Ten pounds is a lot to lose in just two weeks. While surgery and diet pills are the options of choice for many people to lose so much weight fast, making changes to your diet and lifestyle can be just as effective and much, much healthier. It is important to note that a diet that can make you lose so much weight is by no means conventional and you should speak to your doctor before trying it.
You should also know that, it is not possible to lose 10 pounds in two weeks without putting your health at risk.
Part 1 of 3: Changing Your Diet

Step 1. Start drinking water only
Water purifies your body, expelling excess toxins, and facilitating weight loss. Also, water has no calories, making it a better choice than sugary sodas. In fact, if you can only drink water, it will be easier to lose weight. If you crave something tastier from time to time, drink some unsweetened tea.
- You should always adhere to this advice, except before workouts. In those moments you can treat yourself to a cup of coffee. The caffeine boost will allow you to train more intensely.
- Drinking water can speed up your metabolism and make you feel fuller. Recent studies have shown that drinking two glasses of cold water can speed up your metabolism by 40% for 15-20 minutes. Study participants lost 7.5 kg in three months, largely drinking only water.

Step 2. Eliminate junk foods from your diet
Eliminate them entirely. Those who follow a normal diet can usually indulge in breaking the rules without suffering serious repercussions. Those who have more extreme and short-term weight loss goals (like this one) should avoid them completely.
- Stay away from fatty and greasy foods and those that are high in sugar. All foods that are fried, covered in chocolate, packaged, or loaded with sugar are to be avoided.
- Make sure you read the labels. Yogurt and granola bars can also contain a lot of sugar. While many people consider these foods to be healthy, they are in fact not.

Step 3. Avoid white carbs
Foods like pasta and biscuits are high in simple carbohydrates, which are nothing more than incognito sugars. These little enemies cause insulin levels to rise, increasing fat deposits, and consequently making us gain weight. To reduce your blood sugar spikes, cut out processed carbohydrates - rice, bread, and potatoes, as well as cookies, cakes, donuts, chips and ice cream.
- You may even be able to eliminate carbohydrates altogether. Let's face it: losing 10 kilos in two weeks is a titanic undertaking. To send your body into ketosis, which is the state in which it consumes fat and not glycogen stores (which are depleted), you will need to follow a very low or carbohydrate-free diet. In addition to not eating sweets, you will need to avoid starchy vegetables (potatoes, pumpkins, carrots), whole grains (quinoa and brown rice), and sugary fruits, such as bananas, oranges, and apples.
- Furthermore, if you are hungry, the likelihood of falling into temptation will be even higher. Always eating healthy, dietary foods will help you curb cravings. When you are fuller, you can make better decisions.

Step 4. Eat "negative calorie" foods
Whether there really are negative calorie foods has not yet been clarified. According to the theory, some foods require so much energy to digest that eating them allows you to burn more calories than they contain. Even if you don't burn calories from these foods, you certainly won't get a lot of them.
- As for vegetables, eat more asparagus, beets, broccoli, cavalo, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, garlic, green beans, lettuce, onions, radicchio, spinach, courgettes and turnips.
- For fruit, go for blueberries, cantaloupes, cranberries, grapefruits, cantaloupe, lemons, limes, oranges, mangoes, papayas, raspberries, strawberries, tomatoes, mandarins, and watermelon.

Step 5. Choose leaner proteins and stock up on veggies
Instead of beef and pork, go for leaner meats like chicken or fish. Eating fish is especially beneficial because fatty acids from fish provide the body with the beneficial oils it needs, and can help you control cravings for fatty or greasy foods.
For vegetables, don't limit yourself. Fill up for breakfast, lunch and dinner. They are nutritious, generally low in calories and sugar (no potatoes) and make you feel full. They are the fastest way to lose weight

Step 6. Consider extreme diets very carefully
You need to know that extreme diets can work in the short term. If you are looking to lose weight very quickly and don't mind getting it back, an extreme diet may be for you. However, remember that, in general, they are not healthy and their effects do not last long.
One of the most common extreme diets right now is called "juicing," which is a juice-only diet. Another popular diet is the Master Cleanse - both are based on liquid foods. These diets offer quick results, but are very difficult to follow and cannot be sustained for long. If you are desperate, gather information about it, but always use common sense and above all, always consult your doctor before starting
Part 2 of 3: Changing Your Eating Habits

Step 1. Don't skip meals
Even if you are tempted to skip breakfast or not eat for a day, you should hold on and not do it. Prolonged fasting can lead to decreased muscle mass and other health problems, but it can also make weight loss more difficult. When the human body doesn't get enough nutrition, it automatically starts storing calories by slowing down the metabolism. You may notice significant weight loss in the first few days, but by the end of the two weeks, you will likely get it all back.
The exception to this rule is a highly controlled intermittent fasting plan. With this diet, you won't have to eat anything for 8-24 hours, and then eat a specific amount of calories. While this diet can be effective, only use it on the advice of your doctor. If you don't follow it correctly, you could increase the body's tendency to accumulate fat

Step 2. Don't eat after a certain time
Many people are successful on an hourly diet. In this type of diet you will have to decide not to eat after a certain time, for example after 8 pm. Eating at night is often very harmful for most people, because the TV is on and friends are eating too. This sacrifice can be emotionally difficult, but it is very helpful.
You may need to give yourself a break from the rule. You decide to stick to this advice only five or six days a week. Go out with friends from time to time, but don't overdo it. Limit yourself to a glass of wine and a light dish

Step 3. Calculate the calories
The idea that it all depends on calories is slowly becoming outdated. The reality is that everyone's body is different and not all calories are the same. Plus, counting calories is difficult. That said, they are a great general guideline. For the purpose of this diet, manage your calories throughout the day. If you've managed to contain a lot, treat yourself to an extra piece of dark chocolate or chicken breast. Don't overdo it, but don't deprive yourself of everything.
You should balance the calories you burn with those you consume. In other words, the more you train, the more you can eat. You will lose weight if you burn more calories than you ingest. On average, a person has to burn 3,500 calories more than they take in to burn 0.5 kg. To lose 10 pounds in two weeks, you will need to lose just over 700g per day. This means burning about 5,000 more calories than you eat per day. Yeah, really very difficult

Step 4. Learn how to control portions
It doesn't just matter what you eat, but also how much. Even the healthiest foods should be eaten in moderation. Start by using smaller plates and cutlery and not taking an encore. Respect the portions on nutrition labels and look for information on any foods you have doubts about.
It is important to control portions especially when snacking. To keep a handful of nuts from turning into a package, measure your snacks before eating them. This way, when you are hungry, you can take a portion already weighed and contain yourself. You know exactly how much you eat

Step 5. Consider introducing a session where you don't stick to the diet
Intermittent cycles of fasting and calorie burning are becoming increasingly popular. These diets are based on the principle that getting the body to take in a lot of calories is useful, because it prevents the body from slowing down the metabolism too much. A week into your diet, give yourself a day to eat more - it might help you be successful.
If this diet lasted longer, you should give yourself a full day to eat whatever you want. However, it may be best to limit yourself to an hour or two during this 14-day period. So for 60 minutes one day a week, go for it. Once the hour is over, however, you will have to go back to your diet

Step 6. Eat more often
Make sure you interpret this advice well; eat more often, not more. Think of it this way; if you can only eat 5 pieces of celery a day (just one example), you shouldn't eat them all for breakfast. You will need to eat them at different times of the day to avoid being hungry. You will trick your stomach into feeling fuller.
Many healthy diets recommend snacking, and for good reason - they speed up your metabolism and allow you to avoid excesses during main meals. Make smaller meals so you can put in some extra calories for snacks. In two weeks, your body and your motives will thank you
Part 3 of 3: Changing Your Lifestyle

Step 1. Start cooking
The only real way to truly control every nutrient and calorie that enters your body is to cook for yourself. Even though every restaurant today offers healthy dishes, you never know what is hidden in the salad dressing or what kind of oil is used to cook the vegetables. It is best to cook on your own to be able to fully control each bite.
This way you can use healthier oils, such as olive oil, avoid butter, sugar and salt (one of the main causes of water retention) and also control the portions. Plus, you can also fatten up your wallet

Step 2. Make a note of what you eat and when you exercise
If the changes in your life are permanent, taking note of everything may only demotivate you. But since it's only 14 days, it's doable. Keeping a journal will help you notice moments of weakness and strength, and track your progress - a wonderful feeling. I am proof of your good work.
You can do this manually with a food diary, or you could take advantage of technology and one of the many weight management apps available. Many help you count calories, carbohydrates, fats and proteins, and also take physical activity into account

Step 3. Make a commitment
It may seem trivial to you, but one of the most important elements of successful weight loss is to commit to your goal. This is especially important for short-term diets like this one. You can't afford a "vacation" day from your diet or training program. When you have decided to go this route, you will have to work hard until the last day.
It will be easier if you talk about your plan with other people, or if you find someone to follow the diet with you. It will make you feel more responsible and you will have someone to eat healthily with, work out and… complain

Step 4. Do several hours of medium or high intensity physical activity each day
The best way to burn calories is physical activity. If your body is already used to medium intensity activity, you may want to give your training an extra boost by alternating medium and intense activity throughout the day. If you are not used to it, you should limit yourself to medium intensity activity. Either way, make sure you take plenty of breaks and always rehydrate with plenty of water.
- High-intensity activities, such as running, cycling, swimming, aerobics, basketball, and weight lifting, allow you to burn between 400 and 600 calories per hour.
- Medium-intensity activities, such as hiking, light gardening, dancing, golf, slow cycling, and walking, burn between 200 and 400 calories per hour. Get at least 30 minutes of physical activity two to three times a week.

Step 5. Take advantage of even the small opportunities to train
If you are watching your favorite show, take advantage of the commercials to do some bending. When you wash the dishes, dance. Go through the hallway doing lunges. It may seem silly to you, but all these little things make a difference, and will allow you to have a leaner waist and more toned muscles.
Even if you're busy, find ways to kill two birds with one stone. Take the dog for a walk on a longer path, park away from the store where you need to shop, clean the house with some extra effort, and wash your car yourself. Life gives you plenty of opportunities to exercise

Step 6. Sleep through the night
The human body cannot function properly without sleep. Sleep gives your body a chance to rest, returning to optimal conditions and allowing you to burn calories and lose weight. In order to lose a lot of weight in a short time, you should make sure you get between seven and eight hours of sleep every night.
This advice is not only based on common sense, but sleep also allows you to regulate hormones and prevent hunger. So sleeping will not only allow you not to eat, but also not to eat when you wake up
- Cardiovascular activity is a great form of exercise. Running or dancing for a couple of hours a day can work wonders.
- For your diet to take effect, you will need to train a lot. It will seem tough at first, but you will get used to it over time.
- Take photos to evaluate your progress. Looking in the mirror every day you may not notice big differences, but by comparing photos, you can see the results.
- Plan your meals.
- Keep thinking about what you will look like at the end of the diet so as not to lose motivation.
- Train when you feel most active!
- You can purchase or download mobile phone applications that can help you keep track of your water consumption, meals, and physical activity. This will help you stay focused on your weight loss goals and identify areas for improvement.
- Post photos of celebrities or models with the body you would like in the pantry, on the fridge, and on top of junk food packages. This way, whenever you feel like opening the pantry to eat some chips, you will see a photo of a thin person, who will persuade you to drink a glass of water.
- Do not fast as you will weaken your body, and as soon as you start eating again you will regain all the weight lost! Follow a healthy diet. You will have to eat to lose weight.
- Tell someone about your schedule. Ask him to work out or diet with you. It may sound silly, but your pride and willingness not to disappoint another person will give you the right motivation.