Golf is one of the most popular sports. It is easy to indulge in it and gives you the opportunity to have a lot of fun outdoors, meeting people.

Step 1. Take a lesson
..or five! - You've probably been on a course several times with some golfer friends, that's why you decided to give it a try, right? It's a nice approach, but if you want to learn the basics of swing, you'll need to take a lesson from a qualified and certified instructor (PGA or WGTF). Most golf courses and driving ranges have professionals who teach and offer beginner packages or often, group lessons to save money. Better to start with an individual lesson, where the professional will guide you to the basics such as holding the club, correct posture and swing mechanics. Don't be tempted to be taught by your friends. Their intentions may be good but they will only create problems for your swing. Professionals know how to teach it, which is why they are considered to be such. Take a few lessons and learn well. We will never stop saying it.

Step 2. Buy a used set of clubs
It doesn't have to be complete, just a few will be enough (3 woods, 5, 7, 9 irons, pitching wedge / sand wedge and a putter. wrong, you could have bad experiences. You can get sores and the equivalent of a mid-tibial pain. Just like shoes, clubs have to "fit" too.

Step 3. Etiquette & Rules - Take some time to learn the rules of golf and its etiquette:
it is as important as being able to hit a ball by sending it to 300 meters. The game of golf is about honesty, honor and respect and not just about a ball rolling on a lawn. You will find a copy of the official rules on the USGA website. Keep it in your bag and study it so that you know the rules in every situation. As for the label, there are some things that are more important than others. Never walk in the line of sight of others as you could ruin the grass and send the ball out of the way. Never speak while others are pulling. Never stand directly behind or in front of a player who is about to shoot. Always dress appropriately according to the rules of the court. These are just some of the basics but the more you play the more you will learn what is good and what is not… and don't be afraid to ask some experts if you have any doubts about the rules and voices of the etiquette. They are usually happy to help a beginner.

Step 4. Find a teacher or mentor
Most fields have them. Book 3 or 4 lessons or ask if they have any packages.

Step 5. Learn the basics, how to hold the club, how to stand in front of the ball, how to swing the club, how to putt, etc
The mentor will need to show you practically each step. You can also watch videos online and read manuals.

Step 6. Go to a driving range a couple of times before moving on to the actual course
The aim is to become familiar with the club and the shots, learning the distances and the average trajectories of the clubs is essential. Also, using the driving range before the course will give you an idea of how the weather affects your shot. It's windy? Does the humidity make the ball heavy and weigh on the distance? By practicing you will discover all this without giving yourself a damn.

Step 7. Then try with 9 holes
If you don't have a lot of time to train or still can't do long shots, you might want to try a short course a couple of times. They are more practical and easier.

Step 8. As you improve, it is vital to work on your short game
Think. It is useless to be able to hit the ball at 200 or 300 meters depending on how strong you are, without knowing what to do once on the green. In an average round, you will use the driver 12-15 times depending on the course. In every single field you will use the putter at least 30 times depending on your ability. The short game is the key to a low handicap.
- Focus on putting. Use practice greens that are usually free at most golf courses and driving ranges, and you won't get as tired as you would when you hit a lot of balls at the driving range. About half of your shots will be putts, so learning is vital; there is a reason for saying "a spectacular shot for glory, a short shot for victory."
- Before pulling, look around making sure there is nothing to bump into or hit, especially bags, trees and people!
- At first use recycled balls that you find in 24 buckets. They usually contain well-known brands like Pinnacle and Titelist and are quite cheap. The best choice if you tend to lose a lot of them.
- Respect those who play with you. Never speak while they are shooting or comment on their style or swing.
- The mobile must be turned off or silent while you are in the field.
- Talking on a cell phone is discouraged and considered rude.
- Don't forget to do some stretching before you start playing or practicing. A full day in the field can lead to back pain and strain, not to mention that you walk a lot.
- If you're not a natural talent don't get frustrated - hardly anyone is. It takes time, patience and practice.
- If you are wearing golf shoes, make sure you get your feet up when you walk. If you drag them, you could cut into the ground which is fragile in certain areas.
- When you first go to the course, bring another golfer to show you how to deal with it.
- Never walk in another golfer's shooting path.
- Golf can be quite technical if you go along with it. Do not do it. In this case we are talking about having fun. It is a sport that you can do for years and years.
- Never place your tee in front of the tee marker while shooting. In between or behind are the only acceptable options.
- Always grant the "honor" of making the first tee to the best player from the previous hole.
- If you decide to take lessons, find out if your instructor has clubs to rent for the first few times. You will need to figure out if you really enjoy golf before investing money in a set of clubs on purpose.
- When on the driving range, always aim for a target, such as the red flag.
- Keep in mind that golf has rules - learn local and national ones before playing competitively. The rules of golf are self-imposed but can only be done once you learn them.
- Get started with some help to improve your practice on the proving ground. Use these aids at home too, away from distractions.
- It doesn't take a lifetime to pull. Your pre-shot routine, the shot, and the swing itself will only take a minute or less. If you are not fast enough to shoot and there is a group waiting behind you, move away and leave the field for them. However, remember to stay away from the shooting line or you could get hurt.
- Remove the flag if you are competing once everyone else has reached the green. If you hit the flag with the putt, there is a penalty of plus two. And all of a sudden the possibility of birdie turns into a bogey …
- Never stay less than 60cm from the hole.
- Focus on using aids at home, away from distractions.
- Always shout "Fore" when the shot is close to a group on another hole. Don't be ashamed to shout. It's more embarrassing to hit someone.
- When starting out, don't buy new and expensive clubs. You probably won't be able to use them right and will do better with second-hand ones.
- Lightning strikes are dangerous - when the weather turns bad, go indoors!
- Put on sunscreen if you have to play in the sun for a long time. Sunburn makes golf less fun.
- Try to be FAST! because everyone hates a slow game. If the tee is open and you won't hit anyone, don't idle and hit the ball.
- E. P. D. S. (From the first Tee) Explore always before shooting, so you won't hit anyone. Get ready: imagining what you will hit. Decide: Check that you know how to hit the ball. Swing: go and shoot.