How to Become a Rockstar (with Pictures)

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How to Become a Rockstar (with Pictures)
How to Become a Rockstar (with Pictures)

You're watching MTV and suddenly a rock star appears on the screen, then pop music takes over. But you catch yourself thinking: "I too would like to be a rock star like that!". This guide will take you on the journey to make your dream come true by becoming a star! It will be a lot of fun, so buckle up and enjoy the ride!


Become a Rockstar Step 1
Become a Rockstar Step 1

Step 1. Learn to play an instrument, or take singing lessons

You can choose from many tools; the most popular are guitar and drums, but bass can also be a challenge. If you're planning on forming an alternative rock band, you might want to consider piano or cymbals as well.

Become a Rockstar Step 2
Become a Rockstar Step 2

Step 2. Form a group

Unless you want to be a soloist, you need to put together a musical group, looking for people who can sing or play an instrument decently. Even if you were planning to debut as a soloist, you would need someone to play or sing for you.

Become a Rockstar Step 3
Become a Rockstar Step 3

Step 3. Exercise, exercise and exercise again

Always believe in yourself, because if you doubt your talent you will never get anywhere. Sometimes you feel disheartened, but just take a break and try again later. Think hard about what you want to accomplish and imagine playing Rock am Ring in front of your fans!

Become a Rockstar Step 4
Become a Rockstar Step 4

Step 4. Write your songs however you like

The secret is constant exercise, in fact only practice makes perfect.

Become a Rockstar Step 5
Become a Rockstar Step 5

Step 5. Record your music after storing the lyrics and / or notes

Making a CD of your songs is a great idea!

Become a Rockstar Step 6
Become a Rockstar Step 6

Step 6. Let your closest friends listen to your songs and heed their advice

Become a Rockstar Step 7
Become a Rockstar Step 7

Step 7. Have someone listen to the pieces after making some changes

Observe the expression of the listeners: if you notice worried faces and someone shaking their head, try to make some other changes.

Become a Rockstar Step 8
Become a Rockstar Step 8

Step 8. Have a few evenings

Sometimes it's hard to get a gig, but performing in public is a vital experience. You should try to have as many evenings as possible. Ask for information in pubs and call periodically to get evenings. It is very important, because playing in front of a large audience will allow you to melt, improving your performance.

Become a Rockstar Step 9
Become a Rockstar Step 9

Step 9. Save some money and don't quit your job, even if it was part time

This is just the beginning.

Become a Rockstar Step 10
Become a Rockstar Step 10

Step 10. Create a website for the group or artist

Insert photos, the concert calendar and previous engagements, to entice other pubs to offer you evenings.

Become a Rockstar Step 11
Become a Rockstar Step 11

Step 11. Distribute your CD to friends, acquaintances and even strangers

This way, you'll make yourself known, maybe you'll get a bigger following and even a record deal.

Become a Rockstar Step 12
Become a Rockstar Step 12

Step 12. Upload some pieces of your group to YouTube by associating them with some videos

Choose impressive videos that can grab your audience's attention.

Become a Rockstar Step 13
Become a Rockstar Step 13

Step 13. Ask your friends to recommend your pieces to other people

Word of mouth is useful for expanding your following.

Become a Rockstar Step 14
Become a Rockstar Step 14

Step 14. Never, ever give up, even when you feel like you're not getting anything done

You can't give up because you'd be a loser and rock stars never give up!

Become a Rockstar Step 15
Become a Rockstar Step 15

Step 15. Love music

The secret to success is to love what you do, especially your job. Never lose sight of the reason that pushed you on this path.

Become a Rockstar Step 16
Become a Rockstar Step 16

Step 16. Try to compose original songs

Each musical genre refers to specific canons and rock is no exception, but rock stars tend to experiment with new sounds, following their instincts. In any case, avoid copying other artists. The public would notice and you wouldn't make a good impression. Don't worry if your songs differ from classic rock songs. It is always better to be original than equal to others.


  • Spend most of your time writing songs rather than practicing with a single instrument, as you generally go much further as a composer than as a musician.
  • It is much more difficult to be successful with a group than as a solo artist. To be self-sufficient, you could propose yourself as a solo artist, without any group in tow.
  • Remember that success won't come suddenly. You will need to commit, practice, and expose yourself more than usual.
  • Locate venues in your area to get gigs. Do not doubt yourself and you will get what you want. Don't hesitate, hoping they'll offer you an evening, but introduce yourself as a professional musician.
  • Don't take no for an answer. Stop insisting only when they tell you not to come back. If not, you haven't convinced them yet and sooner or later they may give you a chance. They will find many excuses to refuse you the engagement; if you can find good reasons to entice them, they will have no more excuses.
  • Never play for free. If you want to be considered a professional and be a musician for work, this is a fundamental aspect. The music scene varies from place to place, so find out about the fees that musicians in your area receive before accepting a gig. You can bargain, but be confident when discussing compensation and don't give up if they offer too little. They didn't play for free at Woodstock either.
  • The most important thing is to make a screaming show. The aim is to attract people, so that the owner of the restaurant realizes that he is making more money thanks to your presence. Show this when trying to get a deal.
  • Follow all these tips and your dream will likely come true. But remember that luck also plays a key role in these situations. Even if you were a great musician, you wouldn't get anywhere without meeting the right people at the right time.
  • Create a site for your group, advertise it and add some videos.
  • NEVER give up. Even the most famous artists started like this, but only thanks to their determination they managed to be successful.
  • Being a rock star doesn't mean wearing leather pants and hitting clubs at night. A true rock star plays for what he believes in!
  • The best way to get gigs is by supporting the local scene and supporting other groups. Helping each other can pay off. It can be particularly useful to perform at the end of the year concerts, in order to get noticed by a large number of people.
  • Before it starts to mesh, it will be difficult and daunting. You have to really love music to not give up. Put your all into the creation of the pieces and, sooner or later, the music will reflect your passion, breaking into people's hearts. Only then will you get a bigger following.
  • You have to love this job. It takes a lot of effort to be successful and by the time you become a rock star your problems won't be over: you will have to work twice as hard, but if you really love music and believe in yourself, you won't have any difficulties!
  • All rock stars have failed in their careers, but they never gave up.
  • Be patient! It takes time to make a dream come true!
  • Don't give up on your dream if people don't like your music. Create something interesting while trying to convey the message you want to communicate.
  • Don't think you're too young or too old to play, because music has no age!


  • Don't give up on music just because your attempt failed. Music is part of your life! In any case, do not give up and, sooner or later, you will be able to get noticed!
  • Be aware of your limitations: take care of yourself, don't work 7 days a week, try to get enough sleep, take breaks and don't exercise excessively.
  • Being a rock star has nothing to do with drugs. It's true that the most famous rock stars have used drugs, but that doesn't mean you have to do it too. Furthermore, it is not true that to write good music you have to be under the influence of drugs.
  • Don't start playing just to be a rock star. If you don't already have a passion for music, forget it and become a sound engineer or something.
