How to Speak Basic French: 5 Steps

How to Speak Basic French: 5 Steps
How to Speak Basic French: 5 Steps

Table of contents:


French is a Romance language spoken fluently by around 175 million people around the world. Today it is used in countries around the world - Algeria, Cameroon, Canada, Central African Republic, Haiti, Lebanon, Madagascar, Martinique, Monaco, Morocco, Niger, Senegal, Tunisia, Vietnam, … - and is the official language in a total of 29 nations. It is often considered to be among the most beautiful and romantic in the world and, as a foreign language, it is the most frequently taught in the world after English.


Method 1 of 1: Speak Basic French

Speak Basic French Step 01
Speak Basic French Step 01

Step 1. Memorize a new sentence or two every day and use it as part of your daily conversation

Start by learning the most common and well-known words and phrases, including:

  • Bonjour - bon-jshor

    Hi good morning

  • Bonsoir - bon-swarh

    Good evening

  • Bonne nuit - bon-nwee

    good night

  • Au revoir - ohr-vwah

    Until we meet again

  • Salut - sa-loo

    Hi / See you later, See you [informal]

  • S'il vous plaît - see voo play

    Please [formal]

  • S'il te plaît - see you play

    Please [informal]

  • Merci (beaucoup) - mair-see (boh-koo)

    Thank you (thank you very much)

  • Je vous en prie - zhuh voo zawn pree

    Please [formal]

  • De rien - duh ree-ahn

    You're welcome / Not at all [informal]

Speak Basic French Step 02
Speak Basic French Step 02

Step 2. Learn to continue speaking after exchanging greetings in French

You can read some useful questions below. Note that informal phrases are the ones you will use when talking to friends, family and children; it would be better to use the formal ones when addressing someone older than you or you don't know, such as foreigners, teachers, parents of your friends and anyone else you would like to speak to very politely and respectfully.

  • Comment allez-vous? - koh-mawn tahl-ay voo

    How are you? [official]

  • Ça va? - sah vah

    How are you? [informal]

  • (Très) bien - (treh) bee-ahn

    (Very good

  • (Pas) mal - (pah) mahl

    (Not bad

  • Malade - mah-lahd


  • That age as-tu?

    How old are you?

  • J'ai (number) ans

    I am (number) years old

  • Comment vous appelez-vous? - koh-mawn voo zah-play voo

    What is his name? [official]

  • Tu t'appelles comment? - tew tah-pell koh-mawn

    What's your name? What's your name? [informal]

  • Où habitez-vous? - ooh ah-bee-tay voo

    Where does he live? [official]

  • Où habites-tu? - tew ah-beet ooh

    Where do you live? [informal]

  • Vous êtes d'où? - voo zet doo

    Where from? [official]

  • Tu es d'où? - tew ay doo

    where are you from? [informal]

  • Parlez-vous anglais? - par-lay voo on-glay

    Speak English? [official]

  • Tu parles anglais? - tew spoke on-glay

    Do you speak English? [informal]

Speak Basic French Step 03
Speak Basic French Step 03

Step 3. Tell people about yourself

Here are some ways to answer some of the questions you just learned to ask:

  • Je m'appelle _ - zhuh mah-pell

    My name is _

  • J'habite à _ - zhah-beet ah

    I live in / a _

  • Je suis de _ - zhuh swee duh

    I'm from _

  • l'Angleterre - lawn-gluh-tair


  • le Canada - kah-nah-dah


  • les États-Unis - ay-tah-zew-nee

    The United States

  • the Allemagne - lahl-mawn-yuh


  • Je (ne) parle (pas) _ - zhuh (nuh) parl (pah)

    (I do not talk _

  • français - frahn-say


  • anglais - on-glay


Speak Basic French Step 04
Speak Basic French Step 04

Step 4. Practice every day

Here is a collection of other questions and phrases that might be helpful if you travel to a French-speaking country.

  • Comment? - kohm-mawn

    What? Excuse me?

  • Comprenez-vous? - kohm-pren-ay-voo

    Understood? [official]

  • Do you comprends? - tew kohm-prawn

    Did you understand? [informal]

  • Je (ne) comprends (pas) - zhuh (nuh) kohm-prawn (pah)

    (I do not understand

  • Comment dit-on _ en français? - kohm-mawn dee-tohn _ on frahn-say

    How do you say it in French?

  • Je ne sais pas - zhuhn say pah

    I do not know

  • What sont _? - ooh sohn

    Where am I _?

  • Voila! - vwah-lah


  • Où east _? - ooh huh

    Where is it _?

  • Voici _ - vwah-see

    Here there is _

  • Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça? - kess kuh seh kuh sah

    What is that?

  • Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? - kess keel-ee-ah

    What's the problem?

  • Je suis malade. - zhuh swee mah-lahd

    I'm sick

  • Je suis fatigué (e) - zhuh swee fah-tee-gay (you must add 'e' if you are female - but pronounced the same way)

    I am tired

  • J'ai soif - zhay swahf

    I'm thirsty

  • J'ai faim - zhay fawn

    I am hungry

  • Qu'est-ce qui se passe? - kess kee suh pahs

    What is happening?

  • Je n'ai aucune idée - zhuh neh oh-kewn ee-day

    I have no idea

  • Tu m'attires - "too ma-teer"

    I am attracted to you

  • Tu es attirant (e) - too ey ah-teer-an (t) (if you're telling a girl, be sure to say the t at the end. Avoid saying the t if you're talking to a guy).

    You are attractive

Speak Basic French Step 05
Speak Basic French Step 05

Step 5. Label the items around the house

Try writing the word in French on a flashcard with the pronunciation on the other side and simply attach it to the correct object; turn it upside down if you want to remember the pronunciation without becoming addicted to the "Englishized" spelling of words. Here are some ideas of objects to put the label on:

  • l'étagère - lay-tah-zhehr


  • la fenêtre - fuh-neh-truh


  • la porte - port


  • the chaise - shehzh


  • the ordinateur - lor-dee-nah-tur


  • la chaîne hi fi - shen-hi-fi


  • la télévision - tay-lay-vee-zee-ohn


  • le réfrigérateur - 'ray-gratis-zhay-rah-tir'


  • le congélateur - kon-zhay-lah-tur


  • la cuisinière - kwee-zeen-yehr



  • If you find it difficult, you can start with "I don't speak French": "Je ne parle pas le français". It is pronounced Je = Jeuu; ne = neuu; speak = speak; pas = pa; le = leuu; français = fransay.
  • Read books in French like Le Fantom de the work of Gaston Leroux. They will help you understand the language more.
  • When asking a question, remember to stress your voice on each syllable: a French person will sense that you are asking a question and will likely be able to understand it better.
  • The French language was designed to be spoken very quickly. Try renting or buying French movies or DVDs dubbed into French, so you can get used to hearing and understanding sentences even when they are spoken quickly.
  • The subjects have articles like "a" or "une", which are masculine and feminine: "un garçon (a boy)" and "une fille (a girl)". The subjects are female or male. The articles "le" or "la" are definite: "la glace (ice cream, which is feminine in French)" and "le livre (the book)". If the subject is plural, use "les": "les garçons (the boys)". Use "l '" if the subject begins with a vowel: "l'école (the school)".
  • Remember to use formal phrases when talking to people you want to show respect to, such as strangers, professors, executives, etc. Use informal phrases only when talking to children, friends or family members or others you want to be rude to.
