Many people would like to stay fit to improve their health, but for some it is difficult to train and follow a suitable diet. These simple steps will help you start a program that suits your needs that will allow you to stay fit even when you don't feel like going to the gym.
Part 1 of 3: Exercise Smartly

Step 1. Stay active
If you want to get back into shape but are too busy to go to a gym, at least keep active and energetic. There are tons of ways to do this, without necessarily taking the extra time.
- Make a commitment to take the stairs instead of taking the elevator to get to your apartment or office (if you need to reach a very high floor, divide the path between stairs and elevator).
- Choose a desk complete with treadmill or work on standing up, or swap out your regular chair with a fitness ball.
- Do a few squats while waiting for your food to cook.

Step 2. Do aerobic exercise
In aerobic exercise, the heart rate rises more. An aerobic workout improves your body's ability to cope with physical exertion and increases your health. Aerobic training will also help you lose any unnecessary weight if that were your goal, but it will still be an indispensable ally for anyone looking to get back in shape.
- You can opt for cycling, it's a great way to train and be outdoors.
- You can choose the run, it is a simple and completely free exercise!
- You can go swimming, it is a perfect sport to train all the muscles of the body at the same time.

Step 3. Be consistent
If you want to regain your fitness, you will need to keep yourself active on a daily basis. You cannot expect results from training infrequently and effortlessly. Make a training plan and stick to it.
Find a Partner: Many studies show that it is easier to be consistent when sharing training with another person, because it pushes and supports each other
Part 2 of 3: Eating Properly

Step 1. Create a calorie deficit
If you need to lose weight to get in shape, you need to create a calorie deficit. This means that you need to take in fewer than you need to maintain your current weight so that your body is forced to start burning excess fat. Calculate how many calories are needed to maintain your current body weight and then plan for a lower daily calorie intake (normally around 2000 calories per day).

Step 2. Eliminate sugars, salt and unhealthy foods from your diet
Unhealthy sugars, salt and fats prevent you from achieving your desired fitness. Minimize the intake of these foods. Avoid sugary drinks such as fizzy drinks, and anything that contains high levels of saturated or hydrogenated fats. Go for fruit as a dessert and opt for ingredients that contain healthy fats like omega-3s (mostly found in fish and nuts).

Step 3. Feed in a balanced way
You will need to get a correct and balanced amount of protein, carbohydrates (through grains), fruits, vegetables and dairy products. Whole grains should cover about 33% of the foods you ingest daily, fruits and vegetables should account for another 33% (preferring vegetables over fruit), dairy products 15%, lean proteins 15%, and fats harmful and sugars a maximum of 4%.
- There are different types of fats, some healthy for your body, some not. You should avoid hydrogenated fats (found in many packaged snacks and baked goods) and saturated fats (beef, pork, butter). Monounsaturated fats, on the other hand, contained for example in extra virgin olive oil and avocados, and polyunsaturated fats, available in fish and nuts, are beneficial for your health.
- Beneficial whole grains include whole wheat, oats, quinoa, and brown rice.
- Beneficial fruits and vegetables include kale, broccoli, spinach, blueberries, lemons, and pears.

Step 4. Eat proper portions
Your meals should be made up of reasonable portions, to help you avoid taking in more calories than you need. Be careful not to overfill your plate, use smaller plates when in doubt. Also drink plenty of water and eat slowly to achieve a natural and beneficial sense of satiety.

Step 5. Prefer lean proteins
Protein will help you feel full and full of energy. Be careful though, high-protein foods often are high in harmful fats. So opt for lean proteins to reduce the amount of harmful fat you eat.
Lean proteins include chicken, turkey, fish, eggs and lentils
Part 3 of 3: Sample Diet and Exercise Program

Step 1. Have breakfast
To face the day with the right level of energy, balance proteins, dairy products and carbohydrates correctly. In the morning, alternate between these three breakfast examples:
- 240ml vanilla yogurt, 450g melon, 60g cooked oat flakes.
- 225 g cottage cheese or cottage cheese, 1 banana, a wholemeal brioche.
- 60 g of raw ham, 50 g of blueberries, 2 slices of toasted wholemeal bread.

Step 2. Eat for lunch
Lunch is the perfect time to take in protein (for an energy boost) and vegetables, without feeling weighed down as you go through the rest of the day. For example, alternate between these three options:
- Salad with rocket, salmon, onion and tomatoes. Season it with extra virgin olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper.
- Sandwich stuffed with chicken, tomato, carrot, cucumber and feta cheese.
- Spinach, mozzarella and tomatoes accompanied with wholemeal bread.

Step 3. Eat dinner
At dinner, opt for small portions and try to eat well in advance of the time of sleep. Having dinner just before bedtime won't give your body time to burn enough calories. Some examples of healthy dinner:
- Chicken with lemon, steamed broccoli and mashed potatoes.
- Quinoa with steamed cabbage and bacon.
- Grilled salmon and spinach salad topped with a vinaigrette.

Step 4. Indulge in snacks
Break the hunger between breakfast and lunch and between lunch and dinner with a small snack. They will help you not get hungry for the next meal by preventing the risk of you binge eating. Examples of healthy snacks include:
- Carrots and celery stalks.
- Raw vegetables and 50g of hummus.
- 1 cereal bar.

Step 5. Drink the water
Drink at least half a liter of water with each meal and another half liter during the day.

Step 6. Stay active
Climb the stairs, work on the computer in a standing position, and take a walk around the office during your lunch break.

Step 7. Exercise
Make it a goal to work out at least one hour a day. It will not be necessary to reach the required time continuously. But make sure to speed up your heart rate for at least 10 minutes at a time. Here are some examples to follow, try to do all three every day:
- When you wake up in the morning, do the plank exercise for 2 minutes, the jumping jack for 4 minutes, and the squats for 4 minutes.
- If you have the time, run for 30 minutes before going to work.
- At the end of the day, go biking (outdoors or using an exercise bike) for 30 minutes.
- Don't forget to rehydrate while exercising. Don't go too long without drinking water.
- Every single minute of exercise can make a difference. The results will not be visible immediately, but they will soon start showing.
- What doesn't challenge you doesn't change you. Encourage yourself when you feel you are about to give up. In the long run you will like the results.
- "Getting fit" doesn't necessarily mean you need to lose weight, unless that's your personal goal. One possible milestone is the improvement of general fitness and, to achieve it, you need to train and follow a correct diet.
- Don't forget to stretch before training.
- If you don't have (or don't want!) Other people to train with you, listen to audiobooks during exercises, or podcasts if you have an iPod. This way you won't feel like you're wasting time, as you can learn something useful while exercising!
- Don't train every day. You need to rest at least 2 or 3 days a week, because the body needs time to regenerate! Rest is essential for training.
- If you intend to run for a long time, don't overdo it, keep the energy needed to make the last laps.
- Set goals. For example, losing three centimeters at the hips, entering size 42, and so on. When you reach a goal, celebrate with a dinner with friends (without children!), With a day at a spa, or with a shopping spree. This way, you will have something to aspire to!
- Find other people who have an interest in such a goal. A support group is useful for supporting each other, in fact you will be more likely to follow the program knowing that other people are counting on your presence. Determine when and where to meet for training (at the gym, at someone's home, in the park, etc.).
- Be proud of yourself and the results you have achieved after working hard to achieve them!
- You have to learn what fat is exactly. The foods you eat are made up of different nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, etc.). Food is measured in calories, which is a unit of measurement of the energy that is stored by the body in the form of fat for emergencies. This fat tends to accumulate more in certain parts of the body which can vary from person to person (thighs, buttocks, hips, stomach, arms, and so on).
- Start a blog to track your progress - some find it motivating to post workout updates. Share your story, and as you gain a certain following, you will feel more motivated to continue the program to achieve your goals.
- If you train with a friend, give him your trainers and he will give you his. In this way, you will be forced to go to the gym, otherwise one of the two would be left without shoes!
- If you have a gym close to home, go to it every day and eat healthily, you will be able to lose weight!
- Remember to always warm up before starting the exercises.
- If you do not have a good physical preparation behind you, do not start immediately with an intense workout. Start gradually, without putting too much effort on it, otherwise you could run into muscle pain or even an injury.
- Never fall asleep immediately after eating.