Do you get shy just seeing the person you like? Would you like to have the right amount of self-confidence to get closer to her? Flirting seems difficult but, with practice, no one will stop you!
Part 1 of 3: Feel good to like yourself

Step 1. Taking care of your physical appearance is the first step to feel good and gain self-esteem
- You don't always have to dress like you've been invited to a gala dinner, but wear clean clothes and your size.
- The daily shower is a must. Put on deodorant, brush your teeth (especially before an appointment) and face, take care of your nails …
- Choose a hairstyle that fits your features. Don't be afraid to dare.
- Don't go overboard with perfume, especially if you're a boy: you don't want to stun the person you like!

Step 2. Flirting comes naturally when you are confident
How to tell if you are? You visualize success and not failure. Pursue your goals because you believe in yourself. If flirting was a sport, you would be a champion.
- Start dating people of the opposite sex to get used to their way of being and feel comfortable. Also, you will meet new people.
- Energize yourself before flirting by dedicating yourself to a passion and an activity that pampers your ego: playing sports, playing an instrument …

Step 3. Don't be held back by fear of rejection
We often think that if the person we like does not reciprocate, we are inadequate. But is not so.
- Forget about mistakes - we all make mistakes. But flirt professionals leave them behind.
- Ask yourself a simple question: "What's the worst that could happen?" You will put everything in perspective. Flirting makes us feel nervous, but it's not the end of the world.
- Don't put all your expectations on one person. The key to flirting is to try various. Yes, you have a crush, but you can practice with other people. The truth is that sooner or later everyone gets rejected, so if you reserve more than one option, a no won't devastate you.
Part 2 of 3: Flirt Via Sms

Step 1. The advantage of this means is that you can hide your nervousness
What to write?
- "Hey how are you?".
- "Hey, do you happen to know what the history assignments are?".
- "Hi, did you hear that [mutual friend] is having a party at his house next Friday?"

Step 2. Most of the conversation will have to focus on the other person, so you will flatter them
But talk quietly about yourself. Ask simple, unobtrusive questions:
- Are you one of the finalists? Congratulations! Why did you participate in the competition?”.
- “I just moved here. Which clubs do you recommend? ".
- "Do you have plans for the summer? I hope to be able to organize something, I don't feel like staying at home”.

Step 3. Compliments are one of the foundations of any self-respecting courtship
Insert them naturally into the conversation. A couple of appreciations will be more than enough:
- If you are a boy, don't treat girls like sex objects. Above all, it enhances their personality and traits such as hair, eyes, lips, clothes and smile.
Reinforce how they want to be seen by others. If your crush is happy to be an athlete, compliment her on her sportsmanship. If your crush is an intellectual, compliment her on her intelligence.
Flirt With Your Crush Step 15 - Don't give too many compliments, or your words will lose value. Appreciate the other person specifically a couple of times.
- "I love talking to you, you are so open and sunny!".
- "What does a nice boy / girl like you do to have fun on a Saturday night?".
- "I can't believe you're not committed to any girl."
- "I know what I'm about to say isn't fair to others, but it's thanks to you that on Monday mornings I feel like going to school."

Step 4. Avoid hackneyed phrases, or you will not appear sincere or interesting

Step 5. Make fun of the person you like, but do it live:
on the internet could misinterpret your words.
- The jokes should refer to an activity in which your crush stands out, so it will be perfectly clear that you are joking.
- Make jokes that recall a moment shared by just the two of you, so you will strengthen the bond and connect even when it comes to the little things.

Step 6. End the conversation when you notice that the topics to talk about are about to end, so you won't be embarrassed
At the end of the conversation, say, “It's fun to talk to you. Can we talk later? " or "See you tomorrow in class". So you won't leave anything unresolved
Part 3 of 3: Flirting in person

Step 1. Make eye contact with your crush and smile
The eyes and lips seduce!
- Look her in the eye a little longer to let her know that you find her irresistible.
- Smile at her before approaching and, as you speak, keep smiling to let her know that you are okay with her.

Step 2. Find a conversation starter:
- ”This dress looks great on you. I bet it's your creation”.
- "Do you know that [mutual friend] has left for the weekend?"
- “You look good at math. Would you help me with this algebraic equation?”.
- If you are very sure of yourself, start by saying that he seems like the most beautiful person you have ever seen.

Step 3. Make sure your crush knows who you are
Introduce yourself if you don't know each other in person. You can do this after using the previous conversation point: “Hi, I'm Giorgia”. Smile and look her in the eye!

Step 4. Start the conversation, keep it light and let it flow
Consider your interlocutor's level of interest: if he seems bored or doesn't talk much, try it again. If everything goes well, do this:
- Find out if you have a common interest in bonding.
- Avoid burning topics, like politics or religion - they elicit strong reactions and can turn people away.

Step 5. As you become more comfortable, start touching the arm or shoulder of the person you like and then hug them
- Many women feel they lose control of personal space when touched, while men are more open in this regard. Proceed with caution so as not to send negative or confusing signals.
- Areas you can touch include the hands, arms, and shoulders. Touch them briefly as you speak - the other person will feel a shiver run down their back if they like you.
- Deepen intimacy as time goes by. You will be able to caress the other person and walk holding their hand.

Step 6. Don't flirt for too long:
it will take five minutes for the other person to feel attracted to you. If you don't insist too much, you will intrigue her.
- After 5-10 minutes, make up an excuse and walk away: "I have to help a friend with their homework." The conversation must be ended at the peak so as not to touch boredom in the slightest.
- Don't talk to this person obsessively and on a daily basis. The absence will allow her to understand that she misses you. Be mysterious, not an open book (but not too much if you really care about this person: if you are excessively elusive, sooner or later he will lose patience).
- You don't have to do everything yourself. After you've successfully flirted, wait for her to make a move. It's not a game but let yourself be desired at least a little. Everyone likes a little bit of challenge.

Step 7. If you are ready for the next step, ask the person you like if they want to go out with you
Try it even if you are a girl, but allow your future him to feel a bit of a hunter; wait for him to invite you for the second date.
- Ask a week or a few days before: “Hey, are you busy next Saturday? I have two tickets for that movie you wanted to see”.
- Choose a public place where you can feel comfortable and talk and a fun activity for the first outing.
- If you are very sure of yourself, ask it like this: “The two of us are just fine together. Would you like to go out with me this weekend?”.
- You don't have to use the word "date" to talk about the meeting. Ask the other person if they feel like doing something with you. Do you ask yourself if it is an appointment for reasons of clarity? If so, answer them in the affirmative.
Everyone recommends being yourself when on a date. This tip is useful and valid, but it's hard not to try to hide some flaw or not feel nervous when dating a person for the first time. So don't worry if you can't be completely comfortable. If she is the right person for you, she will encourage you to bring out your true essence herself. Either way, avoid lying and showing yourself different. In short, train yourself to become a better version of yourself but still remain who you are
- Lying to someone you like a lot and with whom you hope to build a lasting relationship will be like shooting yourself in the foot and will create stress and tension. When the initial phase is over, you will no longer be able to pretend, and she will feel betrayed.
- Do not focus everything on the physical aspect, also work on your culture and on the care of your interiority.
- If the person you like is busy with someone else, don't interfere. If you really are made for each other, sooner or later you will have the right opportunity.