There are many ways to tell a woman in Spanish that she is beautiful; however, some phrases are considered slang, while others may imply that she is a "girl" or that she is "pretty", which may offend some ladies. For these reasons, it is worth knowing the differences.
Part 1 of 3: Saying "Beautiful Woman" in Spanish

Step 1. Pronounce "hermosa mujer"
These simple words are the exact translation of "beautiful woman" in Spanish. To say "beautiful girl", you can use the expression "niña hermosa".
- The sound of the words is "ermosa muher". The letter "h" of hermosa is not pronounced, while the "j" is an aspirated and somewhat guttural sound, the final letter "r" is not hard and slightly vibrating. The word "niña" is pronounced "nigna".
- Another way to express the same concept, especially in Spain, is "eres hermosa" which means "you are very beautiful". You can also use "eres preciosa", to make your interlocutor understand that she is beautiful or "eres atractiva", which means "you are attractive". The verb "eres" is pronounced just as it is written.

Step 2. Say "estas bella"
It is an alternative expression that keeps the same meaning; you can also use the adjective "hermosa" and form the phrase "estas hermosa". If you want to add emphasis to your statement, try saying "eres muy hermosa", meaning "you are very beautiful".
- The first sentence is pronounced "estàs beiia". The letter "ll" in Spanish does not read as a double "L", but as a sound in its own right similar to "gli" but with little emphasis on the "g" which is hardly heard; if you want to express the correct concept, it is therefore important not to make mistakes when articulating the word "beautiful".
- To say "good morning, beautiful lady", you should use the phrase "hola señora hermosa". The phrase is pronounced "ola sigora ermosa" and should be addressed to a mature woman.

Step 3. Study the pronunciation of consonants and vowels in Spanish
They don't differ much from Italian, but there are some important differences; for example, there are the letters "ñ", "ll" and "j" with very particular sounds.
- You can find audio files online that allow you to hear the exact pronunciation. This is the best way to practice; that way, people understand exactly what you mean.
- Vibrate the "r". Say the word "roast"; although double consonants are not used in Spanish, this word gives you an idea of how to make the vibrating sound of the letter "r". Place the tip of the tongue behind the incisors of the upper arch, on the edge of the roof of the mouth. This sound is called "alveolar"; from this position vibrate the tongue against the palate.
Part 2 of 3: Using Slang Words to Tell a Woman She's Beautiful or Pretty

Step 1. Express to a woman that he is pretty or to a man that he is handsome / pretty
Maybe you want to fill the world with compliments! If your interlocutor is a good-looking man, you can use the word "guapo". If it is a woman, the phrase "eres guapa" makes her understand that you consider her "pretty"; if you want to make her understand that she is really beautiful, you can use the expression "eres deslumbrante".
- These expressions are not considered slang, but correspond roughly to the Italian one "you are comely". The words "guapo" and "guapa" are pronounced exactly as they are spelled.
- Remember that the term must match the gender of the person. If you are talking to a woman, you must use the word "guapa" with the final "-a". Just like in Italian, most of the adjectives in Spanish change their ending based on gender and number; generally, those ending in "-o" are masculine, while those ending in "-a" are feminine.
- You can also use this word in the phrase "hola, guapa" or "hola, guapo" which means "hello, beautiful" or "hello, beautiful".

Step 2. Use other terms to express the concept of "cute" and "pretty"
One of these is "bonito" for a man and "bonita" for a woman; the word can be inserted into a sentence as an adjective or noun.
- If you say "chica bonita", you are telling a girl that she is pretty and you should pronounce it like "cica bonita"; it is an informal expression.
- You may hear some Spaniards mixing English terms in their sentences, for example: "Hey, bonita! How's it’s going?" which means "Hello pretty, how are you?". The expression "tienes una sonrisa muy bonita" translates to "you have a beautiful smile".

Step 3. Try using the term "linda"
It's another way to tell a girl or woman that you think she is cute or pretty.
- It is pronounced just as it is written; also remember that it is an adjective and that it must be agreed based on the gender and number of the noun. You can also use it for a man, but in this case you have to say "neat". The expression "muchacha linda" means "pretty girl".
- It can also be used in reference to objects; for example the sentence: "Me bought unas flores lindas" means "He bought me some beautiful flowers". Or "¡Qué vestido más lindo!" means "What a beautiful dress!".
Part 3 of 3: Saying "Woman" or "Girl" in Spanish

Step 1. Say the correct words for "girl" and "woman" in Spanish
There are several expressions, especially for the term "girl", while for "woman" the options are more limited. Knowing the differences allows you to understand how to express a compliment without offending your interlocutor.
- To address a woman of a certain age, use the word "señora". The exact translation of "woman" is "mujer" which in the plural is "mujeres". Remember that the letter "j" is aspirated, it looks a bit like the aspirated "c" of the Tuscan dialect.
- The slang term for "woman" is "chica"; however, there are other terms that have a negative connotation and it is therefore better not to use them.
- For the word "girl" the choice is much wider. Some are "niña" or "nena" which are used more with girls and young adolescents. The terms "muchacha" or "chica" are mostly aimed at older girls, who are closer to twenty.

Step 2. Learn the various dialect terms for the word "girl"
Spanish jargon varies a lot by country; in fact there are many countries in which this language is spoken.
- For example, in Bolivia and in certain areas of Argentina the term "changa" is used, in Mexico and other Central American nations "chava".
- In Costa Rica the word "cabra" is used. In Peru and Ecuador the term "girl" translates as "chibola", in Venezuela and Nicaragua a girl is called "chama" or "chamita".
- Make sure the compliment is welcome; for example, inelegant appreciations and whistles in the street annoy women.
- Some mature women may be offended if you call them "girls", take their age into consideration.