that absorb carbon dioxide, try growing edible vegetables further reducing the need for fossil fuels associated with the transport of food.

Adjust Car Headlights Step 1
Adjust Car Headlights Step 1

Step 10. Learn to drive conscientiously

Not everyone can afford an electric car, but you can change the way you drive in order to consume less fuel. Ecological driving consists of:

  • Periodically check the tire air pressure to ensure it is within the correct values;
  • Brake and accelerate gradually;
  • Use the air conditioning sparingly. Instead, roll down the windows to save fuel.
Help Save the Earth Step 10
Help Save the Earth Step 10

Step 11. Reject the plastic

Much of the consumption of fossil fuels is related to the production of chemicals, rubbers and plastics. To decrease your reliance on these materials, don't buy bottled water, get reusable grocery bags, buy bulk food, opt for glass instead of plastic, and support companies that cut back on packaging.

Part 2 of 3: Using Alternative Energy and Transportation

Help Save the Environment Step 31
Help Save the Environment Step 31

Step 1. Change your electricity supplier

Most of the energy consumed around the world comes from fossil fuels, in the form of natural gas, coal and oil, but there are companies on the market that focus solely on providing energy from renewable sources. Here are some examples of renewable energies:

  • Nuclear;
  • Hydroelectric;
  • Solar and wind;
  • Geothermal.
Help Save the Earth Step 19
Help Save the Earth Step 19

Step 2. Install solar panels or a small wind turbine

Even if you don't have the option to switch to a green energy provider, you can still reduce the dependence on fossil fuels related to energy consumption. There are small wind turbines on the market which, once installed in the yard, will generate electricity for personal use. Alternatively, consider installing solar panels on the roof.

If you connect an energy production system to the home network, you can continue to use - when necessary - the energy supplied by the distribution company with which you signed the contract, which however could reimburse you for the excess energy fed into the grid by the your system

Help Save the Environment Step 26
Help Save the Environment Step 26

Step 3. Change car

This is a very expensive option, but if you can replace your old car with an electric, hybrid or low-emission one, you can decrease your fossil fuel consumption and help reduce acid rain.

  • A cheaper alternative is to install an LPG system because, although it is a fossil fuel, it does not emit the pollutants that cause acid deposition in the atmosphere.
  • If you cannot buy a new car or install an LPG system on the one you already own, you could still contribute to the protection of the environment by taking care of your car and making sure that it works properly, does not burn the lubricant along with the fuel and does not release substances. pollutants it shouldn't emit.
Save Money Fast Step 9
Save Money Fast Step 9

Step 4. Use the car less often

Regardless of the type of car, it is advantageous to consume less fuel and less energy (especially if the car is electric, but the main source of energy supply is fossil fuels). In many cities, the choice of public transport is very large and also includes buses and trains. Alternatively, consider starting a carpooling group made up of colleagues or people you usually travel with.

Train for a 5K Run in 10 Weeks Step 2
Train for a 5K Run in 10 Weeks Step 2

Step 5. Go on foot

You can completely eliminate the use of means of transport - and consequently contribute to the reduction of harmful gas emissions - by moving on foot, by bicycle or by scooter. Use your body to move - your health and the environment will appreciate your efforts.

Part 3 of 3: Encourage and Educate Others

Help Save the Environment Step 24
Help Save the Environment Step 24

Step 1. Write to industry leaders and politicians

Let politicians know what you think about acid rain and encourage them to take action on environmental protection. You can even petition business owners and industry leaders if you feel they can improve their eco-friendly business choices. As for factories that emit huge amounts of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide into the atmosphere, explain to them and lawmakers that they can:

  • Use chemical purifiers to filter pollutants from chimneys;
  • Resort to alternative fuels;
  • Switch to green technologies that do not involve the use of fossil fuels.
Attend Family Gatherings When You Are Autistic Step 6
Attend Family Gatherings When You Are Autistic Step 6

Step 2. Involve your family

Explain to your relatives why acid rain is an important issue not only for you but for them as well, illustrating the effects it can have on the environment and our future.

  • Ask your family members to carry out household chores using environmentally friendly methods and practices by following your example, perhaps reducing electricity consumption, replacing incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent ones, and limiting the use of electronic devices and appliances.
  • Regarding transportation, it explains to what extent their wallet (and body weight) can benefit from being more physically active and driving less frequently.
Teach About African American History Step 6
Teach About African American History Step 6

Step 3. Inform people

Explain to anyone willing to listen - including friends, colleagues and schoolmates - that acid rain damages lakes, streams, land and woodlands, as well as the plants and animals that live in these ecosystems. He points out that wet acid deposition also causes premature deterioration of buildings, houses and works of art, which has negative effects on human health and animal life.

Tell people about the steps you have taken to help reduce acid rain and tell them that they will have no trouble adopting them


  • Do not burn waste because they produce chemicals that contribute to the formation of acid rain.
  • Try to buy fewer mass-produced products or choose companies that respect the environment with environmentally friendly production methods.
