Regular horseback riding is the most effective way to keep yourself in great shape and get better and better. With strong muscles you will be half the battle, but it is equally important to train the brain and eyes, have good balance and be able to control the body as the horse moves. If you don't exercise regularly, you won't be in the best shape to ride. You can do the following exercises every day to stretch, strengthen and tone the muscle groups needed for horseback riding.
Method 1 of 3: Specific Exercises to Prepare Hips and Legs

Step 1. Do exercises on stairs or a step
If you don't have any ladders available, you can use a step or portable ladder. Climb on the first step. Initially leaning against the handrail or other. While supporting yourself, try to find a good balance by supporting yourself only on the toes. Slowly straighten and lower your heels until you feel your calves pulling. Does it look familiar to you? This exercise recreates the movement on the stirrup. Hold the position for 10 seconds.
- This exercise will not only improve the position, but also the balance.
- Now, try letting go of the handrail - it will take some practice. Try it until you can balance for 2 seconds, then 5, and so on. Increase the time as you progress.

Step 2. Try doing a strengthening exercise with the help of a wall
It is a variation of the stairs exercise. Approach any wall and push your foot against the surface about ½ or ¾ of the position it would have in the stirrups. Hold the position for 3 seconds, then relax him leaving him leaning against the wall.
Repeat 5 times. Once you get better, you can hold the position longer and do more repetitions

Step 3. Try exercising your hip adductors with a beach ball
Use any rubber or plastic ball, the important thing is that it has a diameter of at least 30 cm. Look for a sturdy chair that allows your knees to make a right angle to the floor, then move to the edge so your thighs are free, not resting on the seat. Squeeze the ball between your knees. Hold for 15 seconds, then relax. Do this several times a day until you can repeat the exercise 15 times with ease, then 20, 30, and so on.
It is a very useful exercise to improve the ability to hold on to the horse with the thighs. It strengthens the inner thigh muscles. You can also go to the gym and use the hip adductor machine. Before getting back on horseback, many athletes forced to take a break from horseback riding have found various benefits with the regular use of this tool. In fact, this machine improves the preparation of the physique and prevents the pain inside the thigh, typical when you restart riding after a long break
Method 2 of 3: Strengthen the Core

Step 1. Two or three times a day, dedicate 5 minutes to sit-ups
If you prefer other ab exercises, like crunches, go for them. Riding well requires some abdominal strength. This means that these muscles are needed to balance and hold up the horse with your legs when needed.
Sit-ups with an exercise ball are 20% more effective

Step 2. Try yoga
While not practicing this discipline regularly, performing some key positions, such as boat, half boat or warrior, for a few seconds a day can improve your fitness.
You will also have another benefit: performing these movements correctly can strengthen your back and improve posture. They also help to open the shoulders, a positive result for those who tend to hunch over

Step 3. Try to have good posture
When sitting in front of the computer or watching television, it is easy to neglect posture, but you should take advantage of these moments to train your back and shoulder muscles. Just sit straight and open your chest. Horseback riding is an aerobic activity - the longer you can maintain your posture, the better you will be at riding.

Step 4. Do reverse sit-ups
It is a good exercise for the back and the middle part of the body. Unlike yoga, it doesn't require a lot of coordination. Lie on your back and bend your knees. Now, instead of lifting your torso, lift your knees up towards your head. Do as many reps as you would with classic sit-ups. This movement is preferable for the abdominals and does not shorten the hip flexors (it is important that they are flexible for riding).

Step 5. Test the plank position
It is often considered a yoga asana and is great for the core muscles of the body. Get into position as if you want to do a push-up. Instead of leaning on your hands, stand on your forearms. Push yourself up so that only your toes and forearms touch the floor. Contract the "core", ie the muscles of the corset, and keep your back straight. Make sure you don't arch your lower back or lean your hips towards the floor.
- Hold for about 45 seconds and repeat a few times a day. If you feel discomfort in your lower back when leaning on your elbows, start with an easier version: hold the initial position of a push-up, with your arms extended.
- Practice plank position while riding a running horse like a jockey and hold the equine by the neck for comfort for both of you. This will allow the forearms to help you balance on the horse for 20 seconds.
- This position is also useful for those who practice show jumping and are preparing to jump.
Method 3 of 3: Keeping fit

Step 1. Don't neglect any muscle groups
In horse riding it is necessary to have a toned body in general. Try to do shoulder and arm exercises as well. Many top-level athletes have a small set of dumbbells and lift weights a few times a day.

Step 2. Take care of the horse
Massage it well with a curry comb. Bring buckets of water and hay. Take care of maintenance, such as cleaning the horse's stable or paddock and moving the wheelbarrow as needed. All these activities allow you to keep fit, so the stable will be a kind of free gym.

Step 3. Try to do aerobics at least 3 times a week
You don't have to be able to run a marathon, but you do have to be relatively dry and snappy. Aim for 20-30 minutes of running 3 times a week to build stamina and maintain a healthy weight.

Step 4. Improve Muscle Endurance:
it is a very important factor to ride well. Running should help you develop good aerobic endurance, but you also need to develop it from a muscular point of view. You can start doing weight training. Use less weight, but do more reps. Keeping fit is great, but if you don't have the stamina you won't go anywhere.

Step 5. Always stretch before and after a workout
Set aside time to warm up and cool down. Focus on targeted groin and thigh exercises (such as the butterfly position) to maintain good flexibility and reduce stiffness. Make sure you do all the exercises slowly and carefully.
According to some studies, passive and static stretching before a workout can reduce stability and strength. If you really need to stretch before exercising, warm up with dynamic stretches focused on the inner thigh

Step 6. Try doing pull-ups, push-ups, and other back exercises
Swimming also helps. Many beginner and intermediate level athletes focus too much on abdominal strength, so they end up leaning forward when riding. Counter this trend: Exercise your back muscles and practice to also learn to lean backwards when riding. Try to always maintain a correct posture according to the progress of the ride.
- Strengthen your legs: they are necessary to keep you in the saddle.
- In addition to stretching, always warm up before riding. Remember that stretching and warming up are very different and have different purposes. Warming up prepares your muscles and increases their blood supply for training.
- You can also practice riding bareback - it will help you get into a natural position and strengthen your thighs.
- Also try to dress the right way. Wear riding trousers, a comfortable T-shirt, suitable boots with a heel of at least 2 cm, riding gloves to protect your hands from the reins and a helmet with certification approved by the competent authorities.
- Be relaxed when riding. Some horses think tension is an invitation to go faster.