Going on a diet and losing 7 kg in 3 weeks is possible, but it takes commitment and perseverance. Experts consider this an unhealthy goal, as to lose weight quickly you will need to follow a highly low calorie diet that will cause you to lose fluids and muscle mass, not unnecessary fat. Losing a pound or a pound a week is a healthier and more sustainable option, but it still requires consistency in following a diet with a limited number of calories. Regardless of your ideal body weight, you will need to be careful about what and how much you eat. Find ways to burn more calories and make some lifestyle changes to lose weight in a healthier way.
Method 1 of 3: Reduce Calories

Step 1. Maintain your fill of vegetables
Vegetables are low in calories, but plenty of vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants that give you a sense of satiety and keep you healthy. You should eat at least 3 servings a day. Look for an online table that tells you what the recommended amount is for each variety of raw and cooked vegetables. Try to eat different colored vegetables every day to have access to a wide range of nutrients.
Start your meal with vegetables and only then move on to higher calorie foods, such as carbohydrates and proteins. This way, you will be able to feel full by consuming fewer calories

Step 2. Include a source of lean protein in every meal
Protein contributes to muscle development which in turn helps you burn more calories throughout the day. Reserve 15-20% of the foods that make up your diet for lean proteins.
- Lean protein sources include egg whites, fish, chicken, and cuts of red meat with less fat.
- Plant-based sources of protein you can eat to help build lean muscle mass include tofu, tempeh, seitan, beans, peas, and lentils.

Step 3. Reduce your carbohydrate intake and go for whole grains that are high in fiber
Ditch refined white pasta, bread and rice to switch to the wholemeal version of each flour and grain based food. Whole carbohydrates contain more fiber, so they make you feel full for longer.
- Experts recommend eating 300 grams of whole carbohydrates per day in a diet that provides 2,000 calories (45-65% of the total calorie intake). However, if you want to lose weight quickly, it is best to set a limit around 50-150 grams per day.
- Over the next few weeks, replace your sandwiches with lettuce wraps and traditional spaghetti with squash or courgette to cut down on your carbohydrate intake.

Step 4. Choose healthy and monounsaturated fats
For the next 3 weeks, you will need to learn to feel full with fewer calories, and in that, fat can help you. The fats tell the brain that the stomach is full, and they also contain the essential omega 3 acids that help the body burn unnecessary fat. What matters is knowing how to distinguish healthy fats from those harmful to health. In the kitchen, instead of using butter or lard, choose healthier alternatives such as extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil.
- Sources of healthy fats that provide the body with omega-3s also include avocados, flax seeds, chia seeds, nuts (and spreads made from nuts).
- Since the sources of healthy fats are not low-calorie, it is good to set limits. For example, you can use 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil a day or eat 2 tablespoons of your favorite spread (for example of almonds or hazelnuts).

Step 5. Eat only when you are hungry and prefer whole, natural foods
Snacking between meals helps you have more energy and naturally speed up your metabolism, so it's a good habit to adopt over the next 3 weeks. If you are not sure if you are hungry, try drinking a glass of water and wait 5 minutes to see if you feel more vital. When you are really hungry, fill up with fresh or dried fruit, avoiding snacks, chips or crackers. Try not to exceed the threshold of 100 calories which correspond to:
- 1 serving of fruit (one large apple, one banana or two small oranges);
- 15-19 almonds;
- 13-14 cashews;
- 5 pecans;
- 28 pistachios.

Step 6. Hydrate your body with the right drinks
Eliminate fizzy drinks, energy drinks and cocktails that are very high in calories and sugars. Drink water, tea and coffee (without adding milk or sugar) to avoid getting what are called "empty calories".
- Remember that alcoholic beverages are high in calories. When you feel like drinking with friends, opt for a light beer, a glass of wine or a smooth spirit with ice. Remember to drink in moderation, which means no more than one drink a day if you are a woman or two drinks if you are a man.
- Coffee has been shown to speed up your metabolism, so feel free to drink it in the morning or before your daily workout to give you a boost. Do not exceed the dose of 4 cups a day (or 400 mg of caffeine) to avoid suffering from anxiety, insomnia or digestive problems.

Step 7. Reduce your sodium intake for the next 3 weeks
Sodium causes the body to retain fluids, as a result it makes you fat and bloated. Try not to use salt during your diet weeks, so avoid ready-to-eat foods and snacks that are rich in it. When cooking, flavor your dishes with spices and herbs, such as chilli, cumin and garlic.
Frozen foods (even seemingly healthy ones), savory snacks, ready-made soups, and condiments all have a high sodium content. Read the nutrition labels of packaged foods and be careful not to exceed the threshold of 1,500 mg of sodium per day

Step 8. Treat yourself to something you enjoy once every 7-10 days, but don't overdo the quantities
You may have thought that you have to give up on sweets for 3 whole weeks to be able to lose 7 kg, but this way you would risk feeling frustrated and more inclined to give up. Once a week you can give yourself a reward for your efforts, but be careful with the quantities and not to choose something excessively caloric.
- Enjoy a square of dark chocolate (with a cocoa percentage of at least 70%) once a week (maximum) to fill up on antioxidants and minerals that are good for your health.
- Satisfy your sweet tooth with frozen fruit (e.g. bananas or blueberries) instead of cakes or biscuits. If you want, you can make banana ice cream, it is much healthier than traditional ice cream, but just as delicious and also has a good fiber content.
Method 2 of 3: Burn More Calories

Step 1. Do at least 45-60 minutes of aerobic exercise 5-6 times a week
You can run, bike or walk briskly to burn extra calories every day. Even though what matters most is what you eat, exercising allows you to speed up your metabolism and keep your body in a state where it burns calories even when at rest.
- Alternate between a low-intensity type of physical activity (which helps you burn unnecessary fat) and an activity done at a vigorous pace. For example, you can run on Mondays, brisk walking long distances on Tuesdays, brisk aerobics on Wednesdays, and so on.
- Use the interval training technique (HIIT) to burn more calories in less time when you work out. For example, when running, do 60-second sprints every 3-5 minutes.

Step 2. Work out with weights 3 times a week to build lean muscle mass
Lifting weights allows both to strengthen the muscles and to increase the metabolic rate. At the end of the three weeks, you will feel good and have a stronger and more toned body.
- If you are a woman and don't want to look too muscular, use light weights and increase the number of repetitions.
- Train legs and arms every other day. For example, work your lower half body muscles on Mondays, core and arm muscles on Tuesdays, take a day off on Wednesdays, and train your legs again on Thursdays.
- Alternatively, you can work out all your muscles every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and let them rest on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and over the weekend.

Step 3. Over the next 3 weeks, stay active throughout the day
Get to work on foot or by bike. If the distance doesn't allow it, at least park several blocks away and then walk. In the morning and evening, try to incorporate 30 minutes of walking or 15 minutes of cycling into the commute from home to work and back again. Don't count them in the recommended 45 minutes of physical activity, consider them an extra bonus towards achieving your goal.
- Use the stairs instead of the elevator.
- Work on the computer while standing instead of sitting.
- Do sit-ups while watching television or waiting for dinner to be ready.

Step 4. Give yourself 1-2 days off per week
Since you want to lose at least 2 kg per week, take a couple of days off at most and try not to be too sedentary during those days. For example, you can do 15-30 minutes of light activity, such as yoga or Pilates, or you can walk, swim, or do some aerobics at a slow pace.
Take a long walk outdoors (choose a route that includes ups and downs if possible) or practice yoga for 30 minutes following an online class

Step 5. Exercise with a friend or sign up for a group class for the opportunity to have fun while exercising
See the list of courses available in the gym for the next 3 weeks. You can try something completely new to feel more stimulated. Among the new proposals available in many gyms are the boot camp, the bar method, the power yoga and the body pump. Alternatively, you can choose a more classic discipline such as aerobics. Find a training partner to have fun and motivate each other.
Generally, gym classes last from 30 to 60 minutes (depending on intensity and goals). Courses that include both aerobic and strength exercises are best suited to achieving your goal
Method 3 of 3: Improving the Lifestyle

Step 1. Involve the family or roommates
It's hard to diet when you live with people who don't share your goals. By encouraging family members to eat healthier and stay active, you will have a much better chance of success.
If you fail to do this, at least set limits. For example, cook your own meals regardless of what others eat and ask them not to take home fast food or other junk food

Step 2. Keep a food diary or download an app to help you keep track of how many calories you eat each day
Recording everything you eat is a very effective way to get a clear overview of how many calories you eat. It will help you to be more responsible and disciplined, so as not to eat mechanically or distractedly during the 3 week diet. Download a special app on your mobile or always keep a small diary or notebook at hand to be able to record everything you eat or drink even when you are away from home.
- For example My Fitness Pal is an app that helps you track your diet and exercise.
- Also download one of the many free apps designed to help you make wiser choices when you go grocery shopping. It will help you create the most suitable shopping list based on your goals.

Step 3. Eat consciously for the next 3 weeks
Paying close attention to what and how you eat will help you slow down during meals, feel more satisfied, and avoid overeating. Eat slowly, chew each bite for a long time, paying attention to textures and flavors.
- Avoid any kind of distraction when sitting at the table. Turn off your mobile phone, television, computer and radio.
- Place the fork on the plate every 2-3 bites and slowly sip some water to slow down the pace of the meal and promote digestion.

Step 4. Be careful not to cut calories too much to ensure your body has all the necessary nutrients
When you limit calories, you also reduce the amount of nutrients, so be careful not to overdo it. During the 3-week diet, make sure you don't go below the 1,200 calorie daily threshold if you are a woman or 1,500 if you are a man, to avoid putting your health at risk.
Beyond this limit you would be at risk of malnutrition. You would also end up feeling noticeably frustrated, easily irritable, and the temptation to give up your good intentions to binge

Step 5. Moderate your portions over the next 3 weeks
To lose weight it is essential to resize the portions. When cooking or ordering at a restaurant, be careful about the quantities. When dining out, ask the waiter to pack half a serving for takeout (or bring a container with you). Measure the portions using your hand.
- Cooked veggies, dry grains, chopped or whole fruit - you can eat 1 handful of them.
- Cheese: You can eat a quantity as large as your index finger.
- Pasta or rice: you can eat an amount equal to one palm.
- Protein: You can eat a palm-sized amount.
- Fat: You can eat as much as your thumb.

Step 6. Practice intermittent fasting a few days a week
It is a type of fasting that is useful for reducing calories, losing fat, and as an added benefit, it helps you lower your cholesterol. Plan your meals for the day within an 8-hour window and practice intermittent fasting 1 to 4 days a week.
- For example, have breakfast at 10:00 am and finish dinner by 6:00 pm or have breakfast at 11:00 am and stop eating by 7:00 pm in the evening. Pay attention to how you feel during and after your fast, then adjust the frequency of meals according to your schedule.
- Keep in mind that skipping meals can cause the body to go into starvation, where it will intentionally store fat and burn fewer calories. That's why it's important to have 4-5 small meals in the 8-hour window you can eat.

Step 7. Drink plenty of water to prevent swelling and dehydration
When exercising, it is essential to drink more water than usual to replenish the fluids lost through sweating. Remember that when you are in a state of dehydration, your body automatically tends to retain the fluids it has available, so while it may seem illogical you have to drink more water to accumulate less. Water promotes the expulsion of excess salt as well as that of liquids, so the body deflates.
To find out how much water you need to drink, divide your body weight by 3. For example, if you weigh 90 kg, you need to drink 3 liters of water a day

Step 8. Get 7-8 hours of sleep a night
Lack of sleep negatively impacts metabolism and stress hormones, resulting in the body storing more calories. Also, when you don't get enough sleep, you tend to feel hungrier and attracted to foods high in fat and sugar. If you have trouble falling asleep, try promoting sleep:
- Listening to relaxing instrumental music;
- Turning off the TV, computer and mobile phone half an hour before going to bed;
- Drinking a cup of chamomile or herbal tea (for example lavender and ginger promote relaxation);
- Meditating or doing breathing exercises.
- Drink a glass of water before meals to fill part of the stomach.
- Keep in mind that much of the weight lost during the 3 weeks is due to the loss of fluids. You will need to adopt a healthy and balanced diet to maintain your weight over the long term.
- Don't expect to lose weight consistently every week. Generally, the decline is most conspicuous during the first two weeks, after which weight loss tends to slow down or stop. You can counteract the so-called plateau effect with interval training and regular strength training sessions.
- Consult a nutritionist to limit calories in a healthy way.
- Find a personal trainer to help you stay consistent and motivated.
- Stop exercising if you feel pain, short of breath, or feel dizzy.
- Talk to your doctor before making any major changes to your diet or sports activity.