How to Lose Weight in Two Weeks (with Pictures)

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How to Lose Weight in Two Weeks (with Pictures)
How to Lose Weight in Two Weeks (with Pictures)

Sooner or later in life, almost all people come to wish they could get back into shape quickly. Unfortunately, however, losing weight quickly isn't easy at all. The reasons for this complexity are numerous: the main one is that the human body has not been programmed to lose weight quickly. Losing weight suddenly means compromising your metabolism, thus boycotting your own goals. In addition to this, in the presence of any existing disorders or diseases, in particular affecting the metabolic process, rapid weight loss can seriously endanger the health of the whole body. If you want to lose weight quickly you must therefore act with caution, constantly monitoring your general well-being. With the right precautions and a good dose of determination, you will still be able to achieve the weight you want.


Part 1 of 3: Follow a Healthy Diet

Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 1
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 1

Step 1. Drink lots of water

Drinking plenty of water promotes the weight loss process. In fact, water facilitates the elimination of toxins and keeps the digestive system active and regular: fundamental conditions for being able to lose weight. Furthermore, if you intend to exercise to further facilitate the loss of unwanted pounds, it is important that the body is always properly hydrated.

  • A hydrated body has the energy and stamina to stay active and motivated.
  • Drinking plenty of water is essential if you want to exercise to lose weight.
  • Water helps you have regular bowel movements, which in turn allows you to lose weight and enjoy good health.
  • Multiply your weight by 40 to determine how much water you should be drinking approximately each day. For example, if you weigh 60 kg, do the following calculation: 60 (kg) x 40 (ml) = 2400 ml of water, which is almost two and a half liters per day. When exercising, add 350ml of water for every 30 minutes of training.
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 2
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 2

Step 2. Reduce your carbohydrate intake

This is a great way to further promote weight loss. The body breaks down carbohydrates very quickly, inducing the feeling of hunger again in a short time. They also make it tend to store fat. Both of these factors are counterproductive when it comes to losing weight. Eliminating carbohydrates completely from your diet is very difficult, so just try to cut back on them rather than mind not eating them at all.

  • Don't overdo the bread.
  • Limit the amount of grains.
  • Eat rice, corn, and potatoes occasionally.
  • Be cautious. A diet that is too low in carbohydrates can be harmful to your health, especially if you have certain medical conditions. Do not limit your consumption for a very long period without first talking to your doctor.
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 3
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 3

Step 3. Choose lean proteins

They are an excellent ally for all those who wish to lose weight quickly. The reason is that, to process them, the body uses more energy than it uses to break down carbohydrates. In practice, you will be able to burn more calories without making any effort. In addition to this, proteins give a prolonged sense of satiety. Here is a list of excellent protein ingredients:

  • Fish.
  • Lean red meats with few fat parts.
  • Venison or other game meat.
  • Any variety of meat or low-fat protein foods.
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 4
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 4

Step 4. Increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables

Eating more vegetables can help you lose weight faster. Fruits and vegetables allow you to feel full for a long time; it will therefore be easier to manage hunger under control. Last but not least, both are rich in micronutrients that are essential for the health of the body. The fibers contained in vegetables also promote regular bowel movements. In conclusion, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can help you lose weight. Here are some helpful tips:

  • When planning your meals, expect half of your plate to contain vegetables.
  • If you're in the mood for a snack, opt for raw vegetables, such as carrots, cherry tomatoes, or celery.
  • If you need or want to eat a sandwich, add vegetables like spinach or sliced cucumbers and peppers.
  • Apples, berries, bananas and other fruits are a nutritious and tasty snack.
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 5
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 5

Step 5. Reduce your sugar intake

Many foods contain natural sugars that are beneficial to the health of the body, for example dairy products, vegetables, fruits and grains; others are harmful to the body. Choose to eliminate the latter, avoiding, for example, baked cakes, sugary cereals, industrial fruit juices, carbonated drinks and candies. The following tips can prove to be very useful:

  • Stop adding sugar to coffee or breakfast cereals.
  • Read the labels carefully. Many packaged products contain significant amounts of added sugars, sometimes even the most unsuspected ones, such as ready-made sauces, sauces and energizing drinks.
  • Remember that sugar can be hidden behind many names. It may be referred to on labels as corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, maltose, sucrose, or dextrose.
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 6
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 6

Step 6. Reduce your sodium (salt) consumption

Temporarily decreasing your salt intake can help you lose weight. Sodium causes the body to retain fluids. Water is the main component of the human body, accounting for about 55-60% of its weight. During the two-week diet, do your best to minimize the amount of salt you eat. Here are some helpful tips:

  • Don't salt your dishes. Season them with spices and herbs when needed.
  • Try your best to avoid packaged foods - they all contain a lot of sodium.
  • If you really need to eat a canned or ready-made food, opt for the low sodium version.
  • Ready-made dressings and sauces tend to be high in sodium. Try to avoid them or minimize their consumption.
  • In addition to facilitating the weight loss process, reducing sodium consumption improves the health of the whole body.
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 7
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 7

Step 7. Avoid alcoholic beverages

By consuming an alcoholic beverage, you consume a large number of calories, often without even realizing it. During the diet period, do what you can to avoid alcohol. If in some particular situations you can't help but drink, choose wisely. Here are some guidelines:

  • A portion of liqueur provides about 100 calories, a glass of wine about 120 calories, a beer is equivalent to about 150 calories.
  • Choose a cocktail with a simple recipe. The mixed drinks are prepared with numerous liqueurs and syrups, consequently they are more caloric than, for example, a simple vodka tonic.
  • Opt for a spritz made with white wine and seltzer.
  • Taste a fortified wine, it has a full and aromatic flavor and contains no added sugars.
  • Choose a light beer for a less caloric version of the classic one.
  • Avoid cocktails that require the rim of the glass to be sweetened.
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 8
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 8

Step 8. Reduce the number of calories you eat

It will most likely be sufficient to make small changes to effectively decrease your daily calorie intake. For example, slightly moderating portions, avoiding high-fat foods, and cutting out sources of extra calories (like candy, snacks, and fizzy drinks between meals) can make a big difference. Here are some helpful hints:

  • If you want to add milk to your tea or coffee, choose a skim or low-fat version.
  • When making your sandwiches, use mustard instead of mayonnaise.
  • Season your salads with oil, vinegar, and salt rather than using a ready-made dressing.
  • If the dish you ordered involves adding a sauce, ask for it to be served separately to measure it as you like.

Part 2 of 3: Exercise Every Day

Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 9
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 9

Step 1. Plan your daily physical activity

If you want to be able to lose weight in two weeks, you need to exercise almost every day. The best thing to do is to plan your workout times in advance. Plan to have a free hour each day to devote to physical activity. Record your appointment on your calendar, on your agenda or set a notification on your mobile - you will have to respect it as you do with any other important commitment.

Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 10
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 10

Step 2. Choose a sport that allows you to enjoy yourself

It would be very difficult to stay consistent by opting for an activity you don't like. Remember that exercise must be stimulating as well as enjoyable. The goal is to push you to challenge yourself and your limits. A cardio-type workout is the best guarantee of success, as it allows you to burn a large number of calories and speed up your metabolism.

  • For example, try walking, running, cycling, swimming or using the elliptical in the gym.
  • To lose weight, you should do about an hour of cardio exercise a day.
  • If your lifestyle has been pretty sedentary so far, start gradually. As your body becomes stronger and more resilient, you can increase the intensity and duration of your workouts.
  • Try interval training, alternating phases of intense effort with phases of less effort: it is a great way to burn more calories.
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 11
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 11

Step 3. Walk more

In addition to your daily cardio workout, try to walk more than usual every day. There is no need to schedule a walk or walk at a particular time, what you need to do is try to walk more throughout the day. In fact, walking is one of the most effective ways to keep fit - experts suggest walking at least 10,000 steps a day if you want to lose weight.

  • For example, park a few blocks away from the office or in the parking spot farthest from the supermarket.
  • When sitting at home or in the office, get up at least once an hour to take a few steps down the hall.
  • Walk in place while watching TV.
  • Use a cordless phone and walk while you talk.
  • Use the stairs instead of the elevator whenever you get the chance.
  • Try taking a few short, brisk walks to get your heart rate up and burn more calories.
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 12
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 12

Step 4. Train muscle strength

While cardio exercise is best for losing weight quickly, increasing muscle strength can help you reach your goal faster. Furthermore, having strong muscles and bones means you can count on a beautiful and healthy body even in the long term. Evaluate the following exercises:

  • Train with dumbbells. Use light loads.
  • Side pull-downs.
  • Leg raises on the bar.
  • Hammer curl.
  • Crunch.

Part 3 of 3: Changing Your Lifestyle

Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 13
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 13

Step 1. Plan a meal plan

Eating healthily requires intention and determination, it doesn't happen by accident. Those who plan to eat healthily are more likely to succeed. Here are some good tips:

  • Create a weekly schedule that includes all of your meals and snacks, then be consistent in sticking to the decisions you make. At the start of the week, shop with only the ingredients you'll need to cook for the next seven days. This way you will have no excuse to eat something different.
  • Sit down and eat right. Studies have shown that people who eat from their plate while sitting at the table consume fewer calories than those who eat standing or straight from the package.
  • Make healthy and nutritious snacks. Keep some snacks handy in your bag to make sure you always make a healthy choice.
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 14
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 14

Step 2. Cook your dishes from scratch

Eating out often means inevitably seeing your waistline rise. When you cook yourself at home, you certainly consume fewer calories. Try to prepare each dish from scratch, by doing so you will know exactly what is on your plate having the possibility to limit the bitter enemies of weight loss: sugar and salt.

  • Reduce your consumption of butter and oils.
  • Cut down on your sugar intake.
  • Instead of frying, bake your ingredients in the oven or grill.
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 15
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 15

Step 3. Watch less television

Being in front of the TV with the remote control in hand is a completely sedentary activity. Research indicates that those who watch television for 3 hours or more a day are more likely to become obese. This is an easily understandable combination: when you are sitting motionless on the sofa, in fact, you do not perform any beneficial activity for the health of the body. Furthermore, in front of the TV the tendency to consume calorie snacks straight from the package increases. When watching television, try to:

  • Get some exercise. Place the exercise bike or treadmill in a spot that allows you to watch television to enjoy your favorite show while burning calories.
  • Do push-ups and crunches during commercials.
  • Hide the remote control. Make yourself get up to change the channel. In addition to moving, you will avoid distracted zapping.
  • Keep your hands busy with a chore to avoid eating.
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 16
Lose Weight in Two Weeks Step 16

Step 4. Get enough sleep

Sleep is a very important component of health. The body is unable to recover after exercise or effectively metabolize food when it does not get enough rest. When you don't sleep well or get enough sleep, your entire system is put to the test and your goal of having a lean, healthy body is inevitably compromised.

  • Generally, teens need around 8-10 hours of sleep.
  • An adult usually needs about 7-9 hours of sleep a night.
  • Older people tend to need less sleep - around 7-8 hours a night.
  • If you haven't been getting enough sleep, consider making up for some of your lost sleep with an afternoon nap. In this case, set your alarm to make sure you don't sleep for more than an hour.
  • Lack of sleep can lead to weight gain.
  • Likewise, when you sleep too much, you risk waking up feeling sluggish and apathetic.


  • Don't skip meals, or you'll be more prone to overeating or making unhealthy choices in the hours that follow.
  • Don't skip breakfast. People who eat a good breakfast tend to consume fewer calories during the rest of the day.
  • Some studies have shown that those who lose weight consistently (at a rate of about 1 / 2-1 kg per week) tend to maintain the results achieved longer over time.


  • Stay away from pills, diet supplements, miracle herbs and any other "quick" solution to weight loss. The side effects could also be very serious.
  • Starving your body or severely limiting the variety of foods you eat can put your health at serious risk. The minimum daily calorie requirement is around 1200-1500 calories.
  • Enemas and laxatives can help you lose weight in the short term, but in the long run they could be very damaging to your health.
  • Embrace the idea of "healthy weight".
  • Many bodies and associations have established that healthy weight loss means losing 500 g to 1 kg per week.
  • During the first two weeks of the diet, you may lose up to 3-5 kg. Exceeding this threshold could seriously compromise your health.
