Many people assume that good luck is the result of pure chance. In fact, we can do a lot to create our fortune. Almost everyone has the same number of favorable opportunities available every day, but with a negative or defeatist mentality, it often happens to ignore the positive sides of the situations in which we find ourselves. Go for luck by stepping out of your comfort zone and trying new experiences. Change your way of seeing the world and avoid pessimistic thoughts. Finally, seek help from friends and neighbors. Surround yourself with optimistic people and you will be ready to welcome good luck into your life.
Part 1 of 3: Increase the Chances of Having Luck

Step 1. Try to be ready to take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves to you
Too often we don't. You may consider yourself unlucky, but perhaps the problem is that you don't have the right mindset. For example, if you don't feel attractive, you may not notice that the bartender serving you is flirting with you. Considering new experiences as opportunities for success, you will notice the moments when good luck smiles on you.
- Studies have shown that chance encounters and lucky breaks happen to everyone in a lifetime. However, the luckiest people are those who take advantage of such opportunities. If you are always ready to take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves, it will be easier to recognize good luck.
- Imagine having to attend a conference. If you consider the event as a nuisance, you will close in on yourself and you will not talk to anyone. Conversely, if you expect everything to go for the best, you will converse, make friends, and may even make a good impression on a potential employer. To get lucky, you have to look for them carefully.
- Consider all new experiences as opportunities to make your own fortune. For example, if you've just moved from town to town, a walk with your dog is the perfect time to make new friends. If you've just started going to a different school and your science teacher asks you to stop after class, consider it an opportunity to meet him. The bonds you create in everyday life can bring you luck in the private and professional spheres.

Step 2. Accept new experiences with joy
The luckiest people follow many different paths. With an open mind to adventure and the opportunities that come your way, good luck is more likely to smile at you. Try to take advantage of all the opportunities available to you.
- When we are faced with something new, we usually feel curiosity and anxiety. Unfortunately, anxiety holds back many people. You may be genuinely curious to try a new career opportunity, but your gut reaction is to think of all the ways your choice could turn into a failure. Eventually you will be convinced that your application is not worth putting forward.
- Try to put your anxiety aside when you get the chance to have a new experience. Don't give in to worries about everything that can go wrong. Instead, think: "It might be interesting to try this adventure. I want to jump in."
- Not all of the risks you take will result in lucky breaks, but by trying many different activities, you will be more likely to be blessed with good luck. Take the example of Steve Jobs, an entrepreneur famous for his lucky stars. He took a calligraphy class after leaving university. Later, he used that knowledge to design many Apple products. Always accept new experiences, even if they are not directly related to your idea of success; in the future, they may come in handy in unexpected ways.

Step 3. Interact with many different people
In the modern era, it is essential to form an adequate social network to achieve success. By knowing many different people, you are meeting good luck. In fact, some studies have shown that extroverts are more likely to be lucky. Success, particularly in the workplace, often comes from good relationships with other professionals in the sector. The more extensive your network of acquaintances, the more likely you are to have a stroke of luck.
- There are many ways to meet people you don't know. You can join an association in your city. You can search websites like MeetUp, where you will find groups of people with similar interests to yours.
- Browse the internet often. If you don't already have active social media profiles, create them now. Many people develop relationships with their acquaintances on sites like Twitter and Facebook.

Step 4. Change your routine
Many people who consider themselves perpetually unlucky follow repetitive patterns of behavior. By doing the same things every day, or every week, you'll never meet people you don't know or have an unexpected stroke of luck. Make a commitment to change your routine slightly every week.
- By changing your habits, you will have more opportunities to make fortuitous encounters, which will often be fruitful. For example, if you only talk to your friends at parties, you will never get to know different people. Remember that variety is the spice of life.
- Small changes to your routine can help you change your mindset, even if they don't bring you closer to your personal goals. Coming to work by bike instead of by car can get you used to variety and novelty. If you keep trying something different every day, you will have the chance to have new experiences. This will lead you to be luckier.
Part 2 of 3: Changing your mindset

Step 1. Don't sabotage yourself
Often, your mindset can be counterproductive. If you expect things to go wrong or history will always repeat itself, you may be missing out on opportunities before they even present themselves. Try to pay attention to your way of thinking and accept the fact that you cannot predict how a relationship or event will go.
- If you consider yourself unlucky, you may subconsciously feel uncomfortable in positive situations. For example, if you have had a difficult romantic relationship in the past, perhaps you think it is normal for a couple to argue a lot and there is no mutual trust. You may end up avoiding kind and civilized people, because you only feel comfortable with those who treat you badly.
- Try to pay attention to any prejudices you have about any situation. For example, when you meet someone you don't know, do you assume that they will treat you in a certain way? Ask yourself why you do this. Maybe you let yourself be influenced by your friendships and past love affairs. When you start a new job, do you expect not to be successful? If you have had bad professional experiences in the past, you may subconsciously think about failing in the future as well. This can lead to you not taking the best opportunities and always maintaining a negative attitude.
- Remember that you cannot predict the future. When you face a new experience, stop and think: "I'm going to have a new adventure and I don't know what's going to happen." Man has a natural tendency to find patterns, looking for recurring elements in events and casualties. Remember that it is irrational to try to foresee something that is yet to happen. The reality is that you don't know if you will be successful in your new job or if the person you just met will turn out to be a true friend. As far as you know, a positive and exciting experience may await you.

Step 2. Keep a positive mindset
Often, lucky people have a different world view than unfortunate ones. For example, imagine falling down the stairs. It certainly hurts, but you're still whole. You may think "I'm really out of luck!" or "How lucky I didn't break my neck!". Always keeping a positive point of view can help you welcome good luck.
- Thanks to a positive mindset, it will be easier to see the good around you. By internalizing negative episodes (such as falling down the stairs from the previous example), you can come to see yourself as an unfortunate person. This can alter your perspective, leading you to believe that you are doomed to bad luck.
- Let's go back to one of the previous examples. If you find yourself clumsy with other people and unattractive, you will go to bars expecting to be ignored. This can prevent you from noticing that the bartender is flirting with you. You do not notice this lucky encounter, because you approach the situation with a negative attitude.
- On the contrary, always try to maintain an optimistic attitude before a social event. Don't think "I can't wait to find out how I'm going to make a fool of myself", but rather "I'm so excited to meet new people".

Step 3. Relieve anxiety
This emotion has a negative effect on your perception of things. If you're worried about your job, school, or social life, stress can keep you from noticing all the good things that happen to you. By fighting anxiety, you will be ready for luck.
- Physical activity can greatly limit anxiety. Try to exercise most days of the week. Take a long bike ride after work. Stop by the pool for a swim before morning classes. If you want to try a sport, start with a light workout and increase the intensity gradually.
- Cut back on caffeine and alcohol. Both of these substances can make you feel more anxious. Limit yourself to a couple of coffees a day and don't drink more than a drink or two when you go out on the weekend.
- Try meditation, visualization, and yoga. All of these activities can help you keep anxiety under control. On the internet, you can find guided meditation and yoga courses. You can also consider taking a class at the gym.

Step 4. Give yourself breaks
Lucky people get carried away by the current. By working too hard, you could attract bad luck. For example, you might continue in a job that you would be better off leaving. Try to follow your intuition and your passions. You will find that it is a much more fulfilling lifestyle than dedicating all of yourself to just work.
- Allow yourself a couple of hours a day for activities not related to work or your personal goals. This allows you to recharge and regain your energy, so that you are always ready to take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves to you.
- Don't be afraid to give up. When things don't go your way, always following the same path prevents you from innovating. Experiment with new ways to make your fortune. For example, imagine trying to write an article for hours, but the piece feels confusing and repetitive. The best solution is to crumple the paper and start over. You will feel frustrated at first, but you may find a better approach after a couple of days.

Step 5. Accept the missteps
Not everything you do will be successful. Being aware of this reality will help you be luckier. If you are not afraid of failure, you will be ready to go down many different paths. The more activities you try, the greater your chances of success.
- Don't listen to the voices inside that make you hesitate when a good opportunity comes your way. For example, imagine living in Rome and being a novice screenwriter. A producer asks you to see your portfolio. You may not hear from him again after you give it to him and maybe you are afraid that his rejection will leave you with emotional wounds. However, you would greatly regret if you turned down his proposal.
- Studies show that pursuing multiple goals at the same time leads to happiness. Even if you fail in many areas, variety will make your life better. In addition to attracting luck, you will feel happier.
Part 3 of 3: Seeking Help

Step 1. Surround yourself with positive people
Positivity is contagious. By associating with people who are sincere and encouraging you, you will have more confidence in yourself. This can allow you to keep a more open mind to new opportunities.
- Look for friends who always see the glass as half full. Make plans with your coworker who always says something nice. Invite your friend Tina, known for her sunny and jovial attitude, to have a coffee.
- Call your most optimistic relatives. If your brother has a pessimistic mindset, don't call him after a bad day. Instead, look for your mother, who always sees the bright side of things.

Step 2. Limit contact with negative people
Fortune is not easy if you are surrounded by pessimism, which can be as contagious as optimism. By associating with people with defeatist attitudes, you may not be able to take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves to you.
- Learn to distance yourself from negativity. Often, chronic pessimists don't try to help you; they just want to complain. If a friend or family member is complaining about a problem, don't try to offer them a solution. Instead, try saying, "I'm sorry you feel this way, but I'm sure you'll find a way out," before changing the subject.
- Limit contact with those who drain your energy. You don't want to end a friendship or a romantic relationship, but try to hang out with negative people less. Don't call them, don't text them, and don't interact with them every day or every week. You would end up mimicking their mentality and ignoring the lucky breaks.

Step 3. If necessary, consult a psychologist
If you feel that you are chronically unlucky, you may have a latent psychological problem. For example, depression can often lead to a negative view of oneself and one's prospects for the future. If you are afraid that you are suffering from depression or another mental problem, schedule a visit to a psychologist.
- You can ask your family doctor which psychologist to contact.
- If you are a student, you could take advantage of the free sessions offered by your university or high school.