How to Read Out Loud: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

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How to Read Out Loud: 7 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Read Out Loud: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

Does reading your essay aloud at school make you nervous? Can't read aloud a few paragraphs of a funny book to your partner? Or do you just want to improve your reading aloud skills? This article will help you.


Read Aloud Step 1
Read Aloud Step 1

Step 1. Breathe

Shortness of breath or fast breathing will not help you with reading aloud; Furthermore, breathing deeply can help you calm down and express your emotions. Before you start reading, slow down your breathing rate and focus on what you need to read. Keeping the rhythm in your mind or humming music can help you relax.

Read Aloud Step 2
Read Aloud Step 2

Step 2. Get comfortable and relax

It's hard to focus on reading when you're restless, and worrying about your friends' reaction won't help you regulate your voice. Read while sitting, unless you have to read aloud for only a short time, and avoid being worried or anxious while reading: call home to find out if the children are okay or ask permission to go to the toilet.

Read Aloud Step 3
Read Aloud Step 3

Step 3. Familiarize yourself with what you need to read

Familiarity will make things easier for you, so take a moment before starting to take a look at what you will need to read. If possible (for example if you have to give a lesson) read the material carefully before reading it aloud; if this is not possible, taking a look and reading the important sentences (for example the final sentence of a chapter) will be useful for you.

Read Aloud Step 4
Read Aloud Step 4

Step 4. Read with passion

Speak slowly enough, so that the listener can hear you, and change the inflection of your voice: don't just read everything in the same tone! Inflection can make reading aloud a success or a failure, but try to relax and let your voice change inflection naturally.

Read Aloud Step 5
Read Aloud Step 5

Step 5. Speak clearly

Try to enrich your vocabulary and, in case you come across a term you can't pronounce, take your time. When you pause to catch your breath, go ahead so you can see the next words you need to read. Don't mumble and don't read too fast.

Read Aloud Step 6
Read Aloud Step 6

Step 6. Make eye contact

From time to time, look at whoever is listening to you and look for eye contact; if you are reading something funny, look at others and smile. Eye contact establishes a connection between you and who is listening to you, and taking the right breaks can allow you to clear your throat and breathe.

Read Aloud Step 7
Read Aloud Step 7

Step 7. Don't worry about mistakes

If you stumble on a word or can't pronounce one, smile and move on! Don't let this hold you back - expect to make a few mistakes and handle it smoothly. Have fun reading aloud!


  • If possible, practice reading the material before doing it in front of others. Practice in front of the mirror so you can see how you will look. To be at your best, practice several times and memorize the material, so that it appears spontaneous and refined when you read.
  • Don't just think about yourself: stop worrying.
  • If you don't feel comfortable making eye contact with your listener, avoiding eye contact is better than losing focus.
  • Be determined when reading: While you shouldn't rush nervously, don't read too slowly.
