3 Ways to Learn the Lyrics of a Song

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3 Ways to Learn the Lyrics of a Song
3 Ways to Learn the Lyrics of a Song

You are sitting in the car listening to your favorite radio station, and one of the songs you love most has just finished, when here comes a captivating tune. After listening to it do your best to memorize the title of the song and the artist when the presenter announces it. When you get home, you search for the song on your iPod, buy it and put it on your playlist, but you realize you don't know the lyrics!


Method 1 of 3: Start with the Chorus

Learn Lyrics Step 1
Learn Lyrics Step 1

Step 1. It is not necessary to have the song on hand as long as you are trying to learn the lyrics

It can be useful in some cases, but if you don't own the CD or iPod, you don't need to worry.

Learn Lyrics Step 2
Learn Lyrics Step 2

Step 2. Whenever you hear the song, whether you are listening to it or stumbling upon it, close your eyes immediately

Try to record each word and not think too much about what you don't understand, but stay focused. Don't worry if you don't understand everything right away - next time you will focus on what you missed.

Learn Lyrics Step 3
Learn Lyrics Step 3

Step 3. Try to memorize the chorus, as it is the easiest part

Sing it to yourself when you get bored, so that it settles in your mind. If you are looking to learn the song to make a group with your friends, it should all be a lot easier once you have mastered the chorus. It's nice to know songs and share them with friends, and it doesn't really matter if you don't know the verses.

Learn Lyrics Step 3
Learn Lyrics Step 3

Step 4. Once you have mastered the chorus, focus on the opening verse

Whenever they play the song on the radio and your friends immediately start singing it, don't feel pressured. If you can learn the opening verse, you will be able to sing the first lines like everyone else. Also, your friends will assume you know the whole song (and stop listening to you critically). Once this is done, the rest is downhill.

Learn Lyrics Step 5
Learn Lyrics Step 5

Step 5. Knowing the bridge is the best way to convince your friends that you know the song

If you can sing the chorus it means that you have already heard the song before, if you can sing the opening verse it means that you have heard it many times, but if you can sing bridge, it means that you know the whole song. Do the same thing you did for the chorus: try to grab the words carefully and sing them to yourself over and over.

Learn Lyrics Step 6
Learn Lyrics Step 6

Step 6. Relax

You have now learned 3/4 of the song. No one is particularly interested in the words of the verses, however, if you want to go all the way, listening to the song several times will help you learn the lines.

Method 2 of 3: Write the Words

Learn Lyrics Step 7
Learn Lyrics Step 7

Step 1. Get rid of anything that can interrupt your concentration (like television or any other distraction) or shut yourself up in a quiet place

Learn Lyrics Step 8
Learn Lyrics Step 8

Step 2. Find a comfortable place, like your sofa, or lie down on the bed

Learn Lyrics Step 9
Learn Lyrics Step 9

Step 3. Close your eyes and listen carefully to the song, trying to understand it by yourself and trying to grasp its content

Even if you are unsure of some words, continue listening (this step can be very helpful, but it is not essential).

Learn Lyrics Step 10
Learn Lyrics Step 10

Step 4. After listening to the song once, search the internet for the lyrics and print it

Learn Lyrics Step 11
Learn Lyrics Step 11

Step 5. Listen to the song again, this time reading the lyrics at the same time

Make sure you check the words you weren't sure about.

Learn Lyrics Step 12
Learn Lyrics Step 12

Step 6. If you are the lazy type, continue with this strategy until you learn the text, but if you want to use a more effective strategy, keep reading below

Learn Lyrics Step 13
Learn Lyrics Step 13

Step 7. After listening to the song three times until you read the lyrics, turn off the music

Then sing the song on your own while continuing to read the lyrics, even if you don't sing it properly.

Learn Lyrics Step 14
Learn Lyrics Step 14

Step 8. To memorize it even better, try to rewrite the lyrics of the song (this part is for the more ambitious)

Learn Lyrics Step 15
Learn Lyrics Step 15

Step 9. Finally, listen to the song again and try to sing it without the lyrics in front

At this point you should be able to do this. Well done!

Learn Lyrics Step 16
Learn Lyrics Step 16

Step 10. However, if you haven't memorized it yet, keep listening to the song until you memorize it

Method 3 of 3: Studying the Text with the Song

Learn Lyrics Step 17
Learn Lyrics Step 17

Step 1. Open your favorite search engine (eg Google or Yahoo)

Learn Lyrics Step 18
Learn Lyrics Step 18

Step 2. Type "text [group name] [title]"

Learn Lyrics Step 19
Learn Lyrics Step 19

Step 3. Review the results and find the right version

If you don't find the right version on the first try, try other versions.

Learn Lyrics Step 20
Learn Lyrics Step 20

Step 4. Print the lyrics you found and listen to the song to see if the words match the version found

Learn Lyrics Step 21
Learn Lyrics Step 21

Step 5. Study the text until you have memorized it word for word


  • Remember that a song is not memorized in one go. Stay as motivated and optimistic as possible and you will see that you will learn it quickly.
  • Take advantage of online sites that collect song lyrics. If you think it might speed up the memorization process, read the lyrics as you listen to the song - many people learn songs more easily this way.
  • Practice makes perfect. Try to sing the song perfectly and accept the challenge launched by your most fussy friends.
  • Don't be ashamed to ask for help from some friend who likes the song in question, they can help you correct you if you have misinterpreted the lyrics. If you are unable to distinguish between verse and bridge, ask a friend who plays in a group.


  • If it's a rap or hip hop song it gets harder, and learning it will take you longer.
  • Don't brag about memorizing the song the first time you can sing it without errors. Some of your friends will believe it, but someone else will not be fooled!
