Do you want to sing clearly, beautifully and professionally? Well, here are some tips.

Step 1. Breathe correctly
Inhale and exhale using the diaphragm (stomach). When you inhale, your stomach should expand, while when you exhale it should contract. Check that there is no movement in the chest. Breathing from the chest is shallow and doesn't get the right support, while breathing from the diaphragm allows you to use your 'driving force' (stomach muscles) to support the notes you need to tune and help you keep the melody.

Step 2. Keep the soft palate high and the tongue forward
Stretch your tongue along the roof of the mouth. The hard part is called, in fact, hard palate, while the fleshy one behind is called soft palate. In order for the sound to be deeper, it is necessary to create a space in the back of the mouth. You can do this by raising the soft palate. Normally it gets up when you yawn or laugh. The sensation of amplitude is given by the soft palate that rises. You should feel it every time you sing. This will prevent you from using your throat, which could damage you over time. The tip of the tongue should be in constant contact with the back of the teeth in order to direct the sound forward and give it a clearer tone.

Step 3. Practice every day and you will improve dramatically
The scales, even if boring, are the most appropriate way to acquire a clearer and brighter singing tone. Try singing on the syllable 'si' to begin with, because the 'i' is the easiest vowel to intone.
- Sing every day.
- With practice you will become a perfect singer, so practice every day.
- Record when you sing a song to see if the singing tone sounds clearer.
- Don't eat honey if you don't really need it. It can make the voice hoarse and dry.
- Drink lots of water!
- Open your mouth as wide as you can, without straining. It will help you sing more clearly.
- Get plenty of sleep.
- If your throat starts to burn, even if a little, take a break and then see how you feel.
- The change will not happen overnight. It is necessary to work for a long time.
- It is better to sing for fifteen minutes 4 times rather than for an hour. The vocal cords are delicate and need a break every now and then.
- Use your resonance areas! The high frequency overtones give clarity to the voice.
- Find someone who can sing and evaluate your sound. It will likely identify what you could improve on.
- Don't participate in contests where you scream instead of sing! You risk permanently damaging your voice.
- Keep a record of your progress so you can review it when needed. It also helps if your friends ask you about your progress.
- The voice is not only an instrument, but also an organ. Be careful when you sing. If your throat starts to hurt, stop.
- Don't sing using your throat.