Salmon is a nutritious fish with a delicious flavor. It is a favorite fish for fishermen due to its speed and migratory movements. To fish it you need to have patience, the right equipment and know its habits. Here are some tips for fishing for salmon.

Step 1. Trolling instead of dropping anchor
- Trolling means continuing to move upstream and downstream in fishing areas instead of dropping anchor and stopping in a specific place. This method is more effective as the salmon tends to follow the current of the water and rarely remains stationary in one spot. You can go back to the areas where you fished earlier by trying to spot the movement of the salmon.
- Salmon migrate upstream to spawn every year, so if you follow the migratory movements of salmon you will have a better chance of catching them upstream. Local Natural Resources and Wildlife Offices track these migratory movements and regularly post them online. Use this information or ask a veteran local fisherman which way salmon travel.

Step 2. Follow the migratory movements

Step 3. Fish in the waiting areas
- Waiting areas are points along migratory movements where salmon slow down or stop before continuing upstream. These areas are ideal for fishing, because they are full of fish that stop to eat during the movements.
- Salmon are attracted to light colors, so use a lure and float to get their attention. Experienced fishermen recommend red, blue, glow-in-the-dark pink, and glow-in-the-dark orange colors to attract salmon.

Step 4. Use light colored baits

Step 5. Use a scented bait
- With a scented lure you will make the most interesting thing for the salmon. Sardines, shrimp and fish roe are common baits used with salmon.
- An adult salmon can be 1.50 meters long and weigh 35 kg, so use a sturdy line that won't break when the fish takes the bite.

Step 6. Use sturdy fishing line

Step 7. Weigh the line
Salmon in waiting areas tend to stay at the bottom of the river. Use a bait weight or float to hold the line at the bottom of the water and make it more visible to fish

Step 8. Fish during the most appropriate hours of the day

Step 9. Experienced fishermen recommend fishing early in the morning or late at sunset
You can fish for salmon whenever you want, but it is typically most active during these hours of the day.