Has there ever been a person who intimidated you to the point of not having the courage to speak in his presence? Now, things are about to change.

Step 1. Increase the confidence you have in yourself
Is that person who intimidates you really more important than you? What is so special about her? If these qualities he possesses are only superficial, such as money, power, or popularity, you should quickly realize that they are not that essential. Which is most important among them: a person's popularity during a couple of years of high school, or a pleasant personality that will hold for a lifetime? Find out the most significant virtues you have, and you will see that true virtues are more important than any amount of money or popularity.

Step 2. Be confident
Now that you understand what you are really worth, it's time to show that you are more confident in yourself. Walk in good posture but stay relaxed. Just walk normally, without hunching your back!
Look this person in the eye when he stares at you; don't be afraid to do it so that she understands that eye contact isn't enough to make you tremble with fear. If you try to avoid eye contact, it would open the door to further intimidation. He will use body language to indicate that he is not comfortable, or else he will look away, declaring your victory

Step 3. Look her straight in the eye to show that you are not afraid and talk to her
Eye contact should be interpreted as a challenge. By showing her that you are not afraid of her, this person may reconsider whatever they are planning to do. On the other hand, if you look away, you will prove that you don't have the guts to talk to them.
- When someone tries to provoke you, look that person straight in the eye. As he starts ranting at you, keep staring at her. Let him do what he has to do, but avoid reacting. Then, just when it looks like you're about to fall apart, smile. Do not do anything else; this will confuse the person and they will start wondering why you are not crying / shouting / freaking out. This person will have to question his approach. And even if it doesn't, you'll be disorienting enough to give you time to get out of the picture with dignity.
- Look at her badly, darken your voice, tense your shoulders slightly. Don't bloat your chest and don't try to be tough, just be yourself, but bring out the worst in you.

Step 4. Speak clearly
Don't speak softly, or too quietly. In this way, the person who intimidates you will understand what you are saying, while you will look them straight in the eye. Say what you think without thinking about the consequences. If she tries to mortify you, stay on your own and let her know that she can't command you because she's nobody to do it.
Speak clearly, loudly, but not too loud. Let her hear what you have to say and do it with a touch of aggression to let her know that you are not a weak person as she thinks, but a warrior and a person who has taken many hard hits from life and comes out stronger and stronger

Step 5. Sometimes it is advisable to try to be superior and put the best face on a bad situation
For example, tell her she has a nice shirt or a color she wears that makes her eyes stand out. But don't do this too often or he might think you're weird or trying to pimp.]
- No one is better or worse than the others. So be yourself and remember that you are great in your own way. Don't let anyone put their feet on your head.
- Do not try to impress this type of people, because the more you try to do it, the more you will get the opposite effect.
- Be nice and kind, but don't let anyone take advantage of you.
- Don't get presumptuous. Otherwise someone might try these tips on you.
- Looking elsewhere or doing something irrelevant while this person is talking to you can make your opponent think they are less important than the task you are doing. By mortifying his ego in this way, he could give you an advantage when you go face to face with him (make eye contact, raise your voice, etc.). Try to be on your guard while you hazard this move; you must not let yourself be caught unprepared. And don't run after this person because they would think they are better or that you can't get by without them. Instead, go away and you will see that she will run after you.
- You have the right to intimidate a person who in turn tries to intimidate you and clip your wings. Show her that you are not afraid.
- If these tips don't work and this person persists in tormenting you, try to move away from their radar and ignore them.
- Don't hate the person. Just because she intimidates you doesn't mean you have to be angry with her.
- Don't talk like you're always right.