Whether you are tired of chasing the man you love, or simply want the thrill of power over someone in love with you, it is absolutely possible to make a man care about you rather than the other way around. If you stop chasing you, he will be even more attracted to you and will want you more and more. If you want to know how, skip to the first point.
Part 1 of 2: Get your attention

Step 1. Bite him staring at you and walk beside him
Of course, you can approach a man who is watching you and start talking. He may even answer you and feel even more taken … or he may be seduced by the beautiful woman he saw pass and want to get to know her better. Let his eyes settle on you and wait for him to make the first move. Or, if you know you'll see him again, talk to him next time.
Of course, if you really wanted to go to him, he might get curious and find it interesting. Don't be so delicate if it's not your thing

Step 2. Live your life
There is nothing that men find more sensual than a woman with a life of her own. Having a meaningful and full life in which you pursue a career or passion and have some hobbies or interests that you care about will make you an interesting person to get to know. Whether you want to be a writer or just love to paint, the guy will be much more captivated if he sees so many things you care about besides him. If all you do is watch TV and wait for him to call you, then you won't be that intriguing.
- Doing a lot of interesting things will also make you a person more worthy of being known.
- If the man thinks that your agenda is free because you have nothing to do, then he will be less inclined to follow you, because he will always know where to find you: at home.

Step 3. Hit it with your self-esteem
Men can be intimidated by very confident women, but they are also deeply attracted to them. Show him you love who you are and what you have to offer to the world. Rather than being insecure, always complaining or seeking his approval, know that approval comes from within. If you are proud of who you are, he will be too, because he will know he can enjoy your company instead of just having to act as a moral crutch.
Of course, anyone can work on their self-esteem. In the meantime, you can start spending more time on what you love, improving your body language and bearing, and fixing those little flaws you hate in yourself

Step 4. Flirt with him
You have to be winking if you want the man to be interested in you. You have to look him in the eye, caress your hair, tease him a little, and maybe even blush and play a little sissy to get his attention. You can touch him "inadvertently" on the arm, smile at him for no reason, and be playful and funny when you are together. Seduction should spark his interest, and give him a taste of what it would be like to be with you. Keep it light, fun and exciting.
Don't get too heavy on it. Flirt for a while, then stop. Make him sweat a little

Step 5. Be sexy
Find your own meaning of "sexy" and put it into practice. If it means getting your nails done and cutting your hair, go. If you're more for a natural look with just a touch of lip balm and a big smile, that's okay too. You can wear provocative clothes or simple, comfortable clothes that make you feel great. Do everything you can to feel confident and comfortable with your appearance. If you want a man to take an interest in you, you have to commit at least a little bit.
It does not mean that you have to do things "not by you". You want him to be interested in you, not in some version of you with 3 kg of makeup and uncomfortable stilettos

Step 6. Have him see you talking to other men
Don't tell him too much about others, or he'll understand your attempt to get his attention. Rather, let him see you talking to others and be yourself while you are with them. Don't laugh excessively, don't touch them too much, and generally don't make too much effort to make them jealous. It should happen spontaneously. Whether you're just talking or walking with another cute guy or just a friend, you appear involved and interested and he'll be jealous.
- As stupid as it is, it is true that the more men are interested in you, the more desirable you will be. A man will want you even more if he sees that he is not the only one interested.
- Make sure you don't overdo it. Seeing you all the time with other men, he may think that you are not serious or otherwise not interested in him.
Part 2 of 2: Keep it in your fist

Step 1. Don't always be there for him
If you answer the phone as soon as he calls or if you agree to go out with him almost immediately after he asks, then he will start to think that there is not much exciting in your life, apart from going out with him. If you want him to chase you, then he must have the impression that you do a lot of things and that your company is difficult to obtain. Sure, you don't want him to think you're busy enough to never go out with him, or he'll get bored, but aim for a balance between your schedule and willingness to see you while keeping his interest alive.
- If he calls you, don't answer on the first ring. Even better, let a few hours pass before calling him back.
- The same goes for messages. If he writes to you, let some time pass before replying to him, unless it is something urgent.

Step 2. Be a little … pushed
Once you've established some kind of relationship and seen each other a couple of times, don't hesitate to let him know when you feel like it, even if you're far away. Call him a day at work and tell him something intimate you thought about doing with him. He will make him yearn for your presence until he can have you in his arms. Do it once in a while, at the right times, and you'll have it in your hand.
Choose the right moments. It's best not to tell him you're feeling horny while he's on his way to a job interview or if he's spending the day with his grandmother

Step 3. Surprise him with kindness once in a while
Sure, being backed up is fun, but if you do it too much, they'll start to think you're too hard. You need to step back and give in a little, letting them know you care. Make him a nice dinner on his birthday. Just call him to say hello. Get two tickets for the game. Do something nice for him to keep him hooked, then go back to being a bit difficult. If you cook for him every day, well yeah, he'll start taking you for granted.
Find a balance between being difficult and caring. You can't always be one way or another

Step 4. Don't tell him everything right away
If on the second date you tell him that you have five sisters and you dream of being an actress, and that you have a difficult relationship with your mother, he will think it won't take long to get to know you thoroughly. Rather, make it work a little. Tell him something interesting and unique about yourself on a first date and throw this information as rare beans of the best chocolate during your appointments. Make it hard for him to get to know you; if he thinks you're throwing everything on the table anyway, he won't ask questions.
Men love it when seemingly more shy or reserved women open up to them. They feel like they have won an award

Step 5. Don't look for him as much as he looks for you
Let him call more often than you do. Let me write to you to say "hello". Wait for him to propose that you go to a party. Although you don't have to do it all the time, you should let him take most of the initiative, being you busy or busy with more important things to worry about whether he will call or not. Of course, you can still keep in touch with him or propose a fantastic exit, but make sure the ball is always in his half of the court.
Nobody says these tactics should only be for those who are patient. If you're the type who can't wait and prefers to take the lead and steer the relationship in a specific direction, then this phase won't be easy for you

Step 6. Have fun with your friends
Don't be one of those girls who forgets her friends when she finds a boyfriend. You should have a good time with them and enjoy ladies' nights, regardless of your romantic status. If the boy sees that you like to go dancing and go out with them etc., he will appreciate your sense of friendship. He'll be even more jealous, because he'll think of all the guys who might hit on you on a girl's night!
Making time for your friends will keep you grounded and make sure you don't get too crazy about your boyfriend

Step 7. Be unpredictable
If you want him to continue to care about you, then you need to keep him on edge. Offer a weekend trip at the last minute. Dive into the ocean even if it's cold and windy. Go to a fast food restaurant for a date. By always doing and saying the same things, he will get bored and stop looking for you. But never knowing what to expect, then you will always keep him alert! You don't have to be spontaneous 24 hours a day, but make it a priority to surprise him when the opportunity arises.
Refrain from planning everything and leave something to chance. Let me pick you up without continuing to ask where you are going

Step 8. Remember that the hunt is always open
Even when you think he is falling in love, you should still avoid letting your guard down. It doesn't mean that you don't have to open up to him gradually and that you don't have to be yourself, but you still need to be alert and not get too comfortable in the relationship. Don't worry too much, but keep things fresh and exciting at the same time.