How to keep fit with the gym: 10 steps

How to keep fit with the gym: 10 steps
How to keep fit with the gym: 10 steps

Table of contents:


Have you ever realized that most of the people you see at the gym don't really train? Someone walks on the treadmill reading a book, others chat while waiting to be able to do another set, and, of course, hogging the machine. And what about those who, even though they always go to the gym, certainly don't look like trained people? Here's how to avoid becoming like this!


Get Fit in the Gym Step 1
Get Fit in the Gym Step 1

Step 1. Log in

Forget the tiredness you feel: the gym should be a must at least two or three times a week. It doesn't matter what time you go. Maybe try to train before you go home. And it makes the work-out become a healthy habit.

Get Fit in the Gym Step 2
Get Fit in the Gym Step 2

Step 2. Warm up on the elliptical for about 10 minutes

Get Fit in the Gym Step 3
Get Fit in the Gym Step 3

Step 3. At the beginning, you don't necessarily have to complete the canonical three series

A set of 10 or 20 repetitions is sufficient. The execution of the exercises, however, should be flawless. Vary your routine so you don't get bored.

Get Fit in the Gym Step 4
Get Fit in the Gym Step 4

Step 4. Use only six to nine machines, for no more than 20-30 minutes

DO NOT take breaks between one machine and another. Use them in place of free weights, especially if you're starting out.

Get Fit in the Gym Step 5
Get Fit in the Gym Step 5

Step 5. Alternate upper body, core and leg exercises

Get Fit in the Gym Step 6
Get Fit in the Gym Step 6

Step 6. Work the major muscle groups

The arms will train indirectly with the exercises for the chest, back and shoulders. Lift the weights slowly. If you are in a hurry, inertia will take over and you will not work the muscle completely.

Get Fit in the Gym Step 7
Get Fit in the Gym Step 7

Step 7. Jump on the elliptical for 10-20 minutes and add another 5-20 minutes of treadmill

Try to sweat it out and not be distracted by other activities (such as reading), which may slow you down. Once you've determined a routine, insert intense segments that last a couple of minutes. Rest for a few minutes and stretch. If you're planning on doing more cardio, take it easy.

Get Fit in the Gym Step 8
Get Fit in the Gym Step 8

Step 8. Give yourself a few minutes in the pool or sauna

Get Fit in the Gym Step 9
Get Fit in the Gym Step 9

Step 9. At home, follow a proper diet

Eat more fruits and vegetables and avoid foods that are too fatty. Don't overdo it with protein bars and drinks like Gatorade.

Get Fit in the Gym Step 10
Get Fit in the Gym Step 10

Step 10. On your free days, walk for about 20 minutes and use the stairs instead of the elevator


  • Breathe as you exercise. For example, when sitting on the press, exhale as you push forward and inhale bringing the weight towards you.
  • Do not hold your breath. This will unnecessarily raise your blood pressure.
  • If you can't, use less weight. In case you feel all light after four reps, add a weight. Remember that if you don't feel resistance, you won't get much results. Women should not be afraid of "bulging" with weights, indeed, doing this type of exercise slims and tones.
  • Muscles are denser than fat, so don't get obsessed with the scale and use the centimeter more as an assessment tool.
  • Be patient and gradually move on to the new weights. Consistency is the key.
  • Vary your routine so you don't get bored. He also practices other activities, such as swimming, tennis, etc.
  • If you hate working out alone, go to the gym with a friend.
  • Remember that this routine is not suitable for professional athletes or "gym rats". These tips are designed for those who have recently approached fitness. In any case, it is better to train more than once a week for an hour and maintain a certain balance than to feel obliged to do it for many hours once in a while.
  • Try to have a positive mental attitude and focus on your goals. If you get off the road, get back there right away.
  • Are you over 40? Take supplements, but in moderation. If you are in good health, a multivitamin will be more than enough. Powdered ones are generally better than single capsules.


  • If you have weight problems or other ailments, consult a doctor before going to the gym. Be patient to avoid getting hurt, don't give up, and set short-term goals that are rational.
  • When you try a new car and you don't know how it works, ask the instructor.
  • Spray antiseptic spray on the machines before and after use.
  • Among the machines for aerobic exercise, opt for the treadmill and the stationary bike, especially at the beginning.
