If you want to darken your lashes without having to apply mascara every day, try dyeing them. While there are actually risks associated with eyelash dyeing, follow the procedure carefully and you will have nothing to fear.
Method 1 of 2: Dye the Lashes at Home

Step 1. Choose an eyelash dye
Don't use hair dyes. Purchase a specific dye for eyelashes and brows.
- Traditional hair dyes can contain chemicals that are dangerous to the eyes, you should never use them for your lashes.
- The choice of colors is somewhat limited. Black and brown are the most common, but you can also go for other colors like blue. Generally the hue of these shades is not too obvious, so your appearance will not be too unnatural.

Step 2. Mix the dye
Any dye kit should have instructions which may vary by product. Usually it is enough to combine the color with the activator.
- Most kits consist of a tube of dye, a bottle of activating solution, a mascara applicator, a wand and a container for mixing the solution.
- Put about 5 cm of dye into the mixing container and add a few drops of activating solution. Knead the dough until it thickens.
- Adding too much activating liquid will make the dye extremely liquid. As a result, the dye will not adhere to the mascara applicator.

Step 3. Perform a sensitivity test
Apply a small amount of dye behind the ear or on the inside of the elbow. Leave the dye on for about 30 minutes before removing it, then wait another 8-24 hours before proceeding.
This is important for detecting any unwanted side effects. If the affected area starts to itch or burn, it is likely that you are intolerant to the product. If an allergic reaction occurs, you shouldn't use the dye on your eyelashes

Step 4. Apply a protective eye barrier
Use a cotton ball dipped in petroleum jelly. Distribute the petroleum jelly on the lower lids, along the entire length of the lash extension. Also cover the outer corners of the eyes, the lids and the upper arch of the lashes.
The dye shouldn't stain the skin, but the petroleum jelly barrier will make it easier to remove

Step 5. Using the applicator:
dip the applicator rod into the dye mixture several times, until it is completely covered with product.
The applicator is essentially identical to that used for applying mascara. If you already know how to apply mascara, you shouldn't have any problems. Just dip the applicator into the dye and use it the same way

Step 6. Comb the lashes with the dye
Use the applicator to dye the upper and lower lashes of both eyes. Repeat the operation and touch up the areas not completely covered by the dye if necessary.
- Perform the steps in front of a mirror.
- Start with the upper lashes. Comb the upper and lower lashes.
- Squint your eyes slightly to pass the dye onto your lower lashes.
- Try to get as close to the roots as possible.
- Please, take your time and keep your fingers still. If it comes into contact with the eyes, the dye can itch and irritate them slightly. If this happens, immediately wash your eyes with clean water.

Step 7. Clean the skin of any dye smears
Use a clean cotton swab to wipe the blemishes off your face.
Proceed carefully to avoid smudging on your lashes

Step 8. Remove excess dye
Let the dye work for 15-20 minutes. After that, wash off the excess dye with warm water and dab with a cotton swab.
- Dip the cotton in warm water, close your eyes and clean your lash line. Rinse and repeat three or four times.
- If your eyes still sting, close them again and continue rinsing them for a couple of times.
- With a clean, dry cotton swab, blot the area and touch up any patches.

Step 9. Repeat the procedure every two months
These dyes last from 30 to 45 days. If you like the result, you need to repeat the process after a month or two.
Method 2 of 2: Contact a Professional

Step 1. Ask your beautician for advice
Look for a salon that specializes in eyelash coloring. Talk to her and listen to any advice and recommendations, such as color choice and other issues.
- The procedure is relatively straightforward and takes around 20 minutes, but you should still inquire first and make an appointment.
- Not all hairdressing salons are equipped for this type of operation. They need to be stocked with lash-specific equipment and dyes, because hair dyes are too aggressive. Professional eyelash dyes are plant-based and semi-permanent.
- To avoid taking any chances, visit a specialist salon that uses only these semi-permanent plant-based products. A salon that claims to use permanent eyelash dye probably has non-compliant products.

Step 2. Undergo the preparation work
The beautician will seat you at the station and apply petroleum jelly around the perimeter of the eyes. He will also place a protective pad under the lower eyelid.
Vaseline and tampons are used to prevent dye stains on the skin

Step 3. Close your eyes to allow the beautician to apply the dye
Unless otherwise indicated, close your eyes at the beginning of the procedure. The beautician will mix the dye and apply it to the lashes.
Avoid opening your eyes while applying the dye, unless your beautician asks for it. Even a professional can accidentally hit the eye with the dye if you suddenly open it

Step 4. Let the dye work
It takes about seven minutes. After that, the beautician is likely to do a second pass. If this happens, you will need to wait another seven minutes for the dye to work.

Step 5. Cleaning
The beautician will remove the swabs from the eyes and clean the area with moistened cotton. This way the petroleum jelly and excess dye will be removed.
The beautician is likely to give you a saline solution for the eyes. The saline solution will make your eyes water and will ensure a deep cleansing, eliminating any residual dye left inside

Step 6. Arrange the next appointment with the beautician
Salon lash dyes are also semi-permanent. If you want to keep this look, you will have to come back after four to six weeks.
- Ask yourself if it's worth it. Dyeing your lashes does not make them appear longer or thicker. Sure, it makes them darker and it's a nice thing for those with light natural colored lashes.
- To prolong the color, avoid using oil-based moisturizers, cleansers, or wipes. These products can fade the color.
- You can apply mascara to tinted lashes if you wish, although it shouldn't be necessary.
- Permanent eyelash dyes are not approved by American FDA legislation and are known to cause problems such as granulomas (inflamed eye tissue) and contact dermatitis (rash).
- If you wear contact lenses, remove them before the procedure.
- Avoid using eyelash dyes if you've had any cases of allergic reactions to henna or hair dye before.