How to Stop Being Depressed Because of Love

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How to Stop Being Depressed Because of Love
How to Stop Being Depressed Because of Love

When a love fades and gives way to depression, is there a way out? The answer is certainly positive; each of us is able to find the strength within ourselves to overcome a story that ended badly, or an unrequited love. Here are some tips to start improving your perspective of the future and the role that love plays in your life.


Stop Being Depressed About Love Step 1
Stop Being Depressed About Love Step 1

Step 1. Stop the negative spiral

You don't need to feel sorry for yourself about your worth as a person or your chances in love. This is a bad habit that you should give up. Even if we are allowed to feel down and sad every now and then, it is not good to maintain this state of mind all the time.

Stop Being Depressed About Love Step 2
Stop Being Depressed About Love Step 2

Step 2. You have to accept that you cannot change people

This means that you cannot force someone to love you. It will happen if you are destined to be, but if the person you love has changed and the feelings he has towards you have also changed, it is certainly not a good idea to make his choices reflect on the opinion you have of you.

Stop Being Depressed About Love Step 3
Stop Being Depressed About Love Step 3

Step 3. Be patient

Love is a very varied ideal and we all have a different conception of it. Often times, this is the reason relationships don't always work out. Both sides have different points of view on what love represents and how to live it. While you wait patiently, you can do some important things for your psycho-physical well-being:

  • You can get on with your life and the activities you enjoy
  • You can devote yourself to your interests as much as possible
  • Try to open yourself up to all the possibilities that life has to offer you. This also and above all includes love.
  • Above all, learn to be patient towards yourself.
Stop Being Depressed About Love Step 4
Stop Being Depressed About Love Step 4

Step 4. Find distractions and put them to good use

Indulge in your hobbies, watch your favorite movies, leave the house with a trusted friend, etc. When love makes you sick, do something that cheers you up. Movement is always the best antidote to depression and negativity.

Stop Being Depressed About Love Step 5
Stop Being Depressed About Love Step 5

Step 5. Try to learn the lesson

Being rejected is never a pleasant thing, but every time we undergo this experience, there is something we can learn about ourselves and how relationships develop and fail. Try to learn from your mistakes to avoid repeating them in the future instead of continuing to mull over what you could have done to save that relationship. Sure you could have done things differently, but, in hindsight, they are all capable of doing it. You can't change the past; the future, on the other hand, does.

Stop Being Depressed About Love Step 6
Stop Being Depressed About Love Step 6

Step 6. Control your desire to let off steam

It's easy to keep complaining about a person who rejected you, but, in the end, this only makes you feel even worse. You would also get a reputation as a person who whines and complains about his exes to everyone. You would only push others away. For heaven's sake, confide in a close friend, your mother, or a psychologist, but wash your dirty laundry around the house. When you have to explain to others what happened, do it clearly without going into too much detail: "Well, it didn't work. We decided it would be better to leave."

Stop Being Depressed About Love Step 7
Stop Being Depressed About Love Step 7

Step 7. Remember that you are not alone

Human beings manage to get the best and the worst out of their romantic relationships over the course of their life. Most people know how much a disappointment in love can hurt, but they still manage to move on. Collecting the pieces and treasuring what we have learned is part of the package.

Stop Being Depressed About Love Step 8
Stop Being Depressed About Love Step 8

Step 8. Try to occupy your time

Go around people, get out of the house and do the things you like. Depressed people have a habit of strasene at home, where they feel even worse. Getting out of the house will do you good and help you get on with your life.

Stop Being Depressed About Love Step 9
Stop Being Depressed About Love Step 9

Step 9. Relax, you have a lot of time to find love

This is true even if you are already ninety years old.


  • It may seem difficult now, but the longer you wait, the better the relationship will be.
  • If in doubt, let it out.
  • Our stories are all different, but the constant factor is time. It takes time to recover from a breakup, but don't take too long or you'll get even more depressed
  • You will find your soul mate and you will be happy.


  • Think before you act - don't do something you may regret!
  • Avoid eating or drinking excessively to try to fill the emptiness inside. You need to feel and show the best you have to offer when you decide to move on with your life!
